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Weezer – Trippin' Down The Freeway Lyrics 14 years ago
Cute song, and pretty inspirational(well, to me). It makes me want to give my relationship another chance, unbeknownst, though, to my boyfriend that I was giving up in the first place :b

Weezer – Let It All Hang Out Lyrics 14 years ago
I don't care what anyone says about this new album, I like it ;) It's no Pinkerton, but it still emits that Weezer-essence, which I love the most about them.

Anyways, I always find myself coming back to this song at the right moments, when there's so much going on in life. I hear this song and just smile and enjoy myself. Very fun and nice "let loose" type of song.

Coeur de Pirate – C'Etait Salement Romantique Lyrics 14 years ago
Basically, from the rough translations, this song is about an unrequited love. This person gave his or her heart into the relationship(or lack of) only to be pushed aside. And so, the person copes by shunning his or her heart.

Also, "C'était salement romantique" means "It was so goddamn romantic!"

Anna Nalick – In My Head Lyrics 15 years ago
The first few times I listened to this song, I thought it was about her imagining her lover in her mind to cope with loneliness. Then I listened to it more closely and realized otherwise. Now, i see a girl, who probably hasn't had much luck with love, expressing how much a singer means to her, regardless of sex.

The girl puts the singer on such a high pedestal in her mind, imagining he/she is simply perfect. To shield herself away from the problems of her life, the girl tells herself that this singer makes her feel complete, because someone understands her and her problems. The singer's voice and songs' "philosophies" have captured this girl's heart.

The Gaslight Anthem – Senor and the Queen Lyrics 15 years ago
Shake, shake, shake, Senora is from Beetlejuice, isn't it?

Awesome song, I love singing along to the "Shake, shake, shake" part.

Cartel – If I Fail Lyrics 15 years ago
I agree with most of you that this is about two friends that obviously like each other.

Time to go, this is goodbye she said,
does it ever get easier to live like this?
And to kiss the cheek, i can't kiss you anymore, and I, I would honestly love you now,
but i would lovingly let you down...

-The girl is too afraid to make a move, despite her feelings, so she's trying to escape them by escaping him. She's probably going out with another guy to forget her feelings. The guy is hurting inside because of how awkward it is between the two since they are probably both aware of their feelings for each other. However, the guy is understanding enough to respect any decision that the two decide about where to go next. ( I would honestly love you now, but i would lovingly let you down...)

Oh, i have the hardest time resisting you, and, oh, if you...
If you feel the same way,
then how can we be friends?
He's right you know, we can't go on like this.
And I try to give you everything
and if I fail, well then I fail, but at least I gave you something...

-So the two both like each other, and since they do, it's difficult to maintain a normal friendship. "Then how can we be friends?" => It's like, "If we like each other so much, why are we only friends? Why don't we take it a step further?" The "he" is probably either the girl's boyfriend or simply a friend that knows both the girl and main guy. That "he" is also aware of the two's feelings, and if he is the guy that the girl is going out with, then he is also aware that the girl is using him (to deny her feelings for the main guy). And he tells both of them that their friendship won't last at this rate.

-And guy is deciding to risk his friendship w/ the girl by making a move. I guess that the two have not actually admitted to each other about how they feel, so the guy is planning to spill his guts out to her. And he says that if he fail, at least he gave her an opportunity, i guess? Of a happy ending? I can't explain it, but i understand.

I can put my trust in giving up the heart that makes the difference,
and how can you afford to settle down?
When I, I would promise to love you now,
but I will lovingly let you down...

-He is willing to make any decision that is right for the two of them. He will make the move, but whatever the girl wants, he will respect it if he thinks that it's right for the two of them. But he is asking the girl, "How can you be satisfied of not settling this? I could be the best for you." (how can you afford to settle down?) This is before his confession. As i said before, the girl is avoiding her feelings.

It's better than silence,
give me one good reason.
To leave this in silence,
you don't have a good reason.

