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Dredg – Before It Began Lyrics 13 years ago
This song is about Gavin meeting his biological father. "the same strut was in his walk. the same fire was in his eyes"

Dredg – The Thought of Losing You Lyrics 13 years ago
This is song, like Upon Returning, is about Gavin's sister who is in the military. Listen to the song gain with that in mind.

Dredg – Whoa Is Me Lyrics 14 years ago
This song is lyrically (along with most of the songs on El Cielo), inspired by letters that the band received from people who suffer from Sleep Paralysis. Read the letter, then this song will make sense.

Dredg – Catch Without Arms Lyrics 14 years ago
To me the term "catch without arms" is just a metaphor. I think that "catch" or playing catch, in this case is music, and "arms" are the essentials. The art, the meaning, the thought. So he's saying that many of the artists today sell-out with crappy, non-thought out music just to make some money. They're playing catch without arms.

Thrice – Beggars Lyrics 15 years ago
I was referring more to the sound of the song than the lyrical content.

Thrice – In Exile Lyrics 15 years ago
My heart is filled with songs of "forever".

Of the land that I've been longing for as long as I've lived

Where there'll be no pain or tears anymore.

That's the way i interpret it. Of course i don't think songs really ever have an objective meaning i think you take what you can from good or bad and there you go the artist has just inspired you whether you understand it the way others do or not.

Thrice – Beggars Lyrics 15 years ago
This song left me feeling like crap, in a good way. Depressing album.

Thrice – The Great Exchange Lyrics 15 years ago
Dustin needs to be like a novelist or something because the dude can write some deep literature. This, Burn the fleet, The Whaler, etc.

Thrice – Doublespeak Lyrics 15 years ago
For me this song is just about denying the suffering going on and thinking that avoiding the truth of the cruelty of the world will bring you peace but it doesn't

Thrice – Wood and Wire Lyrics 15 years ago
Geez how did I not catch onto this before. I listened to this song this morning and realized that it's about someone receiving the death penalty.

Thrice – Wood and Wire Lyrics 15 years ago
Another song about the after life this time from the perspective of a prisoner I guess. I'm really liking the feel of this album

Thrice – Wood and Wire Lyrics 15 years ago
*believe me where men fear to tread

Thrice – In Exile Lyrics 15 years ago
This song is definitely about an afterlife. I love this album.

Thrice – Circles Lyrics 15 years ago
This is probably my favorite song off the album. And you know I never thought of it like that

"True progress means, matching the world to, the vision in our heads
We always change the vision instead "

That's the part the hit me the hardest.

Thrice – The Weight Lyrics 15 years ago
I have a feeling that the sound of this album is going to be a fusion of vheissu and TAA:Earth. We'll see. let's hope for no delays on the release.

Thrice – All The World Is Mad Lyrics 15 years ago
The meaning of this song is pretty self-explanatory. Sounded pretty sick at the warped tour. Can't wait to hear the studio version

Thrice – Open Water Lyrics 15 years ago
whether this is a reference to god or love, the metaphor is incredible. Such emotion. Just reading and imagining your own a lonely boat on the open water, it's frightening in a sense.

Thrice – Kings Upon The Main Lyrics 15 years ago
DUDE! this song is so empowering when you read the lyrics and pretend you're the sea. pwned. I do see how people can see a connection to god but I think it was mainly intended to be about the sea.

Thrice – The Flame Deluge Lyrics 15 years ago
Eh.... it's close. so I would still give them credit for the sonnet

Thrice – Of Dust And Nations Lyrics 15 years ago
Well actually it is a biblical reference but it's not neccesarily a claim to Christianity. It's not a bad thing for non-believers to quote the bible (not that Dustin is a non-believer). There are plenty of good life lessons in the bible in parables and such.

Dredg – Cartoon Showroom Lyrics 15 years ago
I really doubt it. The majority of the album is anti organized religion. It could be talking about good and evil in a sense. I'm not too sure about this song though.

Dredg – Ireland Lyrics 15 years ago
I can't tell if these is being almost sarcastic. From what I've read from dredg this doesn't seem to be Gavin's typical mindset. I'm not sure. It could be about the beauty of home and your normal life, or it could be ridicule of people who aren't willing to explore. I'm not quite sure.

Lil' Wayne – A Milli Lyrics 15 years ago
wow that comment pretty much sums up how great lil wayne is at brainwashing. And such a smart fellow he's made you.

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