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3OH!3 – I'm Not Your Boyfriend, Baby Lyrics 14 years ago
What is "You can catch me watching AI" ?
Artificial Intelligence?

Marianas Trench – Acadia Lyrics 14 years ago
Such a good song, <3

Also, I googled 1712 Acadia Road (Yes, road, not the country, as I was thinking also.)
It's in Vancouver, British Columbia, btw.

He's talking about how they tore his old house down, and there were lots of memories there.

Good Charlotte – Emotionless Lyrics 15 years ago
It's spelled 'Emotionless'
NOT 'EmotionAless'


Cash Cash – Party in Your Bedroom Lyrics 15 years ago
;LOL absolutely.

Cash Cash – Sugar Rush Lyrics 15 years ago
I always thought it was "You and your hooks" lol

Busted – Year 3000 Lyrics 15 years ago
LOL @ The Jonas Brothers did a cover of this song.
And change the lyrics.

Busted – Crashed The Wedding Lyrics 15 years ago

Jesus Christ.

If you don't like a band, WHY are you looking up their lyrics on here?
To post lame dissing comments?
That's so immature..

Also, very cute, catchy song.
i like the idea of it . =D

Son Of Dork – Murdered in the Mosh Lyrics 15 years ago
Why are you even looking up the lyrics if you don't like the band?
Really? Come on.

Either way, this song makes me laugh, and it's quite catchy.
it's also got a good message, in my opinion.
If you're going to claim to know a band, at least look up the lyrics or something, lol.

Son Of Dork – Eddie's Song Lyrics 15 years ago
i'm sorry but i just feel like pointing this out.
why are you looking at a band's song meaning page when you hate the band and it's songs?
i know everyone's entitled to their own opinion but i'm a bit confused. I don't get why your here. i'm mean if you were that revolted by SOD songs why didn't you just scream and run once you saw their lyrics?

I actaully agree with this so much,

Son Of Dork – Eddie's Song Lyrics 15 years ago
I love this song =D
The lyrics make me laugh.
"Eddie's got 27 kids, but he doesn't know..."

I think it's about a guy in a rock band, who gets lost and all caught up in the "Rock star" lifestyle,
with "Sex, drugs rock & roll" etc.
And gets wasted every night, and has sex with all the groupies..

Underoath – Some Will Seek Forgiveness, Others Escape Lyrics 15 years ago
This song is about accepting God/Jesus and becoming faithful/Having faith.

"Hey Unloving, I will love you."
"Hey unfaithful, I will teach you" etc.

I think it's like Jesus or God talking to the listener or w/e,
and accepting him. ?

Beautiful song.

Underoath – A Boy Brushed Red ... Living In Black And White Lyrics 15 years ago
Best Underoath song. Hands down.
I've known it for years, and I still can't stop listening to it.

Run Kid Run – We've Only Just Begun Lyrics 15 years ago
Totally did not know they were Christian.
but this is a good song =D

Hey Monday – Should've Tried Harder Lyrics 15 years ago
You stand tall
Like you've won some kind of award
But really, I've never seen
Someone so short of a dollar

and to me this sounded like
"But really, I've never seen
Someone so short look taller."

simply because she said tall and then short.
and i dont understand what a dollar would have to do with it

You know what?
I agree with that, lala9io

Zolof the Rock and Roll Destroyer – Plays Pretty for Baby Lyrics 15 years ago
I love this song so much. I listened to it on repeat. Over and over. And over again. <3
I know it's not by Saosin, even though my iPod says it is.
But I didn't know what band did it till I searched it on here. I just knew Anthony Green sang it, and I love it.
It used to make me feel better whenever I was sad.
I mean, now it doesn't, due to my ex boyfriend..
But it's still one of my favorite songs of all time.

Plays Pretty For Baby, forever.

Cash Cash – Sugar Rush Lyrics 15 years ago
A boy having a crush on a girl.
She gives him a 'sugar rush'
and he's addicted to it.

Cash Cash – Party in Your Bedroom Lyrics 15 years ago
i originally thought it was about a girl turning her stereo on and dancing or something.
but the comment about a webcam show makes sense to me.

Senses Fail – Calling All Cars Lyrics 15 years ago
I loooove this song. It's probably my favorite Senses Fail song, to be honest.

Senses Fail – Buried A Lie Lyrics 15 years ago
I have no ideaaaa what this song means, tbh.

Either a girl's thought to have committed suicide, and he "smells foul play" and thinks she was murdered and wants to prove it.

or it's something more deep and metaphorical.

It's a catchy song, but I wish it was more faster.
I'm not one for slow songs, the slowness of it makes me want to cry.
Because it strikes me as too emotional.

Silverstein – Always And Never Lyrics 15 years ago
Pretty sure it's about a breakup.
(lol i didn't realize i was listening to it. lol)

"How do you feel? I bet you don't feel anything"
leads me to believe he thinks that she doesn't care that they've broken up/ that she broke his heart.

