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Andrew Bird – Banking on a Myth Lyrics 15 years ago
I think Mr. Bird is telling this story from the viewpoint of monsters, ie. vampires-- (you know the kind that walk all over the earth) and referencing the lukewarm liquid diet of mayhap trying to hide in plain sight. AND the films, books and role-playing games that reveal the hidden monster culture and the power struggles taking place; but they do it in such a way that people are taking all of their myths to the bank and cashing in, revealing all their secrets in such a manner that nobody believes they are real. (I was a "gamer-widow" for 11 years, that shit just rubs off.)

Andrew Bird – Tenuousness Lyrics 15 years ago
Re: Thriggles "Which just makes me think of hobbits (hot hobbits, or maybe even hobbit sots?)..."

Well, he did said "Bbaaaaddd" in a kinda way that conoted sexy or in a "dirty" kinda way. ;)

Andrew Bird – Souverian Lyrics 15 years ago
It could be about Cuthulu and Innsmouth on the shore... Mayhap he is a fan of HP Lovecraft.

Or it could about acts of Hubris, the river Styx, and bending the branches down could be about Tantalus being stuck in Hades being unable to reach the fruit and water...

BTW--he seems to have morphed the lyrics from the 1st stanza lately into:
"The church steeples pushing higher" instead of the printed lyrics of catching fire.

Andrew Bird – Fitz and the Dizzyspells Lyrics 15 years ago
Thus, with this "surface intepretation"... Cast your own could simply be what he said to his Dad on the fishing trip: I'm too sick to be a good little soldier and go out to the river / lake with you... go on Cast your Own FISHING LINE! That is hilarious to me!
Diving deeper into his surface description of his own song... (thriggle you will love this one, I think.) It could be he was speaking of his Dad, meaning the universal Father or creator, food poisoning was eating of the apple of knowledge, which then thrust him away from his Barn of Eden, causing him to wander as a lost soldier, trying to soldier on trying to cast his own net ( the whole, fishing stories about Jesus and the fishermen apostles stuff.) O-- or that the nightshade that gets in the word of goodness and kindness and morphs into biggotry, you know when people try to use faith to justify in the judgements of other peoples behaviors. Then Cast your Own could mean, be nice, and cast your own stones first.

Andrew Bird – Armchairs Lyrics 15 years ago
So that would mean there is no time like the present? Or Time is a gift mayhap?

Or in conjuntion with being a cartographer to someone's hair-- the bow could be the crooked hair bow of a wpman, signifying the passing of time as she ages trying to keep a part of her youth; but her attempts are a little askew.

And we haven't even begun to explore the concept of it being the crooked bow of a ship... I guess because he says bow and not bow as in bough we know it's not that...
nice tangets Thriggle!

Andrew Bird – Tenuousness Lyrics 15 years ago
At his recent Denver performance ( I was in town and a lucky girl because I got a tix) he mentioned that Hobis-Hots was a word from a made up language he made with his friend when they were kids. His friend happened to be in the audience that night.
He couldn't remember its exact meaning; but said he seemed to recall they( Hobis-Hots) were "baaaaddd."

Andrew Bird – Fitz and the Dizzyspells Lyrics 15 years ago
Maestro Bird has mentioned a couple of different meanings for this song over the past few months. While at his performance in Denver, he spoke of a fishing trip with his Dad where he got horrible food poisoning. And he was amazed at his bodies reaction to expelling the toxins.
In Seattle he mentioned it is his "barn burner" song, and live it is estastic, more so than on the album.

I think it is very fun to say the word aubergine (eggplant) aloud. It flows nicely from the mouth, and creates a natural smile when it leaves.

Andrew Bird – Armchairs Lyrics 15 years ago
sorry. short but sweet... still working a bit...

I agree that the time is a crooked bow lyric can indeed carry several meanings. And the brillance of said lyric is that is can indeed shift and change over time, becoming its own manifestation. It can shift to be a cooked or bent arrow, perhaps suggesting a Jacksonian Trail of Tears, or a crooked bow tie eluding to an old-fashioned courting ritual... you know the magical ones of your grandparents during WWII.mmmmmm... I'll save that story for later, it's a little off point here.

Cansei de Ser Sexy – Music Is My Hot Hot Sex Lyrics 15 years ago
Thanks Sugar Kisses1...
This, I think is the most accurate translation...

It's portuguese not spanish.
The translation says somewhat something like this:
Of course
I was a girl scout
Straight from school, no?
I wasn't gun smell glue
Or basketball, pebolim.
What I like isn't free
What I like isn't humbug
I have guittars, drums, computers all blasting music.
Some say higher than a hurricane
Next to him I could feel
Came from your eye and got to me
Sitting next to you
I wanted to get close
I made a earthen bowl until the sun came out.
Under the covers
He moaned in E notes
He is way rad/cool but I know I am too.

Andrew Bird – Natural Disaster Lyrics 15 years ago
Last night I caught AB's interview and performance on WNYC and it seems I am much closer with the above thought than the below. (shakes head.)

Andrew Bird – Tenuousness Lyrics 15 years ago
Thanks Patm. My tangents seem very "tangentendal" now. *chuckle* I wish one delete your one's own posts.

Andrew Bird – Natural Disaster Lyrics 15 years ago
ok-- I can't help it.. I have more...

OR... "Anthurium Lacrimae decays" could be beauty-inducing tears in witnessing the strange but wonderous parasitic nature of Anthurium ( or Orchid ) species of flowers that wrap themselves up and thrive in Trees.

