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Sébastien Tellier – L'Amour Et La Violence Lyrics 15 years ago
"Tell me what you think
About my life, about my teenage years.

Tell me what you think
I also like love and violence."

This song is so beautiful... :]
Simply the best.

Rusted Root – Send Me On My Way Lyrics 15 years ago
This is just a feel-good song, despite what it may really mean. :)
LOL. I was just talking about this while watching Ice Age, and then I remembered Matilda.
haha. Oh mah goursh, this song is so awesome. :D

Nothing More – Alibi Lyrics 15 years ago
I just discovered this artist and I kinda sorta maybeh fell in love. :D
This song is now mah fave. But idk yet. I'm still new.

People should comment on this band. SOON! :O

Innerpartysystem – The Lovers Dancing Lyrics 15 years ago
I guess I can see how "skyline" fits... but is it saying that they are the only beautiful thing in that grim situation (ie this city that we want to call our home). Personally, I interpret it as showing the world that there can be love and that the rest of society just puts it down. Or something along those lines.

I am TOO obsessed with this song. I swear.

The Ting Tings – Keep Your Head Lyrics 15 years ago
to the two people before me, i looked for the lyrics, and I found this from a website:

Ting Ting Jules De Martino told Rhapsody about this song: "That track was just a riff we had on stage. Before we forgot the melody, we went to the studio and just turned on the vocal so we could remember it. That guide vocal that Katie put down is the track on the album. It's almost like you think she's singing something, but it's just complete gobbledygook. So we liked the idea that it was of its time. We're not into writing songs, storing them on machines and going back to them months later and finishing them."

In China this song is banned and all the Chinese album versions have had this track removed. De Martino explained to Rhapsody that because the lyrics can't be translated "they worried that there's some sort of secret message in it."


The Ting Tings – We Walk Lyrics 15 years ago
I'm falling in love with The Ting Tings more and more as I listen to their whole album. Lyk srsly~

This is really one of my faves. *3 thumbs up!* :D

The Ting Tings – Be the One Lyrics 15 years ago
I can totally relate to this song.
Getting tired of being the one who takes initiative in a relationship that really needs its flame rekindled. Chu kno? :D

Me lyk~

The Ting Tings – Traffic Light Lyrics 15 years ago
I really like the way she sounds in this song. :)
I think I know what it means.... but I don't know how to explain it. XD
Good job, me. :P

Daft Punk – Da Funk Lyrics 16 years ago
lmao!! XD
but what the hell do they mean? lmfao!!!

...ha. xP

Daft Punk – Face to Face Lyrics 16 years ago
Whenever I hear this song, I think about me and my bf's story before we got together...
because we had broken up and afterwards I had wanted the answers and wanted to confront him, but was too scared to know the truth.. and after finally putting it out there, it turns out that there were some things that could be improved.
I guess that sort of relates to the song, but not too much. :D
b/c it's like my bf's perspective when I listen to it, kinda. :0

Hellogoodbye – Here (In Your Arms) Lyrics 16 years ago
One of my friends who I've never met in my life told me about this song and when I first heard it, I was lyk, "AWWWWWWWWW!!!" and now I'm in love with it~ :3
It's such a simple, beautiful love song~
I just wanna sing it to my bf. There's no place I'd rather be than in his arms.

Mika – Lover Boy Lyrics 16 years ago
Cynical, but catchy~
I like this song~

"A pretty boy with an nasty trace
A funny boy with an ugly face"
I love it~

Tokio Hotel – Monsoon Lyrics 16 years ago
The lyrics are so beautiful... This is the first Tokio Hotel song I ever heard, and I love it~ :] Beautiful love song.

Eleventyseven – How It Feels (To Be With You) Lyrics 16 years ago
I love this song so much~
It's so cute and sweet and simple!! I love it. New fave number 78!! xD

I can't believe no one's commented on it. :]

Coldplay – Viva la Vida Lyrics 16 years ago
When I heard this song, I thought about my World History class. I really love this song~

It's so beautifully put together.
Definitely one of my favorite songs now!!


The Ting Tings – Great DJ Lyrics 16 years ago
I LOVE THIS SONG~catchy as fuck! ^^

Adam and Andrew – (tatu parody) lesbian Lyrics 16 years ago
xDDD ZOMGG!!! I can just imagine me and my boyfriend singing this!!!!!!! This song is so fucking hilarious!!!!!!! XD Oh, the pain~

Innerpartysystem – The Lovers Dancing Lyrics 16 years ago
...i think it's:
"we are the only sky-high of this city
that we want to call our home"
i just thought about that. ^^

Innerpartysystem – The Lovers Dancing Lyrics 16 years ago
I just listened to this song today, and I love it!!! It's so addicting. :]
This band should be something big. I wanna listen to the remix still. Otherwise, I found the other five songs. ^^

Ludo – Go-Getter Greg Lyrics 16 years ago
xD This song totally made me LOL.

