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Tapping The Vein – Time Lyrics 5 years ago
She is left alone among her enemies, and she feels so small, in a world full of lies. Until then she never felt so wrong while guided by him. Now she can’t believe anything he says, because she can see through the truth, and all she wants is to have the old him again, the honest person that he was at the beginning of their relationship.
But she is still trying because there’s nothing left for her into this world except for him, so she will sacrifice all her time in order to wait for him to see he is wrong, she will wait for him to come back the way he was in the beginning. All she has is time, and she will wait all her life while she is here.

Tapping The Vein – Again Lyrics 5 years ago
This song is about love and the emotional burden that she is carrying again and again.
She loves someone, and she chooses to move on because she knows she can’t make that person love her the same way she is loving him. And she doesn’t want to love him, cause it’s too painful, maybe it is forbidden. There’s no need to force something that she doesn’t know if it will work.
After time passes, that weight comes again, and it cuts the same way as it did in the past. The same feelings come again and consume her. What remains of her is the person she is now in the present, even if she is alone or sad, she is still alive, surviving. She is now scared again and she fears she will do something about it. Still, she is torturing herself, and she can barely live like this, but she is too strong and she decides to let this one pass. She wishes all the love to this person but with anyone else but her, with anyone else, cause she knows she will never have his love.
I think that perhaps this person is her friend, that is why she says that “all I can do I will do for you if I’m here”. Despite the love she has for this friend, she chooses to remain silent and not confess her love, she doesn’t want to break the relationship she has with him, her friendship is much more important. “I promise you I’ll remember you, while I’m here” meaning she will always love him, until the end of her days.
The end is so sad, because she is finally surrendering herself and her love to someone else, she will never experience the love with him, the one love she wanted and she sacrificed so much for it. She wishes love to him Again, with anyone else but her. That is what she can do.

Tapping The Vein – Complicate It Lyrics 5 years ago
I think the song is self explanatory. She clearly has so much hatred towards him that she fantasizes about killing her ex lover. I think it is her ex, because she says “if you feign to feel, again, crocodile tears” meaning that they used to be together, and he left her for some reason, that if he ever comes again crying at her feet, she won’t believe him, she will not let herself be betrayed by his deception again. That is why it will be more fun to kill him, cause he deserves it, after all she’s been through. And despite all this, she won’t do it, because she doesn’t want to complicate her life. She decides to move on.

Tapping The Vein – Burn Lyrics 5 years ago
@[Ana:30201]-Marya can someone delete this comment?
it supposed to be for another song sorry :( for Complicate it

Tapping The Vein – All My Heart Lyrics 5 years ago
This song is so powerful, I love every word!
I think she says here that someone if torturing her, emotionally, and there was no need to kill all her hopes, her inner security (if the angel can be seen as one). She is so in love that she won’t let go of this person. Probably he has given up the relationship, but he ended it in such a way that hurt her the most. “there’s faster ways of killing me if you needed me to bleed.” This guy knows she can’t let go of him. But as much as she tried to work things out, he didn’t want to communicate, instead, it was easier to hurt her. It’s a bit confusing when she says “I believe my life is over, this is all that my heart can take”, maybe she can’t take it anymore, feeling this way.
I could see another way of interpreting these lyrics. That her lover committed suicide that is why she says that she could have found a way to work things out, but his lack of communication ended to his demise. That is why she called all night to God (perhaps) and she can’t let go of the love for him, thus she thinks her life is over and her heart can’t take it anymore.

Magnet – My Darling Curse Lyrics 11 years ago
"All this time I climb the walls, I've never gained an inch at all
My broken heart won't restart whatever I read in my chart
So take your time and don't be too late
'Cause my last flare's already in the air"
these should be the lyrics

Kidneythieves – Serene Dream Lyrics 11 years ago
There are a lot of metaphors in this song, and I shall try to make an interpretation.
From the first sight and listening it is clear that the song is about the calmness of a dream that one may have when one's life is tranquil. Therefore, "serene dream soft easy winter" - there is a calm dream of the soft snow of winter, "watering the dry spots on the day" meaning the winter is almost gone, because the snow is melting down and and the day is stained by the purification aspect of the water, but seeing that the water is a recurring term in the song, it may signify the unconscious of the person who is taken by the peaceful dream. And all this happens into her unconscious. "Spend nowhere with me" it is an invitation for someone to take part in her serene dream, maybe a lover, a friend, or the conscious part of self, she is inviting her reality to dream on. But I like to see it from a romantic perspective, and I guess she speaks about her lover.
The place that they may go is nowhere, this means that she is willing to go anywhere with him, as long as they are living together in this serene dream. She then describes the feeling when in a dream, she speaks about rising up, letting yourself be guided by the dream in that way you may feel the "bomb" of fountains land. It is a clear view of the land so tranquil, it doesn't say the color of the land, but earlier in the song she said something about "leaves of grey" which clearly defines the land as being a place in equilibrium, not dark, nor light, but in between, grey - as something in between dream and reality. One should close one's eyes and let oneself be guided into this land of nowhere, where feelings are exploding like bombs, and where there is no need to use words, there are only feelings. In a serene dream you are free of thirst and pain, nothing is heavy, nothing burdens you, you are happy, there where the air speaks, it is a tall day, an ascending feeling of quietness, happiness and love, because in the end, she invites "him" to spend nowhere with her.
Isn't it amazing?

