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The Horrible Crowes – Sugar Lyrics 12 years ago
Definitely about a girl who isn't sincere about her feelings towards a guy. She's trying to deceive him but he's finally figuring her out.

Also 'sugar' cane be interpreted as love or affection but it can be a reference to coke. So his lover could be a coke addict which would work with the rest of the song:

"How would you like a little fancy,
when you feel a little inside out"
-about how the drug could make her feel better.

"i heard you like it to shiver
It's right up your spine"
-Shivering is a symptom of cocaine use/overdose

"Nobody else waits on you
When your hands shake like the breeze
And your mind is on permanent vacation"
-tremors is also a symptom of cocaine overdose. The permanent vacation can be a reference to being high or being in a coma which can result from coke od.

The Airborne Toxic Event – The Graveyard Near The House (Bombastic Version) Lyrics 12 years ago
This is one of my favorite songs by them.

It's hard to describe the meaning I get out of this. There's just so much about death, relationships, and life all combined into one but here's my take.

He's singing to a lover who worries about their future together. She asks about death; claiming that if they're going to stop loving each other when they die, then what they have now (love) isn't real.
"And if life and love would fade predictably, we made ourselves a kind of predictable lie"

This makes him think about death. He basically rations that death is overrated, or silly. He implies that whatever it holds which frightens her, already exists in her current life
"We looked so silly there all decomposed half turned to dust in tattered clothes
Though we properly look just as silly now"

In the chorus he's saying goodbye to the innocence of feeling invincible or that love is unstoppable. They know that's not true. And he reassures her that he can't predict what while happen in their relationship but she also can't predict what he'll do (my guess, he's telling her to stop assuming he will leave)

Then he reflects on life and love. Like her, he wonders if love is really possible.
"And it left me to wonder if people ever know each other...."

The next verse confuses me most. I think he's saying that there needs to be something keeping them alive (love?). Then he seems to imply that the more we know about death and life the less divine it is, and the only conclusion we can draw is that everyone will die.
"A moment passed, we hear how it sounds
Then it seems a little less profound
like where all going the same way down..."

So he concludes that all they can do is to continue as they are: he writes songs and they spend time together. But when he's in bed with her he notices that she's always worried about what will happen when she dies.
"You wake in tears sometimes; I can see the thoughts flash across your eyes
Darlin' will you be kind, and be a good man, and stay behind if I get old"

He reassures her that regardless of what people say, he will continue to love her even after she dies.
And of course he ends by somehow uncliche-ing the ultimate cliche: "It's better to love whether you win, lose or die"

That's just my opinion. Very Wuthering Heights.

Anberlin – Naive Orleans Lyrics 15 years ago
I agree with Kylee, the acoustic version is near perfection

Otep – Perfectly Flawed Lyrics 15 years ago
Here's my take on it:

"if you do this...
if you do this...
if you do this you'll never have a chance to try again
if you do this you'll never have a chance to try..."

It starts off with her trying to talk someone out of commiting suicide.

The first verse and the tunnel is the persons response. Saying that the're continuouslt suffering and don't see things getting any better. And that they have very low self esteem.

The chorus is her reponse saying that the fact that they're flawed is what makes them perfect. But the person remains unconvinced:
"a disguise of self deception
hides my secrets perfectly

i'm rejecting my reflection
cause i hate the way it judges me"

So she pleads with them:
"don't even do it

Well anyways it's a pretty amazing song. I love it.

Conor Oberst – Danny Callahan Lyrics 16 years ago
love it. My favorite on the album. probably due to the fact that it's the only one that really sounds like Bright Eyes. Not that it's bad that the others don't, they're just different, while this is classic Conor.

As for the meaning it's about alot more then Danny Callahan. I think its how life is so uncontrollable. Like when he says:

"Stop reading the weather charts
Stop counting the playing cards
There's no system, there's no guarantee"

He just uses Danny Callehan as an example. As hard as we try to control things like when some one dies, sometimes theres just nothing anyone can do but enjoy life while we can by doing things like talking to are plants XD

Very deep as I would expect from Oberst.

Anberlin – Naive Orleans Lyrics 16 years ago
At first I thought it was about KAtrina too but obviously not, though it fits in so well.

But I definitely think it's more personal.
I also think it's slightly sarcastic. Maybe it's just because of my personal situation. As if he's trying to convince himself that he's over her but in truth he knows that she's still an important part of his life hence:
"Your actions write the melodies
To the songs that we sing"

and the way he says:
"Come and go now as you please"
like she does what she wants but it bothers him still.

It's more like someone thats trying to move on.

Secondhand Serenade – The Last Song Ever Lyrics 16 years ago
I think JDev got it right.

A guy ended it with a girl (or didn't let it start) but he realized he was wrong. All he wants is to tell her how he feels and be able to be with her but yet he's not sure if she still loves him.

Secondhand Serenade – Fall For You Lyrics 16 years ago
Uhhh I love this song. My girlfriend covered it for me and it's just amazing.

But I think it's pretty much about a couple thats been together for awhile but lately they've been fighting. Yet he can't help stay mad at her because he knows that he loves her and she's basiclly the only one for him, so he falls for her all over again.

Dashboard Confessional – Thick As Thieves Lyrics 16 years ago
well now that I read the comments about the Klepto girl it makes sense.

But I kinda think it's deeper then that. Maybe I'm reading too deep into it but I think it's about how he's her savior. Like he's the guy that she can tell anything to and he'll keep her secrets safe, and as the song progresses he talks about how he'll even take the blame for her actions.

I guess it could be about a girlfriend but it also sounds like it could be about a best friend. esspecially the thick as thieves line.

Dashboard Confessional – Matters of Blood and Connection Lyrics 16 years ago
I've been a die hard Dashboard fan for many years, and I have to say I am slightly upset about this album, I love it, but not nearly as much Chris's others.

But this song is by far the best in this album. It's the only one that really sounds like Dashboard. It seems like something that would have fit in perfectly in The Swiss Army Romance. Not only in sound but also meaning.

I think this is about people Chris use to know. He grew up in West hartford, CT and Boca Raton FL, and I have lived near both places. They're famous for having weathy white families. So he's probably talking about the rich kids from there who claim to be from the "ghetto" (and there are plenty of them.)

I definitely don't think this has anything at all to do with Bush.

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