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Devin Townsend – Deadhead Lyrics 15 years ago
I interpret this song as the narrators apparent obsession with their significant other even though they are abused mentally or physically in the relationship. The song details the rocky relationship of splitting up, getting back together, fighting, etc.

John Lennon – Imagine Lyrics 16 years ago
The song is an anthem for a world that could be. It stills brings hope.

Basically the song recounts the tenants of secular huminism and the abolition of arbitrary division lines in society.

Pain of Salvation – Cribcaged Lyrics 16 years ago
In addition, the end of the song, Pain of Salvation states how our children will have to mend the wounds of modern society, producing more scars. That's basically what the whole album is about, the wounds, scarring, and general abusiveness of modern society.

Pain of Salvation – Cribcaged Lyrics 16 years ago
This song is excellent.

It's about how stupid and irratinally abusive modern society is towards itself and others. Instead of sincerely investing in the future generations and our children, society sees fit to wallow in idol worship (the obsession with actors, socialites and all those worthless people) and consumerism. Never taking the time to see the injustices and retardation going on around them, instead going with the flow that will end to hurt and screw up everything.

Pain of Salvation – Kingdom of Loss Lyrics 16 years ago
The song is a denouncement on consumer culture and how utterly meaningless and stupid it can be. Everything is about money, consuming, and tearing up the earth to sustain, for a few centures, the unsustainable culture and habits of the West and the entire world too.

Basically the song is about how Western idealogy of society and its feelings of entitlement are flawed.

Pain of Salvation – Mrs. Modern Mother Mary Lyrics 16 years ago
Anorak is completely correct. The song goes into the hypocracy and self delusion of relgion. The song contrasts old witch burnings because of faith to the ridiculous acts and atrocities that still occur today. Starting wars with 'god's blessing' and using religion to help justify violence, torture, destruction, and genocide.

Pain of Salvation – Idiocracy Lyrics 16 years ago
This song touches on a person's disillusionment with modern society and also remarks on the iraq war. Ideas such as blind acceptance of authority, lies, and ideals are addressed. The songs 'singer' is not blind to the injustice and bullshit of society though, so they are very saddened and frusterated. They fantasize about living in blind ignorance for the emotional and moral burden that it lifts.

The singer is not blind though, and the last verse of the song recounts this. Modern democracies and countries are flawed and need to improve. "I don't want to see this undemocratic, semi-automatic mediocracy and hypocracy". That's how Pain of Salvation feels about the current world and all of the democracies and governments.

Pain of Salvation – Flame To The Moth Lyrics 16 years ago
This entire song is a denouncement of our society and how we're its going to fall hard from the mistakes and shit we've done. The song denounces corporate culture, consumerism, wanton capitalism, selfishness, greed, and the widespread disinformation and lying from political leaders and the media. The song leads into 'let it rain' where Dan describes how society will inevitably fall of society because of our terrible mistakes.

For above, the 'one small step for man, maybe this time i'll fly' is a pronouncement of how society needs to progress much more. If society fails in its quest to progress and treat everything better than it will die, but everything dies and at least we tried.

Pain of Salvation – Enter Rain Lyrics 16 years ago
Funkgott, I feel, is correct in his interpretation. The whole song is how society will have to deal with the consequences of its actions, politics, and violence. The song touches on the chaos, pain, and hardship humanity will have to deal with once the emprires start crumbling.

Pain of Salvation – Spitfall Lyrics 16 years ago
The intent of this song is blatently obvious. Pain of salvation makes their observations and critique on rap culture, the inherent hypocricy, egotist, and bullshit. A good song taking a look at what a lot of corporate rap artist culture and negatives.

Pain of Salvation – America Lyrics 16 years ago
Daniel nails the attitude of modern America and its government in this song. You can tell he's pretty pissed off about the massive super power shitting all over everything.

But Dan provides hope at the end, calling people to action and saying the wrongs can be righted. An inspiring song.

Pain of Salvation – Disco Queen Lyrics 16 years ago
I think the song deals with starlettes as a whole whoring themselves out to the media and society for consumption. The fame is always fleeting even with the ravaneous need for much of the populace to know information about the person. The song has the message these people are just drugged and sexed up empty shells of people with no real value. They exist to whore for attention until at the end of the day, society forgets them and stops caring, using up their humanity like a flash in a pan.

Devin Townsend – Sunday Afternoon Lyrics 16 years ago
It's all about accepting people and remaining loyal.

Devin Townsend – Earth Day Lyrics 16 years ago
The message of the song is that there is no message and many things that act like they have a message also don't have any real message behind them. The song makes many contradictory statements of itself for 'a message', ending up as saying nothing about something because that's what a lot of media and art does.

Devin Townsend – Hyperdrive Lyrics 16 years ago
The song deals with the randomness of life and the love and lonliness that it can bring. The hyperdrive is set up on a path that goes through cold and warm. Good and bad aspects of life.

Devin Townsend – The Death Of Music Lyrics 16 years ago
I interpret the song as discussing death again and the feelings and meanings it has to everyone. It makes the statement that death is in the ocean, e.g. life. You cannot hide from death in a physical sense so 'mountains' will provide no safety and neither will 'clouds'. The ethereal inevitability of death will claim everyone and whether we 'drown, fly, or fall from faith' when we face it, is up to us.

