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Mazzy Star – Fade Into You Lyrics 10 years ago
rock and roll heaven? so, you're one of those who glorifies heroine as part of the rock n' roll life, huh? what a loser...

Mazzy Star – Fade Into You Lyrics 10 years ago
i believe it's about being in love with someone, and you lose all sight of yourself. you lose sight of your needs, feelings & thoughts. this person is selfish, and in the back of your mind, you know this person isn't the one.

Marina and the Diamonds – Obsessions Lyrics 11 years ago
i believe it's about a lover who is a jealous person. he is paranoid and mistrustful of his other lover. plain

Lana Del Rey – National Anthem Lyrics 12 years ago
and i remember when i met him, it was so clear that he was the only one for me. we both knew it, right away. and as the years went on, things got more difficult and we were faced with more challenges. i begged him to stay. i tried to to remember what we had in the beginning. he was charismatic, magnetic, electric. and everybody knew him. when he walked in, everyone's head turned. everyone stood up to talk to him. he was like this hybrid, this mix, of a man who couldn't contain himself. i always got the sense that he became torn between being a good person and missing out on all the opportunities that life could offer a man as magnificent as him. and in that way, i, understood him. and i loved him. i loved him, i loved him, i loved him. and i still love him. i love him.

The Radio Dept. – The Worst Taste In Music Lyrics 12 years ago
it basically means, if it makes you feel any better - there are plenty of fish in the sea.

The National – Cardinal Song Lyrics 12 years ago
why isn't love enough?

The Dandy Warhols – Sleep Lyrics 13 years ago
When you're depressed you usually want to sleep. When you sleep, you escape reality and don't have to deal with your feelings, however in his dreams he sees "her", his love interest. She's the one causing him this depression, this longing to sleep to forget about everything.

He wants to sleep forever to escape her, but there's no escape.

Frank Ocean – Lovecrimes Lyrics 13 years ago
My favorite song off of his album.
I believe the song is about the intensity of lovemaking. The background vocals of Nicole Kidman play so well with this song.

My favorite line:
"I still got one bullet in my nine" - genius.

Britney Spears – Till The World Ends (The Femme Fatale Remix) Lyrics 13 years ago
Nicki Minaj adds so much to this!
The altered beat also helps tons. I wish they would've kept that beat throughout the song instead.

Adele – Turning Tables Lyrics 13 years ago
I came here to write exactly what your opinion of the song is.
It's exactly what I'm going through at the moment.

Maroon 5 – Not Falling Apart Lyrics 13 years ago
It's about 2 friends who've ended up sleeping with each other. One develops feelings for the other, whereas the other doesn't want anything more. They continue to have a sexual relationship, and to the singer's dismay, the "friend" has not developed anything and just sees it as sex.
Throughout the explanation, I've put friend in parenthesis, because this friend isn't really a friend. A friend is someone who doesn't use another, especially when such deep feelings are involved.

Please excuse the super long explanation, by the way. This may not all be accurate, I may just be projecting. But, whatever. That's what music is for, people will interpret things differently.

"Danced all night and slept all day/Careless with my heart again/Fearless when it comes to playing games"
- I don't think he's describing himself at the moment. I believe the line 'danced all night and slept all day' describes his "friend" as someone who is a free spirit. 'Careless with my heart again' is how he feels in the situation, that his friend knew there was something there, that he has feelings for them, however they didn't mind it. 'Fearless when it comes to playing game,' again describes how the "friend" is a free spirit. They're fearless, careless and don't mind playing games, making him feel like there's a chance that they can be together.

"You don't cry and you don't care"
- The "friend" doesn't show any emotion to his feelings.

"Afraid to have a love affair"
- I don't think this necessarily means that the "friend" is currently seeing someone. I believe it just means a new relationship with him. He's pursuing something, and he feels like it's love. The "friend" is the one who is afraid to purse anything, especially since the singer feels so strongly for them.

"Is that your ghost or are you really there?"
- Once again, the "friend" is emotionless. They don't care.

"Now I can't walk, I can't talk anymore/Since you walked out the door/And now I'm stuck living out that night again/I'm not falling apart"
- He can't function properly, he's lost. He wants to be with the "friend" so badly. He continues to relive that moment the "friend" walked out on him, because it's something they always do. He then tries to be sarcastic and says, 'nah, I'm not falling apart.'

"Wither on a sunny day/Time slows down; I wish you'd stayed/Pass me by in crowded, dark hallways"
- See how a rose or a plant flourishes in the sun? It's happy and getting all the rays it needs to live. Well, this is the opposite for him. Often, people are at their best on beautiful, sunny days. But, for him, although it's a sunny day, he's sulking. "Pass me by in crowded, dark hallways," he'll be sulking in the darkness on his own.

