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The Brian Jonestown Massacre – Cold To The Touch Lyrics 14 years ago
freakin awesome, but what does it all mean?

The Brian Jonestown Massacre – Bring Me The Head Of Paul McCartney On Heather Mill's Wooden Peg (Dropping Bombs On The White House) Lyrics 14 years ago
I think an apocalypse read makes the most sense... there seems to be a religious undertone of some sort... "It's dropping out of heaven and it's bringing the word" -The mention of "[his] soul" and "wings" also makes me think christianity or w/e... and maybe i'm conflating twilight with the bible (or maybe he is?) but "silver bullets" and "stakes" that need sharpening would imply some sort of battle to end all battles, maybe an out of the ordinary epic battle or perhaps a modern interpretation of the apocalypse. The way he talks about "shiny leather boots" and "a big set of wings" in the same line i thought was particularly interesting...
I feel like this isn't as straightforward as i want to make it though... almost as though he's implying that it's religion that is going to bring about this apocalyptic ending... a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts....
"Shiny leather boots and a big set of wings/ Many fucking presents for the children it brings" - this line can be interpreted in multiple ways: either the thing that is bestowing the presents on the children has shiny boots and wings OR the wings and the boots are the gifts being bestowed on the children (with a colon at the end of the line maybe)...

"it's dropping out of heaven and it's bringing the word" also points to a criticism of religion... if this 'it' does all kinds of terrible things (ie ruining the land and (lawl) speaking german) it seems that the word (possibly the supposed 'word of god?') it brings probably is part of the problem

and if his message is about corrupt religion of some sort it makes even more sense that this 'it' is "fucking your girlfriend" and putting you to shame by spitting in your face... while it could be interpreted as, heh, the thing showing you up with your gf and putting you to shame in that way, I think it's more likely juxtaposing the idea of celibacy as an ideal.... making people ashamed of their impulses by preaching about something unobtainable even by those preaching it (hence this constant distance throughout the song of things "flying in space" and generally dwelling among the stars and planets)

of course i could make meaning out of anything...

Does anyone know how Anton viewed religion? He does write about religious topics from time to time, but they generally seem to be in favor of it... though this one seems different to me... perhaps he doesn't like organized religion?

The Brian Jonestown Massacre – All Around You (Intro) Lyrics 14 years ago
not since the glory days of rome, i tell ya, has mankind known such valiant mysteries

The Brian Jonestown Massacre – Spanish Bee Lyrics 14 years ago
Ladies and Gentleman: This year's "Bubble Bubble" goes to the Brian Jonestown Massacre and their marijuana complexing, "Spanish Bee"

Mellowdrone – Oh My Lyrics 14 years ago
optimistic? you guys have it all wrong. "oh my what a wonderful day" is an extremely sarcastic line

check it out:

"What's there to do
While you're waiting your turn"

^waiting in line = waiting for his turn to date his best female friend or w/e

"It's just that I act
So stupid sometimes
I forget all the rules
Of waiting in line

Don't get me wrong
because I'm happy to be
Anything but still"

^he gets antsy and does stupid stuff that might ruin his chances of ever actually dating her or might ruin his chances of being anything in her life... ie jumping the gun and professing his love for her

"But don't you worry

Because I'll bring you the world
I'll bring you it all
You don't have to work
You don't have to crawl"

^how he's willing to do anything for her:

superb song

The Brian Jonestown Massacre – Sailor Lyrics 14 years ago

The Brian Jonestown Massacre – Sailor Lyrics 14 years ago

The Brian Jonestown Massacre – Monkey Puzzle Lyrics 14 years ago
who is doing the vocals for this one?

The Brian Jonestown Massacre – Nevertheless Lyrics 14 years ago
I agree with bumbag and Rovbanan... especially the 'no-turning back type deal' you get with relationships and the part about waiting to say those "three words"... you feel like a total tool if someone professes their love for you early in a relationship and a few months later dump you on your ass..