I love this song!! It's so hilarious how it's so straightforward and awkward. :P

Billy Joel – We Didn't Start the Fire Lyrics 16 years ago
I think all the pop culture reflects how more and more people in society became more domesticated and more involved in their own personal lives rather than preoccupied with the rest of the world. All the changes with television and recreation must have had some controversy in some way. Probably because it somewhat left people unguarded or vulnerable or maybe even careless, as if it was just a catalyst for ignorance in society. Everything has controversy in society... no matter how insignificant it seems. Idk.
xD Wow.
I'm really really really into this song. =D

Billy Joel – We Didn't Start the Fire Lyrics 16 years ago
It's obviously about all the changes that went on in the world that most people reacted to with controversy. People saw the disasters or conflicts as an effect of all the changes that were happening to the people in the US, since that's where it mostly focuses. But, in fact, those changes were insignificant because it didn't start there. The world had always been that way from the start. The US tried to help, not make it worse. They weren't the source of the problem; just another victim trying to better the conditions (to little avail, since that's the way the world is).

So... yeah...
That's how I see it.

Or... it could be just a jumble of things that happened globally or nationally, emphasizing all of the changes. Etc.

I felt smarter when I thought it out in my head. xD
I just heard this song today and now I can't get it out of my head. I'm like addicted. :D LUV IT~!!

Mae – Just Let Go Lyrics 16 years ago
To put it simply, I think this song is about giving love a second chance... Because... I experienced that. Letting go of past mistakes and giving your heart again, either to the same person or to someone new... It's all about letting your guard down and trusting in that person, for better or for worse.

I love this song~
One of my favorites. :]
And now it's my MySpace profile's song!! :D (Yeah, I'm a dork, I know.)
I like trying to sing it, because I like the way the words flow so beautifully... ...

Aiden – One Love Lyrics 16 years ago
...I had a weird thought, and someone else probably thought it too! but... I wonder if this song and "So Far Away" were supposed to have a consistent meaning that transpired between the two... :/
Because that would explain why they both sound similar, but "So Far Away" sounds more morose and solemn... Hrmmm... and the word "Misery" is referred to in strange ways: ex: "Misery, come and find us" in One Love; then "Misery, come take me..." and "Misery, I'm with thee..."
I don't know. It seemed likely. -_-;;

Embrace (UK) – Out of Nothing Lyrics 16 years ago
That's how I felt when I broke up with my first boyfriend... :[
This song would always be on repeat for me... It just... explained it all. Because I felt that that would be my last time to love someone, and that one person had been the one keeping my life together. Afterwards, it just seemed like I was clinging onto something that was never going to happen...
Out of nothing,... I became nothing all over again... :(
I wonder if that's what the title is about... :/ I wonder...

It's such a beautiful song.
Definitely one of my favorites of all time... I cry nearly every time I hear it.
So perfect... and honest.

The Bravery – Bad Sun Lyrics 16 years ago
this song sounds like me and my b/f, cuz both of us are kinda outcasts and can't be easily categorized with the rest of the crowd. and there are messed-up parts of us that are similar... like, we're both missing something, which only strengthens the bond.

so, this song is about two people who have had difficult lives, and being with each other eases their sufferings... they have a relationship and... they are grateful for their misfortunes, which brought them together... I wanted to add 'under a bad sun'. xD but I don't know if that would make sense.

Anyways, love this song!!

The Bravery – Fistful of Sand Lyrics 16 years ago
I love the comparison to a 'fistful of sand'... This is such a beautifully sad song... I love the whole message behind it: no matter how tightly you hold it to you, it is slipping away slowly and slowly... :[ There's nothing you can do...

Definite fav! :]

t.A.T.u. – All The Things She Said Lyrics 16 years ago
And all I know is that this is a totally AUSUM song!!!! :D
I'm pretty swiss on what they are, cuz it's who they are. And I don't have any right to judge or make unsupported assumptions, cuz that's retarded.
LOVE IT!!!!!

Daft Punk – Around the World Lyrics 16 years ago
ZOMG!!! I could listen to this song forever. xD
It's so hypnotic and *mumble mumble grunt*!!! :D

Snow Patrol – You're All I Have Lyrics 16 years ago
I'd just come home and was in another of my depressions due to trouble in paradise, etc., and just wanted to go to sleep. But instead I decided to put on this song on my laptop and when it came on... I felt so much better. :D
This should be one of me and my b/f's songs... :]
I really love this song. It explains how I feel about him. He's all I have and it could only get better because he's around. x]
*insert blissful thoughts*

My Chemical Romance – It's Not A Fashion Statement, It's A Fucking Deathwish Lyrics 16 years ago
xD OMFG!!! I feel like a retard. Sorry for my last post... xD Wow... My brain cells must be depleting from lack of sleep or something!! :P

...But I thought I put an actual interpretation... Hmm... :/
Oh well! :D

Hrmm... *clueless*

Aiden – So Far Away Lyrics 16 years ago
This song's so simply pretty... The first time I heard it, I nearly cried. This one is definitely one of my favorites! ^_^
Whenever I begin to think about what the meaning is, I begin to feel sad again... I wonder if the meaning is that meaningful...