"I try my hardest not to scream/I find my heart is growing weak/So leave your reasons on the bathroom sink"
- He's trying his best to compose himself, but he's slowly losing. He's upset, and nothing can make him feel otherwise until she feels the same, so he tells her to leave her excuses as to why they can't be together on the sink - the drain. The drain is where waste/garbage goes, so to him, her excuses are garbage.

"I heard you say you needed me now/What's the problem; I can't see"
- His "friend" has come around again, now that they see he's slowly moving on. They're showing interest, saying they need them as "friend" now, because they're going through problems. But, the singer is being a bit vengeful, saying "yeah, whatever. I don't see a problem."

"You destroyed me, I won't fall apart again"
- He's finally told his friend, "you destroyed me. I was once this confident, happy-go lucky guy. However, I'm onto you. I need to fix myself. I'm not gonna let you destroy me again."

"Take what you want/And I will be just fine"
- Once again, he's telling his "friend" sarcastically, 'take whatever you want from me,' which is sex and that he'll be fine. There's a little sadistic pleasure in it, though. Because, it's the only way he'll be able to spend time with his "friend."

"You'll be better off alone at night/Waiting and falling/Constantly calling out your name/Will it ever change?"
- He's telling his "friend," that they'll be OK regardless what happens. That at night, when they leave to go back to their place, they won't feel anything, whereas he'll be destroyed. He'll long for them some more. He'll be waiting for them, still falling for them. Constantly thinking about them. He then asks, "what the fuck? Is it ever gonna change? This cycle is exhausting."

The Radio Dept. – Its Personal Lyrics 13 years ago
Powerful instrumental.

The title says it all. It's as if someone has asked, "what's wrong?" and the answer is, "it's personal" and the beat just shows how much silent grief the person is going through.

Katy Perry – E.T. Lyrics 13 years ago
I like your thinking.

The Goo Goo Dolls – Here Is Gone Lyrics 14 years ago
"You and I got something but it's all and then it's nothing to me" - He's in a relationship with someone and he believes they have a connection, but he has to put up a front because the other doesn't reciprocate any emotions.
"And I got my defenses when it comes to your intentions for me" - He's unsure of how the person feels for him.
"And we wake up in the breakdown of the things we never thought we could be" - They were good friends, but now that they've taken their friendship into a 'casual relationship' territory they seem to have a lot of differences. He never thought they'd end up in such a position.
"I'm not the one who broke you, I'm not the one you should fear/We got to move you, darling" - He isn't the one who's tainted his/her image of having a 'special, committed' relationship. He hasn't done anything wrong except probably put himself out there. He wants to shake him/her up a bit (in a good way) to make him/her realize this.
"I thought I lost you somewhere but you were never really ever there at all" - At one point he was asking himself, 'dammit, where did I go wrong?' but he's realized, he/she was never ever really emotionally involved.

"And I want to get free, talk to me/I can feel you falling" - He wants closure. He wants to talk to him/her, maybe this way all the weight he feels on his shoulders will be lifted and he might even be able to move on. If only he/she was just honest with him, rather than letting him believe things'll change and he/she will fall for him.
"I wanted to be all you need/Somehow here is gone" - He wanted to be everything he/she wanted. Having someone NEED you as opposed to want you is such an intense feeling. But, somehow everything they once had in a 'friendship' is gone due to their casual sex.

"I am no solution to the sound of this pollution in me" - He isn't going to be able to relieve his pain or any questions he may have about whatever it is that's going on between them.
"And I am not the answer so forget you ever thought it was me" - In this line I feel like he's trying to be tough, but truthfully, he just wants the other to feel some kind of SOMETHING.

"And I don't need the fallout of all that past that's in between us/and I'm not holding on" - He doesn't need any of their differences to help him make any decisions. He won't hold on to 'em either.
"And all your lies weren't enough to keep me here" - She led him on, and it's not enough to keep him around.

He repeats the chorus, basically saying, "talk to me, I need closure."

All in all, I believe they once had a really different friendship. They had something special, and then they ruined it with sex. The narrator fell in love, whereas the other wasn't emotionally involved and was only in it for the sex.

Danity Kane – Sucka for Love Lyrics 14 years ago
Sorry, I messed up on my last comment. I don't think it's what I originally thought it was. I'm almost positive for Dawn & Aubrey's verse, it's "with him I know I'm the one." As in, they know they're meant for their lover. They're a perfect match.