"there can be no mistaking,
tell me quick as you can.
'cause i'm so tired faking."
perhaps when a relationship starts to go sour, but neither party wants to admit it or perhaps they try to get things back to the way they were... and it gets to the point that you know its not worth it and you just want it to be out in the open since youre so tired of trying to maintain that pretense...

what really interests me is what is meant by the song's name, "Nevertheless"
it begs the question 'nevertheless what?' so obviously its something we're supposed to think about...
nevertheless, we will continue to shat all over peoples' hearts and get our shat all over? or perhaps it was written with a more literal, double meaning - despite our previous experiences, 'never will our high expectations/optimism be less' there are probably a number of ways to look at it... bjm's songs always have so much duplicity.. or else i can always find multiple meanings... i freaking love bjm <3

The Brian Jonestown Massacre – Servo Lyrics 15 years ago
.. wish i knew what it meant

The Brian Jonestown Massacre – Nailing Honey to the Bee Lyrics 15 years ago
was just listening to this.. (fucking Amazing)

conundrum... i think it could be sarcastic.. it kinda depends
is it "now you know love" or "now you know, love" (the latter being an address to the speaker's girl or his "love") (...does it alternate between the two?... is it supposed to be a play on words?)
the title always confused me... but i was thinking about it today
Nailing Honey to the Bee

nailing=banging, fucking, making love to, etc -or nailing as in to fasten something to something else with nails
honey= literally the gooey stuff -or honey, the pet name

For the person called Honey, being nailed to a bee would be very painful.. not only because being nailed to something would suck (ask jesus) but also because bees have stingers and can bite and yeah
nailing the gooey stuff to a bee would be rather difficult.. not only with it dripping and you know, not being solid and all.... but also with the bee freaking out and all with it's stinger and its buzzing and biting and etc

idk about the bee.... but i guess a bee's stinger is a pretty phallic-y symbol... perhaps the bee is the guy and the honey is the girl and the nailing is the rather painful union of the two in holy matrimony... i don't mean to get all biblical but according to the bible Eve came from Adam's rib so it would make sense that the female would be represented by something that comes from the male... also girls are supposed to be irrational and gooey and difficult to understand so i guess in that way honey makes sense also

normally i'd admit that this is all probably a huge stretch... but i feel like the odd choice of titles must indicate its importance

The idea this song seems to present is obviously about the painful, shitty part of love, but it also seems to suggest the spurious, deceitful nature of love.. as with the "Search all your life/ Thinking you'd love your wife..." part as well as with the title which has always been a point of interest for me... the title also seems to suggest the unnatural, irrational idea of marriage.. something that perhaps isn't supposed to last, just as honey wouldn't stay nailed to one bee for very long, perhaps no individual is actually supposed to stay devoted to one single individual because of the stickiness and unpredictability of such emotions... perhaps it is our understanding of what love should be that fucks it all up... so to come back to le_bends' question lol ..i'd say it is sarcastic - there is so much about love that we misrepresent and can never understand... i would find it hard to believe it was just a bitter statement

The Dandy Warhols – Hard On For Jesus Lyrics 15 years ago

The Dandy Warhols – Godless Lyrics 15 years ago
As I was just listening to it the part that says "I beg I plead but this is all that I have gotten" made me think about someone praying so it occurred to me that maybe he is in fact addressing God.... which would make the whole thing kind of ironic in a way... saying a God is "godless" is funny, but oddly true... It seems pretty accurate to describe God as if he were a shitty friend

I'm not entirely sure whether it's "spotless" or "thoughtless as you were back then", but if its the latter, as I feel it is, it reminds me of God in the Old Testament.. I mean he was pretty cruel and reckless back then from what I've been told.. with war waging and other nonsense... If it's "spotless" I feel the speaker is being sarcastic, although I think "thoughtless" is the right word

He makes God out to be kind of a needy, whiny child or a needy friend at best... When he says "I guess you're lonely when, I gave you all it took so then..." I couldn't help but to think of how back in the day people would sacrifice sheep and goats and virgins and what not to placate the gods.... I guess that whole thing has somewhat been phased out at this point in Christian culture, but it sounds like the speaker is rationalizing this change in a way by saying that he guesses God was lonely back then...

Freaking awesome song/album/artist regardless....

