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At the Drive-In – Arcarsenal Lyrics 15 years ago
This song is not about squashing a revolution, but being a part of one.
At first, I thought the phrase "uproar east, strike west" used east to symbolize the new and a challenge to the status quo, whereas the west symbolizes traditions and the old; the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. This message is not incorrect within the context from the song, but it is a direct quote from Guerrilla Tactics by Che Guevara, a radical revolutionary himself. This was the strategy employed in vietnam, to cause a distraction or uproar in one place (the east), but really strike in another (the west).
The feelings of parasitism and cannibalism exist because in order to start a revolution you need to start within the target state, almost feeding off it, before attempting a coup.

In my interpretation, the bullseye made sedated and catatonic leisure are descriptions of the people under the establishment being discussed here, which is all the more reason to speak out and rebel against it.

Asking who is in charge and who is in the rear-view/behind prompts the answer of the powers that be. "cause i'd really like to meet him" is common joke when it is understood that the "him" is not liked, and it is implied that once you meet him you will do something bad to show him just how much he is disliked. Therefore this part is a statement of intent to revolt, as may be the repeated shouting of Beware!

I cannot comment on whether or not ATDI was thinking about a cannibal when they wrote this but the parallels between a cannibal and an oppressive government that kills its own people are too prominent to ignore.

Incubus – When It Comes Lyrics 16 years ago

anti-conformity is just doing the opposite of everyone else without thinking about it and is just as mindless as conformity.
nonconformity is the word you are looking for but i think it should be aconformity, just like moral, immoral, then amoral.

With that being said...

I saw something on TV that blamed Barack Obama and Barack Obama alone for rising gas prices. I then realized exactly what mental piracy was.

Incubus – Nebula Lyrics 16 years ago
probly the same thing the santa skit is about at the end of You Will Be A Hot Dancer.

Maybe im just too much of a psychonaut but this song makes me think of tripping, especially on DXM aka robitussin (or maybe dissociatives in general but this is the only one i've done) because it seperates the central and peripheral nervous systems via NMDA antagonism so it kind of makes you go into your own nebula. Its a very introspective experience and because i like to philosophize about a lot of stuff i guess it lets my lunatic indulge itself too. It could probably be about an illegal drug or at least a more controlled drug because of the whole thing about society needing to let the artist do his own thing for creative purposes, but, at least in the united states and most of the rest of the world, there is a stigma about all recreational drug use so I think it still applies. I dont know if Boyd or any other incubus member has actually tried DXM but i know they smoke(d?) a loot of herb and did their share of shrooms. Maybe its just about getting introverted if you get too high, but I wouldnt call that nebulous.

And for those who say its not about drugs and is just about creativity you need to understand that creativity=thinking outside the box and what better way is there to help get your thinking away from the usual?

Im not trying to push drug use here, especially to people who have only tried weed or arent psychologically mature enough because this one is intense. But, if you must try it now that i mentioned it do some research on harm reduction on or the rest of the web just search dextromethorphan and you will find something and avoid all other active ingredients in dxm products.

Incubus – A Certain Shade of Green Lyrics 16 years ago
Im not buying a lot of what has been said because the negative view of marijuana is inconsistent with everything else the band has done.
Assuming the world will be destroyed in 2012 doesnt make sense within the context of the song either. It would amount to saying That people who procrastinate arent going to stop procrastinating until they dont exist. The consciousness shift makes a lot more sense here. What, then, does the song mean?
Can THC make you lazy toward physical labor? yes.
Does it also expand your mind? definitely
If your not the kind of person who really thinks too hard about anything than i can see why you dont see past the first question when you try to relate herb to this song. But if you have ever had any sort of philosophical discussion or debated reality you will understand that you will be much more insightful and be able to use your new way of seeing things to make new realizations (at least if you have enough background to know what you are talking about in the first place.) This song is definitely about 2012, but if it is also about marijuana then it brings a positive view of it. why wait years for the consciousness shift when you can start working towards your own right now? Why wait for a different shade of green when you have this one already?

Incubus – The Answer Lyrics 16 years ago
Hemp and marijuana are just different subspecies of cannabis with different amounts of THC. Marijuana is either cannabis sativa, cannabis indica, or a cross breed of the two. Hemp, cannabis ruderalis, is not at all useful for smoking but produces has very thick fibrous stalks making it useful for producing clothing and paper, as well as plastics and fuel, making it competition for petroleum based chemical companies. Hemps competition in the all of these industries banded together and started calling it Marijuana, the mexican word, in order to lie to people about what terrible things it did. Had they called it hemp they would have been laughed at. Today, hemp could be used to make more biodegradable hydrocarbon products than oil can, is renewable every year, can make food (its seed oils contain rare amino acids in high concentrations, if u dont use them to grow then eat them). The first diesel engine used oils produced from hemp to run, and whatever carbon dioxide is produced in its combustion is absorbed several times over the lifetime of the pant that produced said fuel.

Hemp really is the answer.

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