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Death Cab for Cutie – No Sunlight Lyrics 16 years ago
I love this song forevz!!

Death Cab for Cutie – Your New Twin Sized Bed Lyrics 16 years ago
hmm now I feel dumb lol

Death Cab for Cutie – Your New Twin Sized Bed Lyrics 16 years ago
I feel this song is about a person who has given up on themselves and has given up on love... I can relate to this song because I was in love with this guy and he just decided to give up, give up on school, himself and us....

"You look so defeated lying there in your new twin size bed"

This person is sad/ depressed and lying there in there new twin sized bed.... They have given up on finding someone...

"With a single pillow underneath your single head"

They have given up on finding someone to be with and now only reserve space on there bed for themselves... (btw in feng shui they say if you would like to find the right person to be with you have to make room for them i.e. make space for this person on your bed, clear out a drawer for this person)...

"I guess you decided that that old queen was more space than you would need
Now it's in the alley behind your apartment with a sign that says it's free"

They have given up on love, and think they will never find someone to be with. So they give up and throw the mattress away...

"And I hope you have more luck with this than me"

I think this line signifies that Ben still cares for this person, but he is trying to get over the breakup and knows they'll never be together again...

"You used to think that someone would come along
And lay beside you in a space that they belong"

They had hope in finding love, but the hope of finding love had diminished...

"But the other side of the mattress and box springs stayed like new
What's the point of holding on to what never gets used?"

They have given up on the relationship and realize they'll never find someone again.

"Other than a sick desire for self-abuse"

The answer to "what's the point of holding on to what never gets used?". They don't want to go through the pain of loneliness, self abuse, so they give up and throw the mattress out, knowing they'll never find someone...

"And I try not to worry, but you've got me terrified
It's like your some kind of hurry
To say goodbye, say goodbye, say goodbye"

These lines have me confused. I think it's a memory of their ending relationship. He notices this person is planning to leave them soon, he tries not to worry, but he is scarred of their relationship ending...

"You look so defeated lying there in your new twin size bed
You look so defeated lying there in your new twin size bed"

This person is sad, defeated, and has given up on love....

Well there is my take on one of the best songs off of their new album!! :) Not that there album isn't amazing!! :) lol

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