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Keith Urban – Kiss a Girl Lyrics 15 years ago
I know he's been interviewed as having said Defying Gravity was about being brave with love. So it does make sense that songs like this one and "Sweet Thing" and even "Til Summer Comes Around" relate back to more type teenage relationships-- being that they're likely to include a lot more firsts which...would arguably be more scary and warranting bravery. And on top of that, he does have a large teenage female following. So it doesn't surprise me that these songs would be geared towards that age bracket.

Audioslave – Hypnotize Lyrics 16 years ago
I guess I have an unpopular interpretation. I always thought the line "don't you keep your good luck to yourself" was kind of sarcastic.

The first verse establishes the second party as someone who's had to deal with a lot and is carrying a huge burden. Hence the "you can make your load just a little lighter, all you got to do is share the wealth" line. So their "luck" is really misfortune. And if they talk about their pain and let someone else share their burden or "luck" things won't be so terrible.

And the last verse, the give and take part just has to deal with how when you board yourself up with all your pain and all your burdens and don't ask for help, you tend to find yourself in even bigger trouble. Like you have to give a little bit of yourself in order to find relief.

The Black Crowes – She Talks To Angels Lyrics 16 years ago
I'm not sure of the song overall but this verse:

"She gives a smile when the pain comes
The pain gonna make everything alright "

makes me think of guilt because she feels like she deserves the pain - like that's the only thing that balances the scale. People have pointed out the whole cutter thing, but when you think about the time this song was written and the fact that that "addiction" only somewhat recently was really discussed and used in the media, I find that unlucky.

And then the boy's hair makes me think, like some of you have pointed out, that he's someone (maybe a son or a brother) who's passed and she feels responsible for his death.

I'm still a little bit confused about the angels part, it doesn't seem like a reference to drugs, to me. It could just be her subconscious - that's being referred to, that's guiding her and that she believes in. Especially because the last verse makes her sound like a bit of a loner by choice - in that she gets her company and her worth from God and doesn't look for it anywhere else.

Chris Cornell – Follow My Way Lyrics 16 years ago
From what Chris has said about this song I think it has more to do with strength in weakness. And just the idea that when we look at someone who we might see as a role model or a hero we shouldn't necessarily look at how they react to the good times, but instead how they get through the rough times. It's easy to be confident and a good person when everything's going right and just the idea that only when you're pushing through pain can you actually see a true reflection of yourself.

Sevendust – Skeleton Song Lyrics 16 years ago
I really think the third verse is the kicker. I guess I kind of see “you” as the song, as his mind when he’s writing and just sort of how well music describes and relates to pain (“so I try my best to see how you can relate to so much grief”). And just wondering why it is that his mind is almost attracted to that grief and uses it as a cornerstone for creating music – with that whole idea of the beauty in tragedy. But then it also hints at the solace that writing and listening to music offer (“another skeleton song will save my life tonight”) as well as the grand scale that it touches people on who are going through the pain he’s been through and is writing about (“a different face but on the same page”).

As far at the primary symbolism, skeleton – I take it as meaning bare and stripped – as if the song and the writing he does doesn’t have any sort of façade or cryptic meaning that its just out there and real and raw but also that the writing and the songs are universal.

Sevendust – Burned Out Lyrics 16 years ago
I don’t think this song is necessarily about a relationship. Lajon seems to use “us” in a context that means humanity and just the audience of the song rather than two people in a relationship.

My opinion is that the song’s about when people twist your intentions and your words and your actions and use them to quell their guilt in a way that magnifies your pain. And just the way you have to deal with it and recover from it. It’s about feeling low and empty, losing hope (“like the sun is just burned out”). And just realizing that the one person you could count on, that you learned to depend on isn’t going to offer help or love any longer and that you’ve just got to push through the pain (“just wash the blood off my face”) and not give in to it.

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