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The Parlotones – Brighter Side of Hell Lyrics 14 years ago
In the booklet it says that the song is "dedicated to our home, rich with wonderful memories, this is the city we love despite and because of all its weird and wonderful imperfections, Johannesburg".

The Parlotones – Should We Fight Back Lyrics 14 years ago
According to the booklet, the song was inspired by the book "Long Walk to Freedom" which is the autobiography of Nelson Mandela. Mandela who was born in the Transkei is often hailed as some kind of African messiah. He spent 27 years of his life in prison for fighting back.

Leonard Cohen – First We Take Manhattan Lyrics 15 years ago
I’d say it’s about terrorism, without any Nostradamus-style crystal ball.

9/11 were not the first terrorist attacks to happen. The original music video from 1987 ( begins with a radio announcer’s voice saying "Was die Attentäter betrifft, die in Berlin den Anschlag auf die deutsch-arabische Gesellschaft verübt haben, ist die Polizei einen Schritt weiter gekommen."
b-ray has already translated this statement. The attack mentioned happened on March 29, 1986, one year before the song was released.

Leonard Cohen himself is quoted (
“I’m not sure of what it means right now because I had this long voyage from Chicago. I think it means exactly what it says. It is a terrorist song.”
“Ever succeeding moment changes what has happened the moment before. In the stream of writing, all that is written changes its meanings by what is written subsequently. "First We Take Manhattan" might be understood as an examination of the mind of the extremist. In a way it’s a better song now (*) than it was before and I would probably sing it in concert if the circumstances were appropriate.”
(*) The Chat took place one month after the terrorist attacks in NYC and Washington D.C.

This website might be the one that losttango was talking about.

So I guess it is a song about terrorism; however, songs like “First We Take Manhattan” or “The Future” don’t make him a Nostradamus-like prophet. It just shows his ability to envisage what society could look like in the future, in the same way George Orwell did, or H.G. Wells and Jules Verne did concerning technology.

The Killers – Neon Tiger Lyrics 15 years ago
it's definitely "in the hopes", not "with the hopes", for reasons unknown.
i also wonder what's S.O.L. tho...

The Killers – Neon Tiger Lyrics 15 years ago
He sometimes also seems to sing

Under the neon tiger sun


Crashcarburn – serenade Lyrics 15 years ago
Great song. I think that they're the second best South African rock band, after the Parlotones (if you don't count Seether). If they were from the US or Europe they would've already made it big.

The Killers – Neon Tiger Lyrics 15 years ago
I'd say it's:
Far from the evergreen of all the songs
Came from the woodwork in the hopes they might
They try to get you down and cut you but don't you let them touch you
Under the (?) neon tiger roar

Great song though, and it seems to get better the more I listen to it.

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.