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Why? – Into the Shadows of My Embrace Lyrics 14 years ago
Brilliant song. Seems a bit like he's fascinated by the contrast between his nobody days and his new position on the podium... especially when he still feels like the old guy. When people try to get close to him, they can be sucked into the shadow of his being... like a fox in a bush that gets discovered after the fact. I'm 5% confident in all this.

Why? – Even the Good Wood Gone Lyrics 14 years ago
Should be "remaining fingers curled around the memory of Ra"

Ancient Egyptian sun God.

The Silver Jews – What Is Not But Could Be If Lyrics 15 years ago
He talks recently about trying to use very simple words to convey his message. His quote was that he uses words "that could be found in your lawnmower instruction manual." That is a pretty cool way to say it for sure.

The Silver Jews – San Francisco B.C. Lyrics 15 years ago
He mentions in a recent interview that he made a late change to "fist cuisine" because he realized that it was a better line.

Concrete on the QVC- I have been confused by this line as well. I guess I just assumed that concrete = jewels or something else since they don't sell concrete on the QVC.

I thought the wages of metal should be heavily garnished. This means that he was stealing from the stuff that they stole from the break-in. Also, it probably has the double meaning of referring to metal music.

The Silver Jews – Strange Victory, Strange Defeat Lyrics 15 years ago
He's definitely making fun of the trend of naming bands after animals. I don't think it is mean spirited at all. It's more that he's been around and is way older than the other indie bands and sees the ridiculousness of the scene and the bigger pattern.

The Silver Jews – Open Field Lyrics 15 years ago
He recently did an interview with Pitchfork where he mentioned this song. I think his comment was that this was the point of the album where he frees himself and let's the weight off his shoulders. Since it's a cover, he finds using someone elses lyrics even more relaxing as he figuratively opens up the windows and enjoys the freedom.

The Silver Jews – What Is Not But Could Be If Lyrics 16 years ago
Maybe it is very obvious.

What was not, but could have been, was my obsession way back when. (he used to dwell on failures and make excuses)

What is not, but could be if (that is his new motto. If you want something, don't make excuses about it, focus on how it could be if you do something about it.)

The Silver Jews – Candy Jail Lyrics 16 years ago
"This is what you couldn’t face... life in a candy jail, etc."

After thinking about it more and reading Skip's comments, then yes, it seems like the chorus is talking about what his friend couldn't do, which was to be trapped in a candy jail, i.e. sobriety. Did his friend OD?

The Silver Jews – San Francisco B.C. Lyrics 16 years ago
One other possible correction.

"I knew it wasn't new wave, it was human error."

So, the bare patch wasn't a new wave thing.

The Silver Jews – San Francisco B.C. Lyrics 16 years ago
It's definitely "killer cut". It just slipped out of his mouth and has the double meaning of sounding like something you would say to someone if you liked their haircut, but in this case he is insinuating that he knows that Gene killed his ex's father, the barbor.

The Silver Jews – Candy Jail Lyrics 16 years ago
It just feels like a song about sobriety to me. Drugs/ alcohol are on the outside of the candy jail and he's on the inside. Everything is supposed to be great, but it's too sweet.

The Silver Jews – Party Barge Lyrics 16 years ago
important correction. Should be "weaping willow tree." That is what makes it such a good like. He constructed a "party" barge out of a weaping willow.

I gotta think this song is about him becoming a party barge to block out the pain. Sort of like a Frank the Tank character.

Also, I think it might be "things get kind of squirrelly..."

The Silver Jews – San Francisco B.C. Lyrics 16 years ago
Sanfrancisco B.C. (before Cassie?)

"doll house lightning" might refer to the bugular alarm and the flashing strobe light, which would be like lightning to the dollhouse there. He does mention children's fur coats afterward.

"I thought the wages of metal should be heavily garnished". He's taking a cut by stealing some of the loot?

The Silver Jews – Suffering Jukebox Lyrics 16 years ago
In one of his interviews, he talks about how it is easier to use an animal or object to sing about in place of a person. Here, I could see the jukebox being him.

The first word is "cranes" I think.

The first verse confuses me. "money lights your world up" is a cool line referring to the actual jukebox and the entertainer.

The Silver Jews – We Could Be Looking For the Same Thing Lyrics 16 years ago
I hope I don't come across as a coyote (wolf) in your eyes...
... inside the days of ewe (sheep) and me.

Playing off the wolf in sheep's clothing concept?

Overall, just a nice song that deals with settling with eachother if you are both just looking for someone to settle with. Not really love, but an acceptance.

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