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Barenaked Ladies – I Live With It Everyday Lyrics 16 years ago
sometimes23, I totally agree with you! The song is sad, and I know that its sad. I understand what its about but the bridge is just SO AMAZING that I forget that there's a message and just enjoy how gorgeous the moment is. How does that joy coincide with tales of murder and suicide?

Regina Spektor – Flyin Lyrics 16 years ago
I like the ending for this song--if you were to just look at the lyrics, the song would seem too dark and heavy for it's reality. It's about a whimiscal, escapist teenage girl who gets killed by a teacher because she won't sleep with him, but she never really seemed to be fully connected to the world, so her death was not such a great tragedy to her. It's just a chance for her to fly with nothing holding her here. The ending keeps you from taking the song too seriously, it's true, and that is the intent.

Barenaked Ladies – These Apples Lyrics 16 years ago
I absolutely adore the last verse of this song!

"Falling in love, catching fire -- I wanna be consumed"

Right now, for me, that resonates so much. I love gaining experience and then discovering these huge truths in songs that you've listened to with a cursory ear for years.

Regina Spektor – Reading Time with Pickle Lyrics 16 years ago
This song is so beautiful and touching, in a hopeful way. I love it. I don't really see it as a sexual song at all, just as a song about someone who happens to find something that seems meaingless, but can evoke such strong emotions, even "magic", and remind them how wonderful love can be, if they may have forgotten.
Maybe she could mean that meaningless sex is just that, but I don't really know how to reconcile her coming home from work to "run to the supermarket running hopeful through the aisles". This part of the song seems to be the disconnect for the sexual side of the song.
Happiness. So much simpler and more innocent. Maybe that's what can be taken from the song - simplify, and go back to a childlike innocence. Things can seem a whole lot less scary and ominous if you are capable of that.

Regina Spektor – Reading Time with Pickle Lyrics 16 years ago
This song is so beautiful and touching, in a hopeful way. I love it. I don't really see it as a sexual song at all, just as a song about someone who happens to find something that seems meaingless, but can evoke such strong emotions, even "magic", and remind them how wonderful love can be, if they may have forgotten.
Maybe she could mean that meaningless sex is just that, but I don't really know how to reconcile her coming home from work to "run to the supermarket running hopeful through the aisles". This part of the song seems to be the disconnect for the sexual side of the song.
Happiness. So much simpler and more innocent. Maybe that's what can be taken from the song - simplify, and go back to a childlike innocence. Things can seem a whole lot less scary and ominous if you are capable of that.

Motion City Soundtrack – Can't Finish What You Started Lyrics 16 years ago
"If you truly do believe in something,
Somehow it all works out"

For the life of me, I can't figure out if MCS is being uncharacteristically optimistic or ironic. Any ideas?

Motion City Soundtrack – Last Night Lyrics 16 years ago
I really love the story of this song. I think that it starts just with him talking about how frustrated and upset he is. The song goes through his constant traveling and never being at home. Then it goes to him coming back to his apartment to find that his girlfriend has moved out. Then it ends with them at a party when she ends it. The reverse chronological order is such a different way to look at a break-up. Very original, and very MCS.

Motion City Soundtrack – Last Night Lyrics 16 years ago
I really love the story of this song. I think that it starts just with him talking about how frustrated and upset he is. The song goes through his constant traveling and never being at home. Then it goes to him coming back to his apartment to find that his girlfriend has moved out. Then it ends with them at a party when she ends it. The reverse chronological order is such a different way to look at a break-up. Very original, and very MCS.

Motion City Soundtrack – It Had to Be You Lyrics 16 years ago
The more I listen to all of the new MCS songs, the more this one sticks out to me. I think the begining has been stuck in my head since I first heard it.

Motion City Soundtrack – Last Night Lyrics 16 years ago
I think that it's "All sommersalts through so-called-art"

Flight of the Conchords – The Most Beautiful Girl (In the Room) Lyrics 16 years ago
Seriously some quality stuff. The show's wicked funny, and "Cause you're so beautiful...
Like a tree. Or a high class prostitute"?
That's amazing!