Modest Mouse – Lounge (Closing Time) Lyrics 15 years ago
I thought i was hearing "silver lisp" not a "syllable lisp"... but if it makes sense with heroin i guess it works

The New Pornographers – The Bleeding Heart Show Lyrics 15 years ago
fuck yeaah <3

The Brian Jonestown Massacre – Going To Hell Lyrics 15 years ago
i enjoy this song

The Dandy Warhols – Mohammed Lyrics 15 years ago
fun fact: the sound of one of the palestinian kid's alarm clock in the documentary, 'promises,' is the same sound that is in the beginning of this song... it was so bizarre when i watched it today and realized why it was the only familiar sounding music in the whole movie...

The Dandy Warhols – Not Your Bottle Lyrics 15 years ago
i really like this song a lot so im kinda disappointed no one has commented yet....
it reminds me of a shitty party... you invite friends to some party: "how'd you get in / that's fucking right" and theyre just ungrateful taking peoples shit and making you look like an ass "that's not your bottle / Nor what's inside / I guess they brought it just for them" and it just creates this kinda surreal feel.. like 'really?' this is your life and these are your aspirations really? really?? "phillip wants to be a rock star / but hes a bit uptight / so he brings his favorite bettys / with a bottle full of whisky / and sits on the couch all night" almost like everyone is drowning their problems... everyones just doing drinking and doing drugs but its gotten to the point that its not even fun anymore... the mood of the song i think helps to convey that feeling too
really neat song

The Dandy Warhols – Mohammed Lyrics 15 years ago
I'm going to have to go with Lakeman on this one... it just wouldn't be the dandy warhols if they gave a crap about something like that... and damn this song is depressing... well not listening to it.. but i wont even begin to try to unravel these lyrics.... theres a lot of possibilities; a lot of the meaning is probably very personal..... really sweet song though

Beck – Orphans Lyrics 16 years ago
shit that was a mouth full.

Beck – Orphans Lyrics 16 years ago
I think this song kinda describes the current state of the world's faith or maybe his own faith as barely hanging on by a thread.. the narrator or the world or whatever is struggling to hold on to his faith, but it is constantly under attack with the technology and science that is widely accepted, such as evolution....

he refers to us as being "orphans in a tidal wave's wake" which probably is alluding to us as orphans of "our Father", god, who, in this day and age, has seemed to abandon us in the wake of disaster. It's kinda an age of faithlessness and I think thats what the song centers on... he seems skeptical of the whole idea of faith but still wishes he or the world could believe maybe... he says hes stranded "in the sun where these dark winds wail" which is kinda paradoxical.. i think that is somewhat a critisism of god: supposeofly we are his chosen children whom he loves and watches over and all that, yet there is so much suffering on earth with disease and starvation plaguing the world.. so although we are supposeofly his pride and joy or whatever and although he can do whatever he wants, we are subjected to these "dark winds" which causes many to question their faith and to feel abandoned or "stranded"

while hes critical of faith, however, he still "want[s] to hear what the blind men sing / With their fossils and their gypsy bones": he still wants to believe the ancient scriptures and wants to be able to believe all the things that these figurativly "blind" men sing of... he still yearns to be able to believe all the optomistic, outdated things in the bible, but in this age of science, it is against ones better judgement to believe the stories of miraces that are told in the bible and in fact the "fossils and gypsy bones" are kinda for those who are outdated and unperceptive and "blind" to the truth in the world, he feels ... he still wishes he could renew his faith, but he asks, "how can I make new again what rusts every time it rains?" -as much as he tries to regain faith in some sort of higher power, with every disaster or perhaps with every new scientific advancement, his faith rusts.. and he cant help but get weary of buffing it up and trying to fight off his agnositc feelings...

in the allusion to the rubicon, it seems that he is ill equipt in the modern era for faithfulness... to "cross the rubicon" is to say that one has "crossed the point of no return".. so to say youre "ten leagues from a rubicon" is to say that there is definitely no turning back... I'm not really sure what he cannot go back on... if i were to take a stab at it i would have to guess that he feels he or the world is so deeply invested into the whole religion/faith thing that one cannot go back... but to keep going with "matchsticks for bones" would be pretty difficult as well. people invest so much time and so much emotion into the idea of god, and to say now that there is no god or that the bible is full of lies would be nearly impossible... and yet at the same time he cannot see how people go onward with their "matchstick bones" inwhich there is no real argument to support their beliefs besides all those old stories in the bible that the blind men sing about or the idea of 'faith' perhaps
he says "if we could learn how to freeze ourselves alive / We could learn to leave these burdens to burn" which may be referring the the scientific advancements that have been made in cyronics (the freezing of humans alive)... if we could just learn to preserve a human being then in a way one could, in theory, live forever, which would mean that one wouldnt have to worry about death and one could forget about the burden of the ten commandments or the like..