-It's better to put these feelings out and settle them rather to let them fester inside both of them with a bunch of "If only"s and "What if"s. He is telling the girl that he HAS to make a move. And if there was a single good reason that he should restrain himself, she should tell him, or forever hold her peace.

Anna Nalick – Breathe (2 A.M.) Lyrics 15 years ago
I really love this song, the sound is so emotional and mesmerizing while the lyrics are so powerful.

I always thought that the first verse was about a woman who was engaged to a man, but realized that she didn't love him.

2 Am and she calls me cause I'm still awake
Can you help me unravel my latest mistake
I don't love him, winter just wasn't my season.
Yeah we walk through the doors so accusing their eyes
Like they have any right at all to criticize
Hypocrites you're all here for the very same reason.

The woman calls Anna on the night before the wedding because of what she realized. Her "latest mistake" was accepting her fiance's proposal realizing her feelings too late. And the doors they are walking through are the church doors. The bride-to-be stops the wedding while she's at the alter and she walks back down the aisle to the doors with Anna next to her. The eyes refer to the attendants, criticizing of what the bride was doing.

Just my take.....but the abortion story makes a lot of sense.

The Gaslight Anthem – Old White Lincoln Lyrics 15 years ago
This is the song that got me hooked to GA, and also one of my favorite. I agree that it's about a guy simply missing and reminiscing his (ex?)girlfriend, it's pretty straightfoward.

The Gaslight Anthem – Great Expectations Lyrics 15 years ago
I think this is about a guy who's been in a failed marriage, one where both the guy and his wife had "great expectations" of a wonderful life, which didn't happen. Things fell apart between the two and eventually, the wife left, leaving him devastated. I think he's speaking to "Mary," another woman whom he probably fell in love with. But he's still hurt from his wife's departure and was wondering why Mary didn't leave him yet....

The Gaslight Anthem – Here's Looking at You, Kid Lyrics 15 years ago
I love the mood of this song, it's so....emotional lol. I guess the song's pretty straight foward. There are all these girls in his life that hurt him and he's just saying goodbye to all of them. He's saying that it was a waste that they all didn't want to be with him. I think he's saying goodbye to his past. He probably had some type of feeling for each of these girls, even after they dumped him, and this is a goodbye to those girls but only in his mind, since they all moved on and don't really care about him in real life.

"Here's looking at you, kid" is like "I hope you have a good life, but i'm finally moving on and letting go of you, so farewell."

Jack's Mannequin – Spinning Lyrics 15 years ago
My favorite song in the whole album.

It reminds me of when i confessed to this guy. I describe it as "the world turning slowly" and everyone around me just being too loud. And i told him "Wait...." because i was going to tell him something.....After all my "um"s and "uhh"s, i said it. I heard this song for the first time and that scene came to my mind....

The Goo Goo Dolls – Iris Lyrics 15 years ago
I'm listening to this right now....and i feel so moved

And I don't want the world to see me,
Cause I don't think that they'd understand.
When everything's made to be broken,
I just want you to know who I am

Those lines are especially moving. It makes me think of him....How i really like him, and how i feel like no one understands how i feel, and how i wish i can be important to him.

And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
'Cause sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight

they describe my feelings for him...... How i like to live in the moment, but once it's over, i feel so sad and lonely.

I wish he knows how i feel...he might, but i don't think he really KNOWS. I wish i know what he's thinking. I wish that i can stop doubting.

The instrumental is so powerful too. It makes me want to cry a bit.

Superchick – Wishes Lyrics 15 years ago
This song describes what happened to him and me. Word for word, it describes how i'm still in love with him and how once we fell apart, we couldn't even be friends anymore.

I wish we could have worked it out.
I wish I didn't have these doubts,
I wish I didn't have to wonder just what you are doing now.
I wish I didn't know inside
That it won't work out for you and I.
I wish that I could stop this wishing and just say my last goodbye.