I hope more people comment! :D

Mika – Overrated Lyrics 16 years ago
This song is so beautiful... but it was so hard for me to find. :0 I love it... :) It's so... augh!! >.< pwitty. :]

Keane – Everybody's Changing Lyrics 16 years ago
This song fits me well, cuz at school everyone's like two years older than me and I'm convinced by the illusion of their superiority since they're more open to some things that I have no idea is about. I feel like I'm going nowhere in life, since I'm technically so behind, but not really. Sometimes I feel like all of my friends are going to pass me up in life and I'll end up nowhere. :/

Wha?? Song?? Where?? xD
I kinda strayed off topic, huh?

Rilo Kiley – It's a Hit Lyrics 16 years ago
I think I have one word to what this song means, now that I think about it... HYPOCRITES!

And "it's not a hit, it's a holiday... for a hanging" means that this song is meant to attack all those hypocrites in society! :D

Hmm... I could've made that sound smarter, huh? ^_^;;

My Chemical Romance – It's Not A Fashion Statement, It's A Fucking Deathwish Lyrics 16 years ago
I want to put a simple interpretation of this song, which is one of my favorites from MCR!!

Taking Back Sunday – I'm Not Gay (I Just Wish I Were) Lyrics 16 years ago
:D I found it and listened to it! I like it. It's quite emotional... LOVE IT!!

Ben's Brother – Stuttering Lyrics 16 years ago
I love this song!! It's me and my b/f's song~ :D He let me listen to it one day on his iPod, and I fell in love with it. He told me that he thought of me every time he listened to it and it became our song...

And I love that it makes sense... because it's saying that... despite our imperfections, we're so right for each other. You complete me. You make the pain easier for me to handle. So, just kiss me again...

Gah! I love the rest of their songs, too! But this one is by far my favorite!!! x3

My Chemical Romance – Shut Up and Play (Disenchanted) Lyrics 16 years ago
I've always wanted to hear this, and I just did! I wish it would've been used. But I love "Disenchanted" almost as much. But not as quite now that I know what the first version sounds like...

Yay~ I still love this band! :D

Muse – Time Is Running Out Lyrics 16 years ago
I love this song. xD

I think the song's meaning might actually be simple. Infatuation. The person already knows that that's all it is, but doesn't want to get rid of it because they're addicted. Their love for the other person may or may not be sincere, but it shouldn't be taken for granted. And after giving up on being free from the other, they know that they'll only be taken advantage of and their misery most likely will never end.

As mush as the person feels the lack of direction in the relationship, their partner's charisma or attractiveness only contradicts those doubts and makes them want more instead of out.

"Our time is running out" might mean that the feelings are already fading and there's not much more to look forward to. The whole "Bury it... I won't let you bury it... I won't let you smother it... I won't let you murder it..." most likely means 'I won't let you dismiss/forget these memories easily', which is supported by the two lines afterwards: "You can't push it underground... You can't stop it screaming out..." It could also be referring to the person's anger, hatred, and/or resentment towards their partner. It can't be suppressed anymore; they can't pretend.

I guess it's like, how could mere infatuation end up in my breakdown?

I'm sorry. I like interpreting most-- if not all-- songs I listen to as relationships. :D It's just something I understand more easily.

Mika – Relax, Take It Easy Lyrics 16 years ago
My take on it is that couples can get carried away with each other's flaws. So, when the flawed person is put on the spot, so to speak, it just makes them feel uncomfortable and out of place-- screwing up the relationship. So, they should just relax and live with each other's faults because they love each other, thus the line "For there is nothing we can do." And then, when the situation calls for it, you can just secretly blame it on the other person just to make yourself feel better and at ease. But, no matter what, you should just relax and take it easy.

Panic! at the Disco – Camisado (Relax, Relapse) Lyrics 16 years ago
I liked this song before I found what it meant... but now I am absolutely in love with it because of the emotion put into it!!! x)

I feel enlightened...

Mika – Happy Ending Lyrics 16 years ago
My boyfriend showed me this song and I always listen to it to make me feel better whenever I'm online... I love it because it reminds me of the happy little things. x)

My Chemical Romance – The Ghost of You (Reverse) Lyrics 16 years ago
i know this is random, but i thought of something philosophical for strange events such as this song reversed:
There are no coincedences, only unintended purposes.

Maybe when you're a band like MCR, these things just happen.

My Chemical Romance – Demolition Lovers Lyrics 16 years ago
everytime i listen to this song, i feel better about me and my boyfriend's relationship. it's almost like our theme song. he thinks its too sad though. sometimes it is, but its usually my way of saying that i'll always be with him, even in a hail of bullets (or insults). :)

im so in love with this beautiful song.

The Early November – Decoration Lyrics 16 years ago
I agree with other people's opinions on this song, and my view of this song is that:

the first verse is about the shame for what it takes to make money and how it affects others. it's about thinking that what you're doing is for the best and you'll do almost anything just to somewhere successfully. desperation, basically.

the second verse is about always thinking you're getting somewhere even when it's only talk. it's about making yourself look more successful when you're really only just another foolish dreamer.

and then decoration is that glamour that you surrender to just to put yourself in a better light. i am addicted to this song and it sometimes makes me cry...

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