the last stanza, he describes god "with all of his crimson and his iron desire" - probably a reference to the god in the old testament, who commands his followers to go to war and to kill people.. he's described as a jealous and somewhat violent god... and yet people today still chose to believe in him as a loving and caring god, as in the new testament... but as described in the last stanza, "we'll drag the streets with baggage of longing / To be loved or destroyed;" whether god is a loving or violent god, the narrator sees people as worshipping god just because they long to be loved (or destroyed i guess?).. people are fighting off existential feelings of loneliness by dragging around the burden of the commandments and all the silly rituals that god commands be done; rather than take up the belief that everyone is alone in the universe, people choose to worship god, and have, in a sense, an imaginary friend, as god was once described. -people are willing to overlook the reasons against faith and reasons to believe that god is somewhat selfish or mean or whatever because they'd rather be a "grain of sand" controlled by god than have to face the "void" that science suggests waits for one at death

well thats my interpretation.. did that make sense?

Spoon – The Way We Get By Lyrics 16 years ago
i agree completely with calculatorwatch

i totally agree with the thing about how its not about the morality of the lifestyle described.. its just "the way [they] get by" not good not bad... just like the pot imagery isn't trying to say anything about the stoner lifestyle its just how it is...

i dont think calculatorwatch could have phrased my opinions better if i let him/her borrow my brain...

Spoon – Finer Feelings Lyrics 16 years ago
its a bit of a story - the narrator starts out a frantic, hopeless romantic desperately seeking love, but by the end he sees that its foolish to try so hard to find love and that he'll just have to wait and he'll find the right person when he least expects it:

-he was constantly looking for the right girl in memphis (which is described negatively: since it "creeps" and "tastes like an attack,"
-people told him to stop "scouting the field" but he starts his frantic newspaper search and stresses himself out working at a bunch of part-time places probably to meet new people and just tries to "hold out for some fate"....he even gets a "sharp" new hair cut in hopes of finding the perfect girl
-then one day while he was "dreaming in the drivers seat," he realized he shouldnt look so hard for love since it was like a "witch hunt" and was just all "fuss[y]"... so by the end he has a revelation and he realizes that its foolish to look for love and that itll just have to come to you...

probably overanalyzing but i like to think the repetition of the twangy tune in the beginning in the background kinda reflects how it was a forced, impatient mechanism --trying to find love- but in then in the end it is just a happy skippy repetition... its like finding love is a bitch, but when its not forced and cluttered with trying to plan it and track it down, the random and unpredictable nature of it is what makes it enjoyable and exciting....

really really great in concert

Spoon – Don't You Evah Lyrics 16 years ago
I like RyanEatBrain's take on it.... here's a quote from pitchfork "...Both songs take on notions of commitment and the inevitable cold feet that come along with it. "Hope you always think it's right/ With that ring is on the finger, feeling tight, tight, tight," goes the National History version, which gives advice in the tone of an older, wiser brother. "Bet you got it all planned, right?/ Never fit to worry,never even feel a fright," sings Daniel, taking on a more sarcastic and roguish edge. The differences are slight, but important. The Spoon version is more open-ended-- it's unclear whether the protagonist comes to terms with marriage, busts out of his engagement, or simply goes through the motions miserably. And each of the six "Don't You Evah" remixes on this EP run with their own idea of what the track should ultimately feel like and mean."

whatever the case i really like it... and it was great in concert :)

Placebo – Pure Morning Lyrics 16 years ago
I'm told this is a remake of some other song... does anyone know who originally made it?