Either way it describes so amazingly the theme of the ongoing cycles of decaying and parasitic phonomena in nature that is constantly spinning and evolving into new beautiful things and isn't that the true essence of everything. ( lol- I swear I am neither stoned nor drunk.)

Andrew Bird – Natural Disaster Lyrics 15 years ago
reposted from an offshot of Tenuousness conversation:

The word macrame does seem to be "woven" ( ha-- I slay me.) into Noble Beast in Nomenclature as well. But for the typist to typo macrame into lacrimae seems a bit unlikely to me. Plural of lacrimal glands = the tear ducts, which, when put into the context of his visitation to the nest of dermestid beetles and the odor he mentions when describing his experience, I gather he means it smelled so bad it brought tears to his eyes! ( maybe I should copy this into Natural Disaster...)

Andrew Bird – Tenuousness Lyrics 15 years ago
The word macrame does seem to be "woven" ( ha-- I slay me.) into Noble Beast in Nomenclature as well. But for the typist to typo macrame into lacrimae seems a bit unlikely to me. Plural of lacrimal glands = the tear ducts, which, when put into the context of his visitation to the nest of dermestid beetles and the odor he mentions when describing his experience, I gather he means it smelled so bad it brought tears to his eyes! ( maybe I should copy this into Natural Disaster...)

oh-- BUT! If we are working on the assumptions of typos THEN I go back to my original "mocked" view that he sings HAHBAH SORTS, with a Downeast Maine accent (even though he is from Chicago.) That he did it in an accent purposefully, because he is referring to a specific Port or someone he knows from that area.) He is that clever. *big chuckles*

Andrew Bird – Dissent Lyrics 15 years ago
This is such a lovely walk down Sectionate City. It's as if the alleyway took you to a harbor filled with humpback whales that decided to just have a sit and a chat with you in the sunshine for a bit.

Andrew Bird – Not a Robot, But a Ghost Lyrics 15 years ago
It is How's my View.

Listening to the NPR chat, he spoke about his blogging on the NYT Measure for Measure blog, and some critques he had been getting there about what he should do, and how he felt like, this is just me living and it reminded him of those bumper stickers on the back of trucks that say "How's my driving? You can call 1-800..."

Andrew Bird – Tenuousness Lyrics 15 years ago
hehe. It made sense at the time. I thought maybe he was referring to someone he knew... but I now conceed to the above Hobis-hots ( and the actual lyric liner from the booklet. ) *blush*

Andrew Bird – Anonanimal Lyrics 15 years ago

I think I hear "Posthumous", which works in the context of digesting and disecting too much. It makes me think of post show moments when he meets and talks to fans and the random chit-chat that occurs. And I am sure that people will randomly make some comment about a transition or ask "Why didn't you play etc?" You know the small critques....and how they can creep in if you let them.

Which is really fantastic when you stop to think about it because that is exactly what we are \ I am doing here at this very moment. Posthumously trying to disect his work.

Andrew Bird – Souverian Lyrics 15 years ago
For some reason, this song reminds me of the Smashing Pumpkins song Today.

Etymology:From Old French soverain

Souverain= french used as noun or adjective = sovereign= Exceptional in quality.

Of course...he just could have made up the word because it sounded right too. (smirk)

Andrew Bird – Tenuousness Lyrics 15 years ago
ok. Listened more via NPR...

It is absoltely "Harbor-sorts"... but you have to hear is with a New England Down East Maine accent.
LMAO-- that's awesome.

And I now concur that it is "Ports a lot"... because that is where "Harbah sarts" tend to hang out.

That is funny.

Andrew Bird – Not a Robot, But a Ghost Lyrics 15 years ago
“Not a Robot, But a Ghost,” on “Noble Beast.” It’s a breakup song, anchored in the disconnected feeling Bird experienced after the end of his most recent relationship — or more specifically, how he felt when he heard a powerful piece of music while in the throes of that post-breakup funk: having been moved by the music, he no longer felt like a robot, but he still felt like a ghost." NYT Mag 1/4/09.

Just to elborate on the above note. Thanks for the mention of the article.

Ah-- that fugue state that exists when you are so tired and broken by a breakup, and how music can help you connect the dots back to some newer, different version of yourself. Not to ever be the same specifically, you have to create some newer form of self from the experience. For me, the song was the Bends by Radiohead. I have to say, the whole article just made my heart break for him.

Andrew Bird – Nomenclature Lyrics 15 years ago
I think this songs extends to more than just artists; but to our actual heritages and older more simple ways of lives that has been forgotten about. As time ticks away, and we all "melt" more into this melting pot of America, we loose the valuable resource of our elders, their names--- nomenclature, their traditions, their very stories and with that the beauty and art are washing away. It sure compells me to pick up my french lessons again.

Andrew Bird – Masterswarm Lyrics 15 years ago
Random thought--->

If something is sure to miss-spell disaster \ disastre wouldn't that imply he means the opposite of disaster.
If disaster is miss-spelled than it by the very act of misspelling it, it would then NOT be a disaster....

Andrew Bird – Tenuousness Lyrics 15 years ago
OK-- So I am only going off of 1 You Tube vid of this for now, so I may change my mind when I get the disk and can process it better...

but I hear...
"hotless hots" who hang around with Poets a lot.-- UH huh.
I am sure about the Uh-huh part. (chuckle)

I also hear while tuneless men will scratch their beards.

Andrew Bird – Masterswarm Lyrics 15 years ago
Random thought--->

If something is sure to miss-spell disaster \ disastre wouldn't that imply he means the opposite of disaster.
If disaster is miss-spelled than it by the very act of misspelling it, it would then NOT be a disaster....

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