The chorus especially describes me very well. We fell apart because i was very insecure and doubtful of everything. And now, despite the fact that i'm still in love with him, i know that we're permanently broken apart. I know that we're never going to get back together, so why can't i stop my wishing and just say goodbye?

Rise Against – Blood To Bleed Lyrics 15 years ago
As others have already mentioned, it is ostensibly about a break-up. I love the chorus so much. Whenever i hear it, my heart just scrunches up and i feel like just singing along.

“I don’t love you anymore” is all I remember you telling me
Never have I felt so cold
I have no more blood to bleed
As my heart has been draining into the sea

Those words just trigger something inside that i just want to sing it to someone. It hasn't ever happened to me....but i feel so empathetic to the ones who HAVE experienced this.I like this song; it's one of my favorite RA songs.

Sum 41 – With Me Lyrics 15 years ago
My favorite sum 41 song, and in my top 10 of all time. Listening to the guitar chords in the beginning and hearing the first line "i don't want this moment to ever end where everything's nothing without you" always triggers something inside me. Most of the time, hearing them stops me immediately in my tracks and makes me just think about the song's powerful meaning. In rare cases, i cry because it's so beautiful....the love i hear in this song. When i hear this song, i'm always so compelled to just write down every beautiful line and just stick it onto the wall or something. haha. I wish that i can one day experience this feeling or have someone experience this towards me.

The All-American Rejects – Gives You Hell Lyrics 15 years ago
I love it!!! I like the lines "And truth be told, I miss you, and truth be told, I'm lyin'" the most. The situation's pretty obvious. This guy's probably angry at his ex for cheating on him or something. He smiles as if he's better off without her and hopes that she feels miserable when she sees him. Her life is probably crap and the guy's thinking that she deserves it for what she did to him. But i think he still has feelings for her because why else would he care about her being miserable?

Yeah, awesome song. Can't wait til 11/18

Sum 41 – The Jester Lyrics 15 years ago
Is it just me or does the chorus of this song sound similar to the chorus of My Chemical Romance's "House of Wolves"??

Flyleaf – So I Thought Lyrics 16 years ago
This song, i can relate to in so many ways.

"All your twisted thoughts free flow
To everlasting memories
Show soul
Kiss the stars with me
And dread the wait for
Stupid calls returning to us to life"

This is basically about being in love when you are young. The emotions you feel.

"We say to those who are in love
It can't be true 'cause we're too young
I know that's true because so long I was
So in love with you
So I thought
A year goes by
And I can't talk about it"

The relationship didn't work out. When you experience love as a teenager, you're usually driven by infatuation because you don't have enough experience to really know what love is. And this part basically says that the couple was so infatuated with each other, but that part died out and they broke up. Of course, it was probably very heartbreaking, considering that this was probably the first relationship the couple both had.

"On my knees
Dim lighted room
Thoughts free flow try to consume myself in this
I'm not faithless
Just paranoid of getting lost or that I might lose"

Praying, obviously, to God, trying to figure out what the break up is supposed to mean and what His plan is for the person. However, the person is still shaken up from the break up and is starting to doubt God in their anxiousness. The person is just afraid that they will never have a happy ending.

"Ignorance is bliss cherish it
Pretty neighborhoods you learn to much to hold
Believe it not
And fight the tears
With pretty smiles and lies about the times
A year goes by
And I can't talk about it
The times weren't right
And I couldn't talk about it"

"Ignorance is bliss," yes it is. The person is saying, "don't take your relationships for granted, live every second of it to it's fullest and be the happiest you can be." And then the person is sort of recollecting the past relationship and trying not to cry about it. The person is trying to think of all the good moments, but sometimes, it isn't enough. And sadly, the person concludes that the relationship didn't work out probably because they were too young and too (i don't want to say "immature," but.....something like it).