The Dandy Warhols – Smoke It Lyrics 16 years ago
"People got more baggage than JFK… yeah
And I’m talking about the airport man " hah theres a lot of good lines in this song

The Brian Jonestown Massacre – Got My Eye On You Lyrics 16 years ago
could not believe that i had to submit these lyrics.. this is one of my favorite songs (dont know if they're all completely right but the words are soo good)

The Brian Jonestown Massacre – Vacuum Boots Lyrics 16 years ago
loveeee this partttttt
"so stay the same
as you have
always been
cause you're wonderful
or live in a lie
if it makes you happy
do what you like
if you want
you can ask me"

great songg
any clue why its called vacuum boots?

Atmosphere – Smart Went Crazy Lyrics 16 years ago
While it probably has something to do with tours, I think it could also include some metaphors for life… for instance I think the part that goes “It's why we battle, it's why we travel
It's why the mascott thinks that I'm an asshole
We made the team without puttin on a uniform
Smart went nuts and rode a unicorn through the storm” is just generally talking about his motivation in life .. maybe his talented lyrics writing or w/e.. although I like to think of the reason we battle and travel is to find someone we can ‘love’ and appreciate and who’ll respect you…. Kinda corny I guess but im kinda like that…. I think the second half can support it better than the first – I hate line by line analysis but im too lazy to think of a better way to be coherent:
“Smart went crazy, kiss Ms. Daisy
Loved you when every day was christmas baby” – probably referring to some person that he like worshipped

“Maybe we can take it back to the way we was
Still on some "what have you done for me lately"” – reminiscing on how great they got along and all that nonsense.. something probably got inbetween them though

“No gravy if the base is porkface
Tourdates ate my big little brother's courtcase” – beats me

“Poor taste got passed up as gourmet
This beer is foreplay
We'll meet up at your place” – hmm maybe she cheated with someone trashy.. possibly the ‘big little brother’? ^

“I sting like a first divorce, or them first Newports
Whatever hurts you more” – ouch so its something that had that special sting of love turned wrong in a marriage or the long term effects of cigarettes or w/e

“"You're headed for self destruction" been there, did that
kick back with the wrong angel to fuck with” – probably quoting her.. she blames her for it but hes not going to stand for that since it wasn’t him.. he’s probably the ‘wrong angle to fuck with’

“Carve my charm into your arms
Fuck around, unravel this tall ball of yarn” – love that line.. dk what it means.. I like to think the second one can be applied more broadly to unraveling the ball of life but its probably just unraveling all the issues and what not

“Snuck round back to disarm the alarm
From the plantation to the reservation to the farms” – some allusion to some personal experience?

“And nobody knows where you'll end up
Only guarantee in life is death or a headfuck” – don’t know whats going to happen to you in life (0r after death)

“Yea, you thought it was a set up, well guess what
Now you can catch up with the rest of my "Best Of"” -?

“I got a few blocks left before I reach my destionation
And retrieve my breath
And god blessed every step I stole
Just to let me know, she wouldn't ever let me go” – ‘few blocks left’ metaphorically in his life or in this relationship or w/e…. and god blessed his trip the whole way even though it probably included at lot of stuff that hurt that girl or was wrong because.. you know.. he’s god and he does stuff like that… and after all that craziness that girl still loved him

I like listening to this song… I pick up something different every time and its so catchy

Say Hi – Blizzard Lyrics 16 years ago
def agree with demimondaine with the lyrics...

any clues what it means?

Say Hi – The Fritz Lyrics 16 years ago
"and take the pill if and only when
Well, the missions coming to its end"
reminds me of secret agents and stuff who have a suicide pill for if they get caught to kill themselves rather than get tortured

"Don't anybody sneeze
Their guns filled with bees"
kinda reminds me of some secret mision too.. although 'their guns filled with bees' seems strange... idk what it means

The Morning After Girls – Slowdown Lyrics 16 years ago
just not too sure about the last real line

The Brian Jonestown Massacre – Nailing Honey to the Bee Lyrics 16 years ago
im not sure about the second line in the second stanza...

what do you think is meant by the title? i was thinking it was a bit ironic kinda... the bee is stuck to its own creation (the honey)... like is a burden kinda... which is what is being suggested about love? we create love and all these crazy relationships but theyre forced upon us in a way and it sucks.. maybe its forced on us because of society's pressure to get married or somethin crazy... but so basically love sucks because we have to deal with it- even though it should be somethign thats sweet (like honey) it makes us feel like shit

