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The Human League – The Path of Least Resistance Lyrics 14 years ago

This song is about how its better to at least move in a direction of cold logic and strategy than basically give up and throw in the towel.

It's sharply critical of people who give up to easilly.

The Human League – Open Your Heart Lyrics 14 years ago
Agreed. The song is about the joy of opening up, and how we should really be unafraid to do so. This song always makes me smile. :)

The Human League – Darkness Lyrics 14 years ago
An early Gothic synthpop masterpiece. :)

The Human League – Being Boiled Lyrics 14 years ago

The inherent hypocricy of authority using Buddhism as an example.

The Human League – Austerity/Girl One Lyrics 14 years ago

A critical monologue that vaguely references the last days of Marilyn Monroe, and her relationship with Joe DiMaggio.

Yes, seriously.

I've listened to this song, literally, upwards of several hundred times over the past 15-16 years trying to understand it. This is as close as i've gotten to decoding it.

Yes – Close to the Edge Lyrics 15 years ago
Fragile should be your next move. There's lots of good stuff in there, followed by the original self-titled Yes album from '70.

Yes – Close to the Edge Lyrics 15 years ago
Summary: The content and structure of the Universe is a recording of God's presence, and His relationship to us.

Exterior to Total Mass Retain, the rest of the "Close To The Edge" album is concerned with the passing of seasons. This is a metaphor for change, and how everything moves through different states of existence. Yeah, I know, here's where I start to sound a little fruity and hard to follow, like I'm in need of antipsychotic medication or something, by try and follow my logic here. :) I've spent hours and hours trying to wrap my brain around this one segment, and I think i've finally come up with a complete picture. :) Here goes! :)

The first four verses of Total Mass Retain concern our desire to step forward and open ourselves to learning about God. One's decision to discard their prior way of life and put their trust in God, and in faith, brings with it some confusion and frustration, but not enough to deter us from looking further. There are obvious Old Testament references in the lyrics here, which loosely connect us (the listener) to the book of Exodus---We all begin by wandering, compelled by our new faith and determination to continue. The last of the four lines are a direct (and respectful) reference to the content of the Bible through the eyes of someone just beginning to learn about God.

The next three verses regard those who haven't made the choice to transition into faith, and their fate. They're overtaken by the view of the world they've constructed and hold onto.. The life of an athiest (or agnostic, for that matter) contains a great deal of courage, as well as sadness. Courage to adhere to principles without a central overriding authority, and sadness over the state of imperfection. Those who haven't yet acknowledged God aren't evil, but more like infants, still attached to the "bible" of individual pursuit, and lack of internal fulfillment that only comes with acknowledging a greater power than yourself.

The next 4 lines refer to our emotional/spiritual proximity to God. At this stage in our journey of learning about God, we never really know how close or far away we are from Him. We learn later that this whole notion is basically void. We are always near God. There is no distance. There is no "over there" in relation to God. He's always with us, but we aren't totally aware of that fact as of yet, because we're so new.

The next 6 verses caution the listener into avoiding the common pitfalls of those who are new to the idea of faith, and acknowledgment of God... It warns against intellectual distraction. The final verse represents the boundary between skepticism and final acceptance of God. It's in observation that we see God, in everything. Finally, the pinnacle verse, "As we move from side to side we hear the total mass retain", we have the ability to compare the former and current versions of ourselves, the past and present, Moving over the line into God's domain, and back. The "edge" is the boundary between us and God, marked by the presence of our faith or lack thereof.

The last four verses refer to the cyclical nature of God' creation for us.. The seasons of life and death, renewal and decline. "I get up, I get down", can be applied universally to every state of our being, when you think about it. Sleep. Birth and death. The excitement of discovery, and the silence of contemplation.

The overriding theme of Total Mass Retain is our individual spirital awakening, and our understanding of our place within God's creation. All that God has created for us, he has left his imprint. We have a direct recording of God's conversation with us in the Bible, but the Bible is only a subset of the dialogue God has meant for us. We can know God, exterior to the Bible, by his creation. God has created a world for us in which nothing is truly destroyed---from supernovae explosion to the melting of an ice cube in your drink, it just changes form. We as human beings take one form, and move to the next, conserved. As part of God's creation, we're subject to the same transformative rules. We are part of the total mass of God's presence, our works comprising part of the whole, retained over time by God's love.

How cool is that! :)

Devo – Bamboo Bimbo Lyrics 15 years ago
Disturbed Vietnam vet with PTSD who came back to America with a thing for Vietnamese women.

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