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Sleater-Kinney – The Fox Lyrics 16 years ago
I agree with mockingsmile. And Yes, foxes do eat ducks. I also think the song sets the tone for the whole album- look out! there's trouble lurking here, don't assume you're safe.

Sleater-Kinney – Lions And Tigers Lyrics 16 years ago
Yes, it's on the bonus disk for one beat. I don't think it sounds so different, just listen to the album "The hot rock" or some of the songs on All Hands. I think it's sweet.

Sleater-Kinney – Dance Song '97 Lyrics 16 years ago
I always thought it was just about intense, uncontrollable passion and desire. I don't understand why it has to be able being gay or about being in love with someone of the same sex, other than the singer is sometimes into women. There are no pronouns in this song other than "you" and "I." Oh wait, i guess they refer to desire as "she"...but I think that's more of a personification of desire itself, rather than an actual person.

Bikini Kill – Reject All American Lyrics 16 years ago
you need money to live in this country, that doesn't mean you have to like the concept.

Bikini Kill – Lil Red Lyrics 16 years ago
Hm, could this song be about a phenomenon I've witnessed with men, where if you talk to them and just be friendly they'll assume you're hitting on them. Then when it becomes apparent that you're not interested in that way they get angry because you were "leading them on"? The lines " I am sorry I am so nice to you" and "You are not the victim/though you'd like to make it that way" seem to fit that.

Heavens To Betsy – Waitress Hell Lyrics 16 years ago
This is a song that constantly plays through my head while I'm working at a crappy job.

Sleater-Kinney – Far Away Lyrics 16 years ago
I saw this song preformed in New York City. It was ironically amazing.

Sleater-Kinney – Entertain Lyrics 16 years ago
jeffeljefe, that is the best interpretation of this song I have ever heard. I think it's probably all 5 of them.

Sleater-Kinney – Anonymous Lyrics 16 years ago
Hm, I don't know. I think he lyrics are more general than that (the lesbian thing). Obviously, they could be interpreted that way, but there is so much about women's experiences that could go along with this song. I sort of always interpreted it as being about a fear to speak up for your self or express yourself. I know in my own experience, I've sometimes felt ridiculed for speaking my mind (ESPECIALLY to men), and so I choose to just shut up, rather than get in a fight. The lyrics "She's worried she's worried she's worried She's said too much" Seem to fit that pretty well. This song is great, the way it can go so many ways, and fit different people's experiences.

Sleater-Kinney – A Real Man Lyrics 16 years ago
In response to the "Let's Call It Love Comment"...I don't think it's hard to believe these two songs come from the same band. 'A real man' isn't about hating "sex" it's about being unsatisfied with sex with MEN. Or, at least, with some men. I'm sure almost every woman has at some point had an experience that would let them relate to this song ( I know I sure have). "Let's call it love" is more about enjoying sex and passion (when it's good). The two songs show the range of how the writers have experienced sex. It's what makes s-k such a great band. Seriously though, this song (this whole album actually) completely changed my life. When I first heard it, I thought about the guy I was currently dating and was just like...Holy Crap!

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