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Emery – Left With Alibis And Lying Eyes Lyrics 16 years ago
yeah this definately isnt meant to be taken literally.

it is a metaphor, sin being the murder.

i believe it may be a sin between two people, maybe not.

Buckcherry – Everything Lyrics 17 years ago
Personally, just because the song says shes somewhere on the streets...doesn't mean shes prostituting. but by the way he talks about the "long obsession" im not really sure. it could be about an unhealthy addiction to drugs. who knows?

this song could be about a number of things.
but, obviously it is about a girl who is going through something and "buckcherry" does want her to have everything and is trying to let her know she can.

mewithoutYou – A Glass Can Only Spill What It Contains Lyrics 17 years ago
Basically, I think this song means:
Don't be a hypocrite. Practice what you preach & if you don't, Confess it. Live up to it and put away the blame.

As for the end, I believe it means some Christians believe that their sins are hidden and that no one/God knows about them. God knows and so does everyone else. Everyone sins. Just Confess it.

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