"I'll never look back" is saying maybe, that he doesn't want to remember her.

"Set the trap, I've fallen for it every time" Leads me to believe he's had failed relationships before.

New Found Glory – Hold My Hand Lyrics 15 years ago
This song DEFINITELY reminds me of my ex boyfriend.
And not just because the first time I heard it, was him singing along to it to me.

"The way your hair swings over your eyes,
The way your words keep me in line."

The way his bangs were always in his eyes, and his words, every time he talked to me, it kinda calmed me down?

And all in all it's an adorable song, although somewhat on the creepy/stalker side.

New Found Glory – Hit Or Miss Lyrics 15 years ago
I'm pretty sure that this song is a boy a guy who has a best friend, but then she got a boyfriend, and now he misses her, and realizes that he lost his chance to be with her (romantically?) and yeah.

Brokencyde – Schizophrenia Lyrics 15 years ago
Mmm, i love this song.

3OH!3 – Starstrukk Lyrics 15 years ago
I enjoy this song.

Brokencyde – Sex Toyz Lyrics 15 years ago

Metro Station – Now That We're Done Lyrics 15 years ago
this is amazing live.

We the Kings – Secret Valentine Lyrics 15 years ago
Mmm reminds me about when did it for the first time with my boyfriend.

We the Kings – All Again for You Lyrics 15 years ago
this song sounds exactly like 5 minutes to midnight, by boys like girls in the part where its like

I couldn't sleep last night
I walked alone on the beach
Where we always used to go
When we couldn't hook up at home

I thought of you
And the time we jumped the fence
Both sides ripped down
We dove right in
And the cops chased us again

Omigosh, it does.
Either way, I love this song.
Mmmm we the kings

Cute Is What We Aim For – I Dont Care If It's The Moon, We Went... Lyrics 15 years ago
i just noticed that his 'left side' is mentioned in both this song and "Teasing to Please". probably no significance. humm *shrug*. however, i must say that this is another great one by these guys.

isn't your heart on your left side of the body?

Cute Is What We Aim For – Hipbones and Microphones Lyrics 15 years ago
He's talking about Scene kids on myspace, obviously.
I think the lyrics are good, because they make me laugh, but there are some meaning behind them.
It's not just liike they're like
'hey let's put HTML in our song and see if we get more pop[ular"

Forever the Sickest Kids – Coffee Break (New Version) Lyrics 15 years ago
is this version a demo or is it actually the recorded version l

Forever the Sickest Kids – Catastrophe Lyrics 15 years ago
I love love love this song.

"I know i shouldn't let it get to me, but it does."

The Maine – You Left Me Lyrics 15 years ago
Wow, it's so upbeat, I love it.

The Maine – Everything I Ask For Lyrics 15 years ago
This song instantly made me smile as soon as I played it for the first time.

He loves her no matter what she's like.

We the Kings – The Quiet Lyrics 15 years ago
i'm totally listening to this right now.

it's about a boy trying to convince a girl to have sex with him. He's saying that he thinks she's worth it. and he's telling her that he knows she's tired of fighting it, and she wants to do it, and that she won't regret it.

The Maine – This Is The End Lyrics 15 years ago
i think this is about a guy wanting to break up with a girl because the relationship is just becoming to complicated for whatever reasons but holding back hence "im taking all of my time im dodging words" and then finally just doing it because he knows its best.

this so sounds like the situation im in right now.

We the Kings – Part of Me Lyrics 15 years ago
it's about a break up.

We the Kings – Skyway Avenue Lyrics 15 years ago
The song meaning I got from this, kindof reminds me of Boys Like Girls' five minutes to midnight/ the great escape.

i think it's about a couple who is willing to give up everything just to be together, because they're so completely in love.
it's saying that, if one of them jumps, the other will too.
kindof like romeo and juliet and how they died for eachother.

We the Kings – It's Beautiful After the End Lyrics 15 years ago
I think its about two people who are in love, and they know there's a possiblility that they may not last, but they still stay together.
and no matter what happens, the boy will always want to remember the relationship.

yeah, i really don't know, i've never heard the song.

We the Kings – Check Yes, Juliet Lyrics 15 years ago
This is so my favorite song.

Mayday Parade – Black Cat Lyrics 15 years ago
he is the hero and in the first part of the first verse they are happy but then they get into a relationship and she changes and he cant breathe because she is being clingy and not letting him do anything, then the black cat part symbolizes that shes bad luck, then in the next part it says "the heroe dies in this scene" hes not her hero anymore because he wants out o the relationship and bleeding out in the bathroom sink and ading as the soundtrack plays or whatever symbolizing there relationship dying. and then in the last part of the song hes telling how shes jealous and blows everything out o proportion and she makes things sound way more tragic then they are .

I think this is what the song is about. It all makes sense now.

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