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Craw – Caught My Tell Lyrics 14 years ago
It would seem that much of this song is pulled directly from the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). Everything from "I would like to be a singer" onwards could very well be items from the exam (except "Twelve deviations constitute a failing grade / I ain't much baby, but I'm all I've got", I would say). So for anyone who had a sneaking suspicion that the song may be about mental illness, you seem to be on the right track.

Shellac – Copper Lyrics 14 years ago
I consider this to be a great geek song. Not too surprising considering how Albini is quite the nerd himself, being an audio engineer. In these lyrics, he seems to be writing a ballad to the most beloved medium of the trade: copper. Almost all wiring is made up of copper. It is the second best conductor known to humanity -- the best being silver ("Did I need this silver to be suitable?"). Since silver is so absurdly expensive, however, we tend to stick with copper. Now gold, contrary to popular belief, is not as conductive as copper, but it does have the advantage of never corroding. Also, gold is more valuable outside of electronics.

What I don't quite get is the chorus ("Copper -- you'll never be gold"). To me, it seems like Albini is trying to say that while copper is an excellent conductor, it still will not be as widely valued as gold. Or, it could be that Albini is saying that copper will not be able to "fight him" as gold can. The latter does not seem as likely to me, since gold is the third most conductive element, but it is possible.

The Clash – Know Your Rights Lyrics 15 years ago
"We have rights. Maybe not as many as you think we need, but definitely more than most other countries on this planet where people are KILLED for protesting. Not put in a holding cell for inciting a riot."

Or put in a holding cell for not inciting a riot.

You have the right to free
Speech as long as you're not
Dumb enough to actually try it.

Really resonates with me. In my hometown there was a police brutality scandal following a protest against (can't make this up) police brutality. Seventeen kids were arrested *after* a nonviolent protest organized by vegan, pacifistic, scrawny-arsed emo kids. In fact, they were in middle of having a celebratory vegan picnic in a public park when they were arrested. One of them was even charged with assault for being dog-piled by half a dozen police officers.

You have the right to free
Speech as long as you're not
Dumb enough to actually try it.

John Lennon – Woman Is the Nigger of the World Lyrics 16 years ago
"He could not write a song and use the word nigger now a days"? What, it was perfectly acceptable for use in 1972?

All of these long explanations. Let's keep it simple, shall we?

"Woman is the slave to the slaves"

What's worse than being black in the US before the civil rights movements of the 60's? Being a black woman. No matter how bad the men have it, the women have it just as bad and worse.

Are things getter better? Well, I've got to admit it's getting better, a little better, all the time. Can't get no worse.

Screaming Mechanical Brain – There Is No God In Space Lyrics 16 years ago
With what Eccabay posted in mind, this sounds like an introduction for Michel Foucault.

Screaming Mechanical Brain – Smash TV Lyrics 16 years ago
Incidentally, the title is an obvious reference to the classic arcade game "Smash TV", based on the film "The Running Man" starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, which is most simply described as having resembled American Gladiators with guns -- precisely as Bill Hicks would have liked it.

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