The Morning After Girls – Hidden Spaces Lyrics 16 years ago
alright so... the lyrics arent actually written anywhere.. these are pretty much just from listening to the song and trying to figure it SPECIAL THANKS TO Fay-Dog from for this one

we're just not too sure about the last line...

let me know if you think you have any corrections or if you want to help figure out more lyrics :

The Morning After Girls – Run For Our Lives Lyrics 16 years ago
alright so... since the lyrics arent actually written anywhere these are pretty much just from listening to the song and trying to figure it out

soo i'm not sure about the 1st line or the 3rd (vision??) and the 7th line "And you'd been running chicks for the last ten days to make a difference" doesnt really make sense but i couldnt figure it out..

i'm also not too sure about "And al the hot chicks you choose" and
"Were never worth half a shit / Were never worth " and "Watching rock disappear / "

let me know if you think you have any corrections or if you want to help figure out more lyrics :

The Morning After Girls – Run For Our Lives Lyrics 16 years ago
alright so... since the lyrics arent actually written anywhere these are pretty much just from listening to the song and trying to figure it out

soo i'm not sure about the 1st line or the 3rd (vision??) and the 7th line "And you'd been running chicks for the last ten days to make a difference" doesnt really make sense but i couldnt figure it out..

i'm also not too sure about "And al the hot chicks you choose" and
"Were never worth half a shit / Were never worth " and "Watching rock disappear / "

let me know if you think you have any corrections or if you want to help figure out more lyrics :

The Morning After Girls – Always Mine Lyrics 16 years ago
alright so... since the lyrics arent actually written anywhere these are pretty much just from listening to the song and trying to figure it out

soo i'm not sure if the 1st line is right... and im not sure if the 5th line is "Is the answer to life what you can’t say" or "If that is your life what you can’t say" or what..

let me know if you think you have any corrections or if you want to help figure out more lyrics :

The Morning After Girls – Lazy Greys Lyrics 16 years ago
alright so... since the lyrics arent actually written anywhere these are pretty much just from listening to the song and trying to figure it SPECIAL THANKS TO dim_the_droog/ from for helping me out

we're actually not too sure about the words in parenthesis after "let's get lost with our thoughts" as well as the ones after "we're falling further behind "

let me know if you think you have any corrections or if you want to help figure out more lyrics :

Pixies – Wave of Mutilation Lyrics 16 years ago
I'm just going to throw this out there -

agexax15, no.

It's time to face the music.

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club – Restless Sinner Lyrics 16 years ago
i think its not "fool's got a fallen raise, / Another fallen child." but "fool's gonna fall an' raise / Another fallen child"

Radiohead – 15 Step Lyrics 16 years ago
isn't it 15 steps for self improvement in the movie Little Miss Sunshine?

Death Cab for Cutie – Crooked Teeth Lyrics 16 years ago
"you're so cute when you slur in your speech / but they're closing the bar and they want us to leave"

i may be looking into this too much but maybe just as the home represents that place in his heart he had to artificially make, maybe the bar also represents this relationship he got himself in... maybe her "slurring her speech" is working off the metaphore punch drunken love.. and maybe he likes the attention the girl gives her (while in love with him) but the source of her drunkness which is (//) (parallel to) her illusive and drunk-like love) is shutting down just as the bar is shutting down... [ drunkess is to bar as drunken mislead love is to his acting / faking it / misunderstood signals / confused feelings / lust ] and since 'they' want them to leave he actually means he wants to break it off since he is ultimately the bar that sold this drunkenness to her [ ie hes the person who lead her to this mislead state of mind] maybe hes saying she probably doesnt love him truely either...

does that make sense?

Cake – Sheep Go To Heaven Lyrics 16 years ago
is it possible that that 'stone mason' is a reference to socrates (a philosopher) who was also a stone mason.. are there any famous grave diggers?

