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Modest Mouse – So Much Beauty in Dirt Lyrics 16 years ago
This song is about enjoying where you are and what your doing and missing nothing. Its about acting on those same urges you had as a kid to just walk away, climb up fire escapes, go swimming naked. It's about keeping the kid in you alive who once saw beauty in dirt when he was digging for bugs.

Less Than Jake – Gainesville Rock City Lyrics 16 years ago
Lol i live in windsor Ontarion Canada where when u ask people whats good about living there they say well you can visite Detroit. When the best part of your city is you can go to detroit you've got problems. Its mutually agreed by everyone that windsors a pile of shit and they're leaving asap. Less than jakes songs always make me consider my city lol. This one always works its way through how much i hate this place and makes me admite that maybe this town has some charm just because its so shitty. Born and raised in windsors a point of pride to everybody because we all have stories of windsor and how bad it is. Its like comparing scars when you've had a run in with a chainsaw lol. Anyway its home and it always will be, thats what this songs about. Wasted days and mistakes are what make your home town your home town or ciity or w/e. As much as you hate it, your home towns where all your firsts happened, the good and bad ones.

Catch 22 – Keasbey Nights Lyrics 16 years ago
I like all music. I love ska. Someone once described it tro me as angry pissed off cynical people with very up beat attitudes. This song is me and my friends anthem. We all have very different tastes and every one of us loves this band and this song and knows all the words. It just hits home as sort of a im not rich im not poor im just kinda here attitude. Its getting angry at having nothing to get behind lol. Not rich enough for the rich kids not poor enough for the ghetto life. Stuck in the middle as a ska kid

Streetlight Manifesto – The Receiving End of it All Lyrics 16 years ago
So i know this is alot less profound but this song to me ties in alot to what the band itself has been through. Hard break from catch 22 and they got robbed 3 times over the course of 2 tours. They mentioned in there album that this is a group favorite of theres. I think the song boils down to dishing out some of what you take. Turning things so that your no longer the victim, not on the recieving end. I know it sounds alittle blunt but theres alot in a name and this name says alot.

Just a response to StellarFury, I saw streetlight live in Detroit in a tiny venue with one band member out due to injury and a crowd of 200 people. It was just as good as when I saw red hot chilli peppers live after stadium arcadium came out. The crowd and vibe at streetlight concerts is the best feeling. Good music draws good people.

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