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Damien Rice – Woman Like a Man Lyrics 15 years ago
Damien explained this song a little at his Sao Paulo show (, saying that he loved a girl, and was angry with her without really realizing it until she didn't sleep with him when he went to visit her. So it seems like the "cheaper ticket" lines refer to him being angry that he exhausted a bunch of his own resources trying to pursue her when clearly she didn't feel the way that he feels about her. I agree with some of the posts up here about the song being about self introspection and pointing out the gender differences involved in a sexual relationship. In that youtube video, Damien states that his hate and anger about the situation came from actually feeling very strong love for the girl. It was only through his view that they're feelings were inadequately matched-- and feeling put out and unloved-- that allowed him to compare her to how men often treat women. Thus, the song becomes a criticism of the playboy lifestyle (possibly his own) as well as an expression of his anger about his own rejection by a girl.

This song also points out one of the things I've often thought about Damien, which is the possibility that his feelings are fleeting. He said he loved this girl a lot, but if that is true, how could he write such a scathing and angry song about her? The lines "I'll get a cheaper ticket next time" and "it wasn't worth the ride" are extremely malicious and hurtful. To me, it just shows that his feelings weren't that genuine to begin with. I mean, who falls in love with a cashier at a grocery store, anyway?? (I'm citing I Remember, btw, for those of you less-versed Damien fans.) Probably an over-analysis, but I think when you listen to a large body of an artist's work, you start to get a sense of who they are.

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