Danity Kane – Sucka for Love Lyrics 14 years ago
I believe for Dawn & Aubrey's verse, it's "with you I'm on line one." As in, they come first no matter what. Their lover is their number one priority.
For Aundrea's verse, it's not "but your digs." It's actually "for your fix." As in, they don't want their lover going anywhere else for love (sex).

The song is about someone who's a hopeless romantic. They give up everyone and everything for their lover.

Rihanna – Te Amo Lyrics 14 years ago
I believe the other woman is a metaphor/symbol for "love." Both women are Rihanna, battling with herself. She (Rihanna) doesn't want to love anymore and wants to let go, but Te Amo (alter) is holding onto love.

It can also be Rihanna having a hard time loving herself, but subconsciously, she realizes she has to start to become a better and happier person. It just seems as though she's scared due to her confidence. It's a process.

It's a great song, either way.

Gossip – Love Long Distance Lyrics 14 years ago
I think the the song is self explanatory due to the title.

However, to me, I think it's about the person who is sung about, they aren't emotionally involved. They show no interest in the relationship, their emotions seem to be somewhere else, hence the "long distance" part.

My favorite line:
"Love long distance is testing me, trying my patience"
Because, love sure does know how to make you react in ways you never thought you would.

Lykke Li – Knocked Up Lyrics 14 years ago
This song is a cover and also a mash up of Kings of Leon's version. I really, really think Lykke Li did an amazing job on this track. She managed to make this song a lot more meaningful than it already was, and I thought Kings of Leon's version is amazing.

I feel as though this version is a lot more emotional. More in a Romeo & Juliet and the film, Badlands storyline.

To me, their love is forbidden but they really don't care. They're both in love and are both super impulsive.
They run around town causing mischief and enjoy each other's company.

My favorite lines are when Lykke Li and Caleb Followill sing over each other.
It's as though they're telling the world, "Listen to me! We're doing this!"
They're rebels with a cause.

Lady GaGa – So Happy I Could Die Lyrics 14 years ago
The song is about being insecure when she's herself, therefore she creates a persona (Lady GaGa) and feels like she's unstoppable when she's inebriated. She's in love with Lady GaGa, it helps her be who she wants to be.

Kings of Leon – Milk Lyrics 14 years ago
To me, this song is about a very young, free-spirited girl.
The singer is in love with her, maybe even infatuated by her. But, saldy, he no longer is with her - due to the fact that she's cheated on him.

"salty leave" is a sad goodbye (not a sweet leave).
"I called and called, but I can't get through" is the singer calling her. So he decides to call his friend, the person she's cheating with.
"said he's on his own, but his own is you" is the singer's friend saying he's doing nothing, but really the singer knows he's with her.

Lady GaGa – Alejandro Lyrics 14 years ago
She's in love with a man, who's in love with another man, but she's leaving them and their screwed up ways behind. She doesn't want to be controlled by her emotions for Alejandro. She doesn't want Alejandro who wants Fernando, who reminds her of Roberto (her ex before Alejandro).

Either that, or her current boyfriend (Alejandro) reminds her of her ex, Fernando. So, she's leaving the memories (current and old, Alejandro and Fernando) behind. As for Roberto? Who the fuck is he, and where does he come in?

My favorite line:
"You know that I love you, boy/Hot like Mexico, rejoice/At this point I go to choose/Nothing to lose."

The Radio Dept. – David Lyrics 15 years ago
Yet another great example of how amazing The Radio Dept.'s writing skills are.

I believe the song is about a male named David, who's beautiful and gets all he wants, but unbeknowst to everyone around him, he's lost, never satisfied and a total dreamer. I believe he's also slept with a handful of people and seems a bit ashamed by it. The narrator of the song is in love with him and is asking for David to look into his eyes, perhaps if David did, he'd realize what he has and would be satisfied.

Why is love never enough?

My favorite is the 2nd verse:
"He turned too many heads for one lifetime, he never had to try. And he stained too many beds for one lifetime, but always asking why - always asking why... why. Just like I've been doing up until tonight, why. Just like I've been doing David all my life, all my life. Oh David, won't you look into my eyes?"

Paramore – I Caught Myself Lyrics 15 years ago
I believe the narrator is trying to convince themself that they are not in love with someone. But, in reality, they're madly into that person - realizing that this is something they're not ready for.

The Smiths – Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others Lyrics 15 years ago
It's about being a very naïve romantic.

The Smiths – Reel Around the Fountain Lyrics 15 years ago
Clearly, it's about the narrator losing his innocence to a much older man. The narrator is the submissive in the relationship - sexually, only performing sexual acts and never receiving. Also, it's rough sex. He's content with that, though. It's what he thinks is love at the time.

