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Kanye West – Runaway Lyrics 13 years ago
I love how everyone says auto tune sucks and it's dead and they mostly blame Kanye and 808s and <3breaks. The last three minutes sound like Kanye is really destroying the conventional auto tune sound. It's beautiful, deconstructionist art.

The National – England Lyrics 14 years ago
I'm pretty sure that Matt Berringer purposely mumbles his lyrics somewhat so that people hear different things. Or at least they hear what they want to hear. He's always talking about he doesn't want the lyrics to have too literal of a meaning, especially on this album. So I wouldn't read too much into the difference between "summer sent a runner" or "someone send a runner." It's both and neither of those.

mewithoutYou – Silencer Lyrics 14 years ago
I can't believe no one else has mentioned this, but I've always heard that this was written when Aaron Weiss was seriously contemplating suicide. It was meant to be a suicide note ... at least that's what I've heard ... from a pretty reliable source. It's obvious from other mwY songs that Aaron struggled for a long time with committing suicide. I think he struggled with the urge to kill himself up until he "died." I don't even like to say that he was born again because I don't think Aaron himself would say that. I think he still considers himself dead: "I do not exist, only you exist." That's just something that I've gathered from his lyrics, but I could be wrong. The suicide note thing is actually from a pretty reliable source.

This song is amazing though, no matter how you look at it.

Bon Iver – RE: Stacks Lyrics 15 years ago
I can see a lot of Hemmingway-ness in this song actually. The idea of using a simple and, seemingly, meaningless experience to describe something utterly life-changing and crushingly emotional. Like the part about the crow having his keys and faking a toss. Most people would think of the experience of a crow taking your keys as annoying, maybe even funny, but it seems that the experience brought him to a realization about himself and the loss that he's been ignoring for so long. Same with the part about seeing his soul at the poker table. Your soul's hard to find when you know it, but easy to see "when your money's gone and you drunk as hell." These are all the kind of situations that Hemingway uses to trigger incredibly emotional experiences and realizations in his characters.

And, like Hemingway, Justin never really explains fully what those realizations or experiences are, he just leaves it up to personal interpretation. I think the music, at least for this song, would also fit quite well with the mood of most Hemingway stories. One I would recommend in particular is "Big Two-Hearted River," this song reminds me of that story and the situation of the story's protagonist.

And I'm not Hemingway's biggest fan or anything, but he is a very interesting American author.

Fleet Foxes – Oliver James Lyrics 15 years ago
It's definitely "clean his face," not his faith.

And this song does seem to be about a child drowning. When, looked at with that interpretation it's pretty sad and dark. I think he's the father trying to console the mother in the "Walk with me..." part saying, "love for the one you know more." Maybe a strange way of saying, "At least we still have each other," and she knows him more. But, they are still "emptier."

The Strokes – Last Nite Lyrics 15 years ago
I'm thinking this song is a lot deeper than what everyone here seems to think. It's very ambiguous, but deep. It's a brief observation of how people do strange things that don't make any sense and no one can or will ever understand why. Why does a person suddenly get "down" or depressed? Why do we feel the need to walk out the door on someone in need? Why do we have that urge to just not get involved or be self-focused when it comes to other peoples troubles? We "feel left out," but only because we choose to be.

The character in this song seems to have a sudden realization of the how strange it all is and he comes to the conclusion that no one will ever figure it out completely. People in general, Girlfriends or anyone you have a close, personal relationship with they don't understand, they can't. And your grandsons, the future generations, even when they're living on spaceships, they won't understand either. We don't understand ourselves and "on top of this I ain't ever gonna understand."

I know that's a lot taken out of such a simple song. Maybe I'm just making something out of nothing, but a song is what you make it.

The Strokes – Last Nite Lyrics 15 years ago
No. You don't.

Danielson – Ship The Majestic Suffix Lyrics 15 years ago
In the fifth stanza from the end, I'm pretty sure it should be "Armageddon," not "our men again." "Our men again" really make no sense, whereas "armageddon" makes perfect sense with the context of the song.

Danielson – Two Sitting Ducks Lyrics 15 years ago
This song defines epic. I've truly never heard a song that ends as powerfully as this one. It's like a controlled chaos that grows more chaotic and more controlled at the same time until it hits an unbelievable crescendo.

As far as the meaning goes I don't think it's too hard to grasp with the knowledge that Danielson (Daniel Smith) is a Christian artist and his songs are a means of expressing his faith, beliefs, struggles, and praise. This song focuses on the how messed up we all are. How flawed we are as human beings. But, also how God forgave and forgot through his son. I'm thinking the first part is about how so many people go through these amazing conversions, like becoming a Christian and giving their lives to God, but then, soon enough, we forget all about the commitments we make.

In the beginning he's saying "I'm gonna make you my priority," and, "You can count on me." But then, he goes on to say, "but it's killin me," and eventually "I'm gone." He has far too much to do and too much planned to live for God and make that his priority.

From there the verses become increasingly desperate and the narrator becomes more and more broken by his decision. BUT, as he chants "I'm gone" for the last time and the music wails in desperation everything is changed and "Two forgetful, forgiving folks tear down the walls in us all." Those two folks seem to represent the Father and the Son, Jesus dying so that all our brokenness can be forgiven and forgotten, so all the walls within can be torn down. And the music changes as well too calamity and power, a representation of the incredible thing that Christians believe took place on that day.

But, that's just my opinion. No matter how you look at it though, this song is pure genius.

The Rocket Summer – That's so you Lyrics 15 years ago
3) You forgot the part about him having a wife. A very attractive one at that.

The Rocket Summer – Christmas Present Lyrics 15 years ago
I'm almost positive that in the hidden track he says, "if that's real," not "that's real." It's very subtle so you have to listen close, but it makes more sense with the context of the song since the man who is speaking is doubting the whole Jesus thing. It's like he's saying, "if Jesus is actually real, why would He even want a drunk worthless beggar like myself?"

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