"Choris Romance says goodnight
Close your eyes and I'll close mine
Remember you, remember me
Hurt the first, the last between
Choris Romance says goodnight
Close your eyes and I'll close mine
Remember you, remember me
Hurt the first, the last, between"

This is like saying that in your life, you'll go through many relationships and many break ups. You'll hurt many people and end up getting hurt yourself, but that's life. You shouldn't forget anyone either, because with the more experience you have, the better you become at having a relationship.

"And I'm praying that we will see
Something there in between
Then and there that exceeds all we can dream
So we can talk about it"

The person is a little optimistic here. Saying something like, "Although we failed at being together, i'll try and read between the lines and find something important about the time we shared. This was meant to happen, God made it happen."

"And all these twisted thoughts I see
Jesus there in between
And all these twisted thoughts I see
Jesus there in between"

Through all the pain that you suffer, remember that God is there to help you. Every pain you encounter while trying to find your "special one," is meant to happen. That is probably the message here: that everything that happens is supposed to lead to something good in the future. But don't lose your faith in God. Be patient. That is something a lot of people don't follow. They immediately thing that God is out to get them or something, but He's not. He's trying to help you.

This is my two cents. This song is basically my belief of God's plan in words.

Flobots – Handlebars Lyrics 16 years ago
I agree with a lot of the comments i have seen on this page, yes, it is about POWER. It is about what humans are capable of, good and bad. It is innocent at first, talking about the creative, happy things we can do. Then it talks about other things - things that happen when power is abused and so the song turns angry. It's not only about America though, there are other countries out there with leaders that abuse power, but there's no saying that the resentment towards Bush could have provoked or inspired this song. It is very captivating and true, this song and the message it brings.

Death Cab for Cutie – What Sarah Said Lyrics 16 years ago
This is such a beautiful song. I wasn't really into DCFC but then i heard this song and i became a fan. For you House MD fans out there - doesn't this song remind you of the House finale with Amber? It does for me, especially the line "Love is watching someone die." It's perfect for Wilson!!

"Love is watching someone die." Best line ever.

The All-American Rejects – It Ends Tonight Lyrics 16 years ago
I love this song so much, it can make me cry if i'm in a certain mood. It just sets this certain ambiance....Whenever i hear it, i picture a ruined relationship and they finally break up. Like, it's just so sad. I love it. Especially during the climax of the song when the chorus is repeated and suddenly the violins pop just brings out this unexplainable and overwhelming emotion out of me that just stops me in my tracks and can make me break down.

Vertical Horizon – Give You Back Lyrics 16 years ago
This song is currently describing my life right now........

The Hush Sound – Out Through The Curtain Lyrics 16 years ago
The first time i actually listened to the lyrics, i thought of Boo Radley from To Kill A Mockingbird. I mean, it just fits. I don't care what it really means, the song will always be Boo's song to me :)

Teddy Geiger – Try Too Hard Lyrics 16 years ago
It's a pretty obvious song, i agree, and it's also my love life in words. For the past 3 years, i've always TRIED to ask this guy out. Well, he broke my heart, like so MANY times. I think i DID try too hard. Well now.....nothing. I've given up, but not fully. I'm just not expecting anything. I'm just acting like he's no one and hope (still not expecting) that he'll accept me.

Teddy is so sweet. I hope that girl he liked seriously regrets not accepting him. (she better burn in hell)

Teddy Geiger – For You I Will (Confidence) Lyrics 16 years ago
I just rediscovered this song the other day after looking at my friend's ipod and i just remembered why i liked it! It's my love life in words! Except i got rejected, twice, by the same guy, twice. And yet, i'm still going after him, after being rejected twice.

This is also what i wish he was feeling. I wish he would gather all this confidence up and tell me he likes me too.

For some reason, i love the line "I've crossed you in hallways a thousand times." Maybe because i always have and yet, nothing happens.

Well this song is, again i say it, beautiful. It's a sweet teenage crush that exists in every high school on a daily basis. A shy boy gives all this effort and takes a huge chance to tell a girl he likes her.

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