I love the way Morrissey ends the song with "Oh, but I do" so emotionally.

My favorite line:
"It's time the tale were told, of how you took a child, and you made him old."
Because, honestly, I think everyone can or will be able to relate to that.

The National – Friend of Mine Lyrics 15 years ago
Thank you.

The Smiths – I Want the One I Can't Have Lyrics 15 years ago
That was an excellent explanation of the song.
I knew what I wanted to say, but I did not know how to explain it in words and you did an awesome job!
Thank you.

Phosphorescent – Wolves Lyrics 15 years ago
I really would like to know what this song is about. It's truly amazing.

By wolves, does he mean strangers?
Darn it, I really want to know.

I really like when he says, "mama there's wolves in the house."
My favorite line, actually.

Spoon – The Two Sides Of Monsieur Valentine Lyrics 15 years ago
RationalBeast, thank you. I instantly knew what the song was about, but you summed it up quite well.

My favorite lines:
"In his coat and his boats and his black heart machine/No, no-one knows the sides of Monsieur Valentine"
"He steals the whole show in his last dying scene/No one see the two sides of Monsieur Valentine"

Amazing song.

The Radio Dept. – Deliverance Lyrics 15 years ago
OK, I thought about it a little more.

Along the lines of them "trying to figure him out."
I think people were telling him he's in a phase, that he really doesn't like boys, hense the line "try to outgrow you, what does that show you?"
He sees how mean, silly and close-minded people can be.

The chorus expresses how he wants to run away.
He wants the person he's into to come over to his place for 1 last night before they head out to another destination to start anew.

I dunno. I may be talking out my ass.
I love this song.

The Radio Dept. – Deliverance Lyrics 15 years ago
Along with "Keen on Boys", this is yet another reason why The Radio Dept. is among my favorite bands. This song is simply amazing.

This song is hard to interpret, but for some reason I just get it. You know what I mean? It's just 1 of those songs.

Was the narrator bothered by a group of people? Perhaps trying to figure him out, whether it be his sexual preference or what-have-you? Perhaps an addiction with alcohol? I dunno.

I love this song.

My favorite line:
"and they don't know you/not like I know you/try to outgrow you/what does that show you?"

Britney Spears – Unusual You Lyrics 15 years ago
This song is truly amazing.

It's about being in love with someone who is so different, so random, so puzzling, so mysterious. You're truly devoted to the person, realizing that past "loves" don't compare to the feeling and the love now. THIS is what love is about. It's also about not believing in a way, being jaded from past experiences, so expecting the worst - but of course you hang on!

I truly adore the intro of this song. The beat is nostalgic, in a way. You know what I mean? It's bittersweet. I love it.

My favorite line:
Nothing about you is typical/Nothing about you is predictable/You got me all twisted and confused/(It's all new).

Spiritualized – Broken Heart Lyrics 15 years ago
How does a heart heal?

My favorite line:
"And I'm wasted all the time/I got to drink you right off of my mind/I've been told that this will heal given time/But I have a broken heart."

The Whitest Boy Alive – Borders Lyrics 15 years ago
In a nutshell.
What a tune. What a tune.

"I blame it on you."

Vanessa Carlton – Wanted Lyrics 15 years ago
I have absolutely fallen in love with Vanessa Carlton after this song! Ironic, isn't it? Maybe not.

As for the story posted above this comment - wow. That's such a deep story, and I'm kind of speechless.

This is my favorite song by Vanessa Carlton.

My favorite line - aside from the chorus:
"and don't pretend you feel what I feel/you live illusion and I'm real."
Also, I really like:
"I know, I know you like the way you feel when I play."

Man. This song is brilliant.

Vanessa Carlton – Hands On Me Lyrics 15 years ago
I really love this song, it feels almost like a "missed connection" type of thing.

I believe this song is about bumping into someone and instantly feeling a connection, but you refrain from approaching the person.

She's also daydreaming of all the possibilities of meeting the person again.

I believe, "and if you don't believe me, just put your hands on me" means, if he would just touch her he'd instantly understand her feelings, something that words can never express.

My favorite line:
"I know my heart/and it will never change."

Prince – I Would Die 4 U Lyrics 16 years ago
I know many have said it's a reference to religion, but I too like to make my own interpretations of songs.

I just believe he's a contradiction of sorts, he's a confusing person. But, he is admitting that he cares for the person, a lot.

My favorite line:
"I'm not your lover/I'm not your friend/I am something that you'll never comprehend"

Prince – Little Red Corvette Lyrics 16 years ago
The song is clearly about sex and how he wants to tame her. To make her his and only his.