Ben Folds – Landed Lyrics 17 years ago
i can relate.. its just this demanding relationship that he put so much into "twist[ing] it wrong to make it right" like trying so hard to work things out and just f*cking it up more... "bye bye goodbye i tried"... just going their separate ways nothing left to do.. giving up...

i really love the lyrics

Brand New – Jesus Christ Lyrics 17 years ago
"by sarah_afc on 01-01-2007 @ 08:22:23 PM
This is an amaaazin song, really something else.

I think the line about Thomas asking to see Jesse's hands is incredible. Jesse's obviously comparin himself to Jesus and the holes He had on his hands that Thomas asked to see, I think Jesse's asking himself will people doubt the suffering he went through in life when he goes to Heaven.
This song is deep, too deep to even go through every line.

First class lyrics"

woww good call .. i just wanted to point this one out in case someone skimmed over that... its sooooo deep love it

Cake – Sheep Go To Heaven Lyrics 17 years ago
wait what does this song have to do with brand new and tbs?.. am i missing something?

Cake – Nugget Lyrics 17 years ago
'now nimble fingers that dance on numbers
will eat your children and steal your thunder,
while heavy torsos that heave and hurl
who crunch like nuts in the mouths of squirrels.'


Cake – Nugget Lyrics 17 years ago
'now nimble fingers that dance on numbers
will eat your children and steal your thunder,
while heavy torsos that heave and hurl
who crunch like nuts in the mouths of squirrels.'


Cake – Shadow Stabbing Lyrics 17 years ago
he could be personifying the place hes in with 'steel eyed' and 'tight jawed' like -pyrokinesis- suggested... he personifies a lot of stuff... he deff synecdochically uses the 'white paint' and 'plastic saints' to represent the jail or whatever hes in as a whole

its interesting that he says the 'tight jaw say it all' when thats almost kinda paradoxical.. cause a jaw tightly shut would not say it all really.. so maybe hes suggesting that all they [all the people who run the place hes in] say is a lie because the arent really saying it all at all and they arent telling the truth about the patients or whoever (have we decided if its a jail or a mental institute or what?) although the 'steel eye and tight eye say it all', he suggests that someone really has to say it hes saying that 'somebody's got to say it all' which may be him suggesting that someone speaks and gets the truth out.....

its interesting how he never finishes 'the man on the street might just as well be' .. he repeats it so its important to meaning of the song.. and if the guy on the street can't 'hear the echos and calls' while the 'the steel eye,/Tight jaw/Say it all/Say it all' then hes not hearing the truth of what goes on inside since hes 'outside' .. which suggests that there is a secret truth that only the people on the inside hear so maybe the 'the man on the street might just as well be_______' = deaf? fucking retarded? ____?????

sooo now as far as this murder business goes.. it seems that the person hes going to murder with the 'cool blade' that he thumbs is someone who has done him some wrong because as his 'heart can't forget about this self defense' he has to kill one of the employees perhaps in order to get the word out and defend the the truth about the possibly abusive or cruel institution

... (yes i enjoy completely gutting songs :o) ) also he juxtaposes his breath 'so hot' and 'fast' with the 'cool blade' and 'thumb[ing]' the blade which conveys almost a calm cool collected feel while paradoxically conveying his nervousness maybe the prospect of defending himself and the truth is something that soothes his pent up frustrations and suffering but the fact that hes going to have to kill someone scares the shit out of him which puts his mind in a 'frenzied pace'

no one has hit on the 'prize fighter' which is a boxer.. so hes jabbing his words like a boxer.. or maybe you could say 'stabbing' :-0 (aka part of the title) SO at this part i kinda draw a blank.. perhaps it is black and white imagery.. the song describes the sterile nature of the facility 'white paint' but maybe just as the man on the outside accepts the fake front the institution puts up the white paint also is a lie and the white paint inacurately relates an innocent, pure place.. just as the 'plastic saints' do the same. but because hes on the inside he is not deceived by all that and he sees it for what it really is... unfair, maybe shady and wrong doing and yeah... which would mean hes 'shadow stabbing'

Everclear – Strawberry Lyrics 17 years ago
didnt this have something to do with his brother dying or something..? and "10 long years in a stright line, they fall like water... yea I guess I fucked up again" is probably referring to the memory loss they say you get if your addicted to drugs.. like something like the years you were addicted and all the stuff learned then kinda fade once you get off drugs... or something like that

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