Motion City Soundtrack – Even If It Kills Me Lyrics 16 years ago
This song gave me chills the first time I heard it. I just love them so much.

Motion City Soundtrack – Where I Belong Lyrics 16 years ago
Wow... MCS has totally done it again. I could not be more happy to be listening to their new CD right now... yay! The whole album is just so great.

Regina Spektor – Summer in the City Lyrics 17 years ago
The more I listen to this song, the more I love it.

It makes more sense to me from a man's perspective. He misses a woman who used to be in his life, and the summer reminds him of her. Despite all of the beautiful women around him, he only thinks of her (sees her "on the backs of other women" or thinks that they are her, but then they turn around and don't recognize him.) The vulnerability that this man is feeling is so painfully clear by the end of the song. That's what I think makes it so beautiful. He cautiously admits "I start to miss you, baby, sometimes". It feels like he's trying to protect himself by not admitting that he does miss her, and she's completely occupying his thoughts. He says that it's summer in the city that makes him think of her, but I think that he misses her constantly, and something about summer makes him feel like he has an excuse to miss her.

Dashboard Confessional – Ender Will Save Us All Lyrics 17 years ago
I love the story behind this song, with "Ender's Game" being the connection between him and his friend... it's just great. He's great.

Dashboard Confessional – The Swiss Army Romance Lyrics 17 years ago
I love this song. As everyone has been saying, it feels so true. Everyone knows people who are like this, if they aren't like this themselves. And it's completely poignancy is just beautiful.

OK Go – Do What You Want Lyrics 17 years ago
Just saw Ok Go live, and they closed with this song... it was soooo awesome! It's just a fun, crazy song and it was perfect. Amazing!

Motion City Soundtrack – Broken Heart Lyrics 17 years ago
I think that it's
"I'll devise the best disguise
A brand new look and take them by surprise
They'll never guess what's not inside"
That's what I heard at least...

But this is making me so excited for their new CD! I can't wait!

Mika – Grace Kelly Lyrics 17 years ago
Oh wow. Anyone who can sound this much like Queen is amazing.

Regina Spektor – Somedays Lyrics 17 years ago
Such a beautiful song.

Somedays aren't yours at all
They come and go as if they're someone elses days

These lines evoke a feeling of wasting away what time you have, while you know that others are using all of their time. It makes me think of wasting time with someone by not telling them how you feel.

Boys Like Girls – Five Minutes To Midnight Lyrics 17 years ago
I just started listening to Boys Like Girls, and I love them! This is probably my favorite song so far, because it's so amazing and... I just want to listen to it at 11:55. I'm kind of a nerd like that.

The Format – The First Single Lyrics 17 years ago
I can't stand to think about a heart so big it hurts like hell.

Love hurts, and he doesn't want to rememer that, because he's starting to fall for someone again. I hope its something like that. Great first line. I also love

cause all this time is wasted on everything i’ve done

Just such a cool part in the song.

Hellogoodbye – Figures A & B (Means You and Me) Lyrics 17 years ago
I loev this song. The first time I heard it, it totally caught me off guard. I started to think that Hellogoodbye could get through a song without a cutesy, hopeful, puppy-love reference. Obviously that's impossible! The cutesy, hopeful, puppy-love stuff is what makes Hellogoodbye so amazing!

Hellogoodbye – Dear Jamie... Sincerely Me Lyrics 17 years ago
Dear Jamie, this envelope will represent my heart
I'll seal it, send it off and wish it luck with its depart

Oh my goodness... what a pretty song! So sweet, so hopeful. This song just lulls me into this peaceful, quiet, happy place.

Zolof the Rock and Roll Destroyer – Plays Pretty for Baby Lyrics 17 years ago
"I need the song started over, your crying made me miss my favorite part"

I just love that line. I don't really know why - something about it just gets me.

Zolof the Rock and Roll Destroyer – Argh, I'm a Pirate Lyrics 17 years ago
Such a fun song. Everytime I hear it I get this huge smile on my face... and I might jump up and start dancing...

Barenaked Ladies – Alternative Girlfriend Lyrics 17 years ago
I think that when you hear "Old at being young, young at being old everything's on hold within our evolution", you really think about your age. Everyone thinks that they've only had experience at being young, and they don't know how to be old.