The line, "I guess I shoulda known by the way you parked your car sideways" means, she flaunted her lady-bits. A lot of cleavage.

The line, "'cause you had a pocket full of horses/Trojan and some of them used" means, she had condoms on her, and condom wrappers which implies that she's had sex before. Trojan is the brand name of some condoms.

My favorite line:
"I guess I shoulda closed my eyes/When you drove me to the place/Where your horses run free"
Awesome line.

Malcolm Mclaren – About Her Lyrics 16 years ago
I believe the song is about a woman with a reputation of lying and hurting others.

The singer became involved with her without a warning from others, or perhaps he was warned, but is still blaming others for his' (or her's) mistakes. I get the sense that he's still hurting over her loss, knowing she'll never be back - she's moved onto the next.

My favorite line:
"Well no one told me about her/How many people cried"

Such a sad song, really.

Broken Social Scene – Passport Radio Lyrics 16 years ago
This song gives me nostalgia.

Favorite line:
"You're mine/Yes, all mine."
I love it.

Justin Nozuka – Save Him Lyrics 16 years ago
This song was playing on my playlist and the lyrics hit me. Geez, his voice is amazing.

Clearly, the song is about abuse and it's vicious cycle. Such a sad story, and it's horrible that it's happening to people.

My favorite line:
"Don't end my life, you're all I need."
The emotion he puts in that sentence alone gives me goosebumps.

Golden Earring – Angelina Lyrics 16 years ago
I love the grainy quality of this song, it adds so much to it.

Angelina begged her significant other to stay, and warned them of the consequences. The significant other finally realized they couldn't be without her, upon arriving back to her house, they find her dead. She warned them she would hurt herself.

My favorite line:
"is this what you meant, when I shut the door?/Oh my God, why did you do this to me?"

Air – Playground Love Lyrics 16 years ago
Such an eerie, seductive song.

I believe the song is expressing how much they've developed a HUGE crush on someone, like they used to in high school. It also expresses how nervous they get around the person.

My favorite line:
"I'm a high school lover, and you're my favorite flavor."

Nelly Furtado – Say It Right Lyrics 16 years ago
This song is bittersweet, really.

I've tried to type out what I believe this song means, but I really don't know how to put it into words. For the most part, though, I believe she doesn't know how to put her feelings into words either, hence why she says she can show them things.

My favorite parts:
1 - "And all of that I feel, I could show you tonight."
2 - "From my body, I could show you a place, that only God knows."

Amanda Palmer – Astronaut: A Short History of Nearly Nothing Lyrics 16 years ago
The song is about having a secret relationship. The singer is battling with the feelings of wanting to do things out in the open.

I absolutely love this song.

My favorite line:
"The pieces don't fit together so good/From all the breaking and the gluing back."

Alicia Keys – Diary Lyrics 16 years ago
I'm in love with this song.

I honestly don't think the song is about an intimate (boyfriend/girlfriend) relationship. I believe it's about having that 1 close person, your best friend, that you love so much (maybe more? but nothing can happen) and have an amazing comfort level with each other. Things can be said, and the person automatically knows it can't be repeated to another.

My favorite line:
"I feel such a connection/Even when you're far away."

Such an amazing song.

Justin Nozuka – After Tonight Lyrics 16 years ago
Man, I heard this song this morning and fell in love with it. His voice is amazing.

I believe the song is about a dreamer, who is always lost in thought, daydreaming. The dreamer's emotions can be seen from their eyes, they tell a story.

He says, he'll make all their dreams and fantasies come true. Therefore, they won't have to make anymore wishes on stars.

My favorite line, the first verse:
"There's something in your eyes./Is everything alright?/You look up to the sky,/You long for something more."


The National – Ada Lyrics 16 years ago
Tidy Parts, I agree!
I've always thought this song to be about a woman who is about to get married but is a little hesitant. The singer, being so close to her knows the situation, tells her to think it over.

"Now that you got everybody you consider sharp"
- All the guests attending are dressed nicely, waiting. She's got their attention.
"all alone, all together, all together in the dark"
- The guests are unsure of what is about to happen.
"Ada put the sounds of your house in a song"
- She's lived with the man she's about to get married with, and if the walls to her house can talk, they'd spill everything.
"Leave it all up in the air"
- It's a phrase, kind of like, "keep us guessing" or "think it over".

I dunno. My explanation might not make any sense, but I found it surprising someone else got the same impression from the song.

Sia – Natale's Song Lyrics 16 years ago
Mary Jane is the lady on the other end of the phone.

I hate saying drugs are being referenced in a song, but this is the only thing that makes sense to me.

It's such an awesome song.

My favorite line:
"But I hear her breathing/That's all I need."

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