The last parts of the song are more feelings of loss and mourning for people who have died. Missing our loved ones who have died. The musical bit of death is the cascade of emotion, highs and lows, that dealing with death brings to someone. Thus death is musical, both good and bad parts of it.

Devin Townsend – Regulator Lyrics 16 years ago
Song is about the 'regulator' e.g. dying from life. It regulates us all and time won't wait for any of us. Regulated means death in this sense. For death is the regulator of life.

Devin Townsend – Night Lyrics 16 years ago
Frustration with life and love. Trying to reconcile it and find meaning in life and the horrible feelings love can bring.

Devin Townsend – Things Beyond Things Lyrics 16 years ago
I think this song is about losing love to death and lamenting the fact. The song deals with the internal tear up and struggle of losing someone you love so much to death. But after all these feelings and situations are all just things, and there are more things beyond them to consider and help accept death.

Devin Townsend – A Simple Lullaby Lyrics 16 years ago

Devin Townsend – Bastard Lyrics 16 years ago
Exactly, the whole album and this song as well are about the duality of life and death and the different concepts around both of them. Some of the album is about hopelessness, mourning, acceptance, questioning, and realities of death and what it brings to a person and how it affects everyone around them.

This specific song is about the isolation and coldness of death, similar to a lonely city. The ultimate futility that death brings to life.

The second part indicates the ongoing life all around us but also reminds us of inevitable death and bleakness.

This is one of the bleaker takes and feelings around death Ocean Machine takes. It's my favourite song on the album, so emotional and moving.

Devin Townsend – Seventh Wave Lyrics 16 years ago
I think the song is also about accepting death to a degree. The ocean stands for the enormous and unstoppable force of death, and just accepting it. The person will never be alone in death because of all the people that have died before and will die after. The Ocean in ocean machine represents the giant, inescapable force of life and things people cannot control (e.g. death). It's turbulent and unpredictable and is an analog for one's life. Accepting the will of the ocean is going along with life instead of trying to resist it.

I agree with the second meaning of persistance and hope for the future. Running away from your problems won't stop them, because life is too powerful.

Devin Townsend – Nobody's Here Lyrics 16 years ago
The song is about getting high off marijuana to forget your troubles and depression. The person just wants out of the problems and ordeals caused by people in their life. They are hiding from their problems from being stoned, 'I want to feel like this for a year'.

The last part is about having a breakdown (either high or not) and gaining a new perspective on life and depression afterwards. The person can move forward fresh 'zero the miles'. The heroes probably stand for the people that help someone out of depression and love them. They help the person start over mentally with a fresh slate even if it starts with a painful mental breakdown.

It's an amazingly beautiful song.

Devin Townsend – Irish Maiden Lyrics 16 years ago
The song is about persistance in life even if it's a long, painful process at times. We still carry on because that's what we have to do!

Devin Townsend – My Life Lyrics 16 years ago
The song discusses the mystery of life and death and what both of them truly are. The last two verses discuss how people should realize that we only have one life and to live it fully, even if it screws you. That way you won't just be a blip on the radar 'and fade away', be forgotten as just another person.

The last verse again contrasts the time of living and time of death. The last line means we all need to be reminded of our death to truly live life to its fullest.

A pretty hopefull but melancholic song.

Devin Townsend – Funeral Lyrics 16 years ago
I think manlylove is on the right track with one of the meanings. The other more obvious meaning I've gathered from the song is about death. The song deals with concepts such as salvation and death. 'spring clean for the may queen' is a reference to the simple ease and routine dying is for someone. It's also a lyric in 'Stairway to heaven', see what I'm getting at?

The song appears to be discussing the death of someone, trying for others to accept the death as a natural thing, and the fact that all is left from the person is words. The song also questions the reason for death and seems to ask why Jesus would die, as it's an element to the mystery of death.

Devin Townsend – 3 A.M. Lyrics 16 years ago
Like all of ocean machine there are two meanings to the songs. This one is about moving on from problems or events in his life. The other is about dying and letting go of life.

Devin Townsend – Canada Lyrics 16 years ago
The song also appears to be about being fulling enveloped within a relationship and one person. The freeway home is an analogy for the long trip he has to take to let go of his feelings for 'mora' the woman in question. He wants to be awoken from his obsession with this person and go on living life freely (e.g. 'free'way).

The lonely bit hides the meaning that it's his sole trip to freedom for himself and no one else can travel with him (aside from John Denver, who sang a song by the same name hehe).

Devin Townsend – Voices In The Fan Lyrics 16 years ago
I'm leaning towards the song being about death, probably suicide. It's most hinted at in:
'Tonight it comes for me
Please, help them understand '

The person in the song is about to commit suicide and doesn't want anyone to mourn for them. They will become a 'voice in a fan', e.g. a fleeting ghost or spirit. They won't be alone because so many before have also died, so he won't be alone in death.

With the goodbye he is ending his words or suicide letter.

A depressing yet beautiful song...

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