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Say Anything – Retarded in Love (feat. Casey Prestwood, Chris Carrabba & Michael Auerbach) Lyrics 15 years ago
My interpretation:

It's about two people who are both outcasts and who don't get along well with other people because they're rejected. They realize their common characteristics and fall in love. The "retarded in love" line is meant two ways: retarded together because they're the "retards" of society, and retarded as in madly in love.

This is such an excellent song. The first time I heard it, I chuckled at the line where he talks to the girl at night because the minutes are free, haha. That's so true, people talking at night for the free minutes.

Regina Spektor – Genius Next Door Lyrics 16 years ago
I can't stop listening to this song. The melody is so soothing, and the words really sink in.

This is my own theory:
The genius in the story is sort of an oucast and a loner, and while he has a lot of potential to be great, he lives a mundane life because of his anti-social behavior -- "The genius next door was bussing tables
Wiping clean the keptchup bottle labels
Getting high and mumbling German fables"

While his peers are all having a good time at the enchanted lake, he's all by himself.

And so one night he gets sick of missing out on life that he goes to check out the lake alone.
I don't think he kills himself in it, personally, but all your theories are quite possible. Although, I wouldn't be so quick to accept what DeeBabes said, as we have no real proof to know if Regina actually said that. ;)

And the line, "And the genius next door was sleeping
Dreaming that the antidote is orgasm"....I think spending time in the lake made the genius realize he wasn't living, only existing, and perhaps the "orgasm" was not meant in a literal sense, but "orgasm" as in living life to the fullest.

Regina writes such amazing songs! They can be interpreted in countless ways.

Sharks Keep Moving – Cashmere, Washington Lyrics 16 years ago
This is such an amazing song. =] One of my favourites, ever.

The lyrics are so short and simple, but I adore the story.
The music and lyrics honestly couldn't be any better together than they already are.
I can totally picture myself in the story whenever I listen to this... it's so relaxing.

Minus the Bear – Absinthe Party at the Fly Honey Warehouse Lyrics 16 years ago
The music in this is so incredible, original, and relaxing.

I think this song is about going on vacation, or de-stressing, with a significant other and just not having any worries. I think the line "We got to get something to eat and to drink" can be translated as "we're on a getaway and the only thing there is to worry about now is what restaurant where we're going to eat."
Also the "two-star hotel" bit is great. It just adds to how carefree the narrator is on his holiday.

One of my favourites from Minus the Bear. :]

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