The Kidney Thieves – Serene Dream Lyrics 11 years ago
There are a lot of metaphors in this song, and I shall try to make an interpretation.
From the first sight and listening it is clear that the song is about the calmness of a dream that one may have when one's life is tranquil. Therefore, "serene dream soft easy winter" - there is a calm dream of the soft snow of winter, "watering the dry spots on the day" meaning the winter is almost gone, because the snow is melting down and and the day is stained by the purification aspect of the water, but seeing that the water is a recurring term in the song, it may signify the unconscious of the person who is taken by the peaceful dream. And all this happens into her unconscious. "Spend nowhere with me" it is an invitation for someone to take part in her serene dream, maybe a lover, a friend, or the conscious part of self, she is inviting her reality to dream on. But I like to see it from a romantic perspective, and I guess she speaks about her lover.
The place that they may go is nowhere, this means that she is willing to go anywhere with him, as long as they are living together in this serene dream. She then describes the feeling when in a dream, she speaks about rising up, letting yourself be guided by the dream in that way you may feel the "bomb" of fountains land. It is a clear view of the land so tranquil, it doesn't say the color of the land, but earlier in the song she said something about "leaves of grey" which clearly defines the land as being a place in equilibrium, not dark, nor light, but in between, grey - as something in between dream and reality. One should close one's eyes and let oneself be guided into this land of nowhere, where feelings are exploding like bombs, and where there is no need to use words, there are only feelings. In a serene dream you are free of thirst and pain, nothing is heavy, nothing burdens you, you are happy, there where the air speaks, it is a tall day, an ascending feeling of quietness, happiness and love, because in the end, she invites "him" to spend nowhere with her.
Isn't it amazing?

Lacuna Coil – Falling Lyrics 11 years ago
I agree with A.M, in some parts, but I would like to make my own opinion on the song.
First of the instrumental makes the song sad, moreover the solo guitar brings the drama out of the song.
In my opinion, I think, like any other person, she is dealing with difficulties in defining what she really is, or she can't figure out her purpose in this life. Because she said that writing, loosing herself in composing, in music, is not a solution, so not even art can make her happy, not even music can resolve her problem. So she tries to search an answer at a higher level, into the stars, that brings religious and spiritual aspects of herself. She is aware she is free to make any choice she wants, but she is so empty hearted and she feels like a body without soul. The only solution for her is to live another life, that is why she wants to bring her body to another level. Maybe she tried through meditation, but there is no sign that she said that in the song.
Anyway, maybe she really wants her life to end, and to life another life, and when she is about to give up her life, she falls down to this life again.
So she is not the only one who has this problem, even if she'll cry someday because of the meaningless days that passed by her. Now she looks at the sky hopeless. And still she doesn't want to die. "please be here when I'll arrive, don't die, please" - here she may refer to her body, while her soul evades this world, she decides that she wants to live in this world, so she begs to the heaven that her body would still be alive when she'll be back, when she will find herself again.
So it's about finding herself, finding a purpose to live.

Lacuna Coil – Stars (Dubstar cover) Lyrics 11 years ago
I think it's about understanding or her need from her friends, fans, and lover to understand her. It is quite obvious.
"Is it asking too much to be given time/ to know these songs and to sing them" Here she emphasizes the fact that the time is short, and all that she wants is to do the thing that she loves most, to have time to write a song, to learn the stanzas and to sing them for the public. She wants to share this simple, but in the same time, majestic feeling with everyone.
"Is it asking too much of my vacant smile/ and my laugh and lies that bring them" These 2 lines, I figured she is not completely sure of her genuine feeling toward what she wants to share with the others, because she already knows that many people don't understand her, and they come at her concerts for fun. And like she says further - 'Is it asking too much of my favorite friends/ to take these songs for real' / 'Is it asking too much of my partner's hands/ to take these songs real' - it is too much to ask them for understanding? so she finds another way to be happy, and she brings us the key for happiness, and that consists in the fact that we should be listening more to our hearts, we have to have a collective awareness of the universe, and aiming for the stars is a step forward to beatitude. Just like she says below.
"We'll take our hearts outside/ Leave our lives behind/ I'll watch the stars go out"
I hope you like my review!

Dubstar – Stars Lyrics 11 years ago
I think it's about understanding or her need from her friends, fans, and lover to understand her. It is quite obvious.
"Is it asking too much to be given time/ to know these songs and to sing them" Here she emphasizes the fact that the time is short, and all that she wants is to do the thing that she loves most, to have time to write a song, to learn the stanzas and to sing them for the public. She wants to share this simple, but in the same time, majestic feeling with everyone.
"Is it asking too much of my vacant smile/ and my laugh and lies that bring them" These 2 lines, I figured she is not completely sure of her genuine feeling toward what she wants to share with the others, because she already knows that many people don't understand her, and they come at her concerts for fun. And like she says further - 'Is it asking too much of my favorite friends/ to take these songs for real' / 'Is it asking too much of my partner's hands/ to take these songs real' - it is too much to ask them for understanding? so she finds another way to be happy, and she brings us the key for happiness, and that consists in the fact that we should be listening more to our hearts, we have to have a collective awareness of the universe, and aiming for the stars is a step forward to beatitude. Just like she says below.
"We'll take our hearts outside/ Leave our lives behind/ I'll watch the stars go out"
I hope you like my review!

Raised By Swans – We Were Never Young Lyrics 13 years ago
"Notes slipped under the doors" is the correct version, the rest it's ok.
the song is beautiful!

Rammstein – Dalai Lama (English) Lyrics 13 years ago
i think it's about the child's destiny, fate. the child apparently believes in god but everything that he believes in and everything that he does it;s in vain.

Kosheen – Under Fire Lyrics 16 years ago
that dionisiac feeling
don't know exactly but it's all about love,
and i want to correct the lyrics
"A frightened creature locked inside"

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