Barenaked Ladies – Jane Lyrics 17 years ago
Oh wow... how much do I love BNL?

Too much.

"She made me feel I was fourteen again
That's why she thinks it's cooler if we'd just stay friends"
That line really gives you a vivd picture of his awkwardness and infatuation with Jane. BNL = love!

Fall Out Boy – Pretty in Punk Lyrics 17 years ago
Such a cute song. I love the description of a shy guy who is trying hard to get up the courage to talk to a pretty girl... adorable!

Jack's Mannequin – La La Lie Lyrics 17 years ago
We met for a movie
Every scene was a sign
We made out through their meaning

To me, these lines are about purely physical relationships and how much the people involved in them are missing. You could be getting "signs" (real connections, emotions, etc.) but you're missing them because you're too wrapped up in one (not as important) aspect of your relationship.

Snow Patrol – Open Your Eyes Lyrics 17 years ago
I think that it's interesting if this song is building something back up. The singer is telling this girl that he can't live without her, and that she needs to come back to him. I like this song better if its about something good, rather than something tragic.

The Fray – Trust Me Lyrics 17 years ago
But I said you and me
We don't have honesty
The things we don't want to speak
I'll try to get out but I never will
Traffic is perfectly still

So beautiful. It's just a nice, serene, beautiful song. Probably my favorite by The Fray.

Something Corporate – If You C Jordan Lyrics 17 years ago
I love this song. Just think of a kid being picked on in school, and thinking he escaped all of that after high school, but seeing his old bully and him being the same kid. It's like a success story - it makes me happy!

Something Corporate – I Woke Up In A Car Lyrics 17 years ago
This sounds like such a carefree existence. Sometimes this is all that I want to do: just pack up and leave.
I don't know if this song is trying to tell you to leave, or that you can't. Anyone else think they know?

Ted Leo and the Pharmacists – Me and Mia Lyrics 17 years ago
Fighting for the smallest goal: to get a little self-control.

Oh Ted Leo. You know me so well.

Emiliana Torrini – Today Has Been OK Lyrics 17 years ago
Gorgeous song. Delicate really is the perfect word to dsecribe it. I heard it on Grey's Anatomy, and the chorus was stuck in my head for days. I finally searched for the song, bought it and listened to it constantly for about a week. So beautiful...

Dashboard Confessional – Carry This Picture Lyrics 17 years ago
Every time I hear this song I get this vivid image of a peaceful lake at summertime... a song that can take me somewhere else, no matter what I'm feeling must be the definition of an amazing song.

Cartel – Q Lyrics 17 years ago
The first lines of this song always get me - I feel like his voice just grabs you - definetly "reaching out"!

Cartel = love! Going to see them 3/16!

Cartel – Fiend Lyrics 17 years ago
I think that this song is about a girl who the writer always thinks about ("i see you in a video running through my head"). He loves her, and he's trying to tell her that he'll treat her better than anyone else.

this is just like everything
i told you he would say
why wouldn't you just listen
so it wouldn't end up this way

How could you leave a guy who says something like that? He wants her back (but I don't really know if he ever had her in the first place... maybe they were just friends?).

Anyways, ellie117, i agree, the alternate (acoustic) version of this song is amazing. Hands down favorite Cartel song.

Motion City Soundtrack – The Future Freaks Me Out Lyrics 17 years ago
I totally agree with kaliedoscopeeyes - it's about being scared by the future, and what they don't know. I know I can relate - I'm almost done with high school and have no idea what I really love and want to do. When you hear this song, though, you kinda begin to think that everything will be OK, because...well... I don't really know why it makes me feel better. All I know is that I probably know this song better than I know my own name.

My fav line in this song would have to be "If we could both find a way to do the things that we say we might not sit in our rooms and drink our daydreams away." I love this song and I LOVE MCS!!

Motion City Soundtrack – L.G. FUAD Lyrics 17 years ago
I think that this song is talking about trying to be someone you're not - like with drugs/alcohol ("Let's get fucked up and die") and acting differently than you feel ("But I can still pretend with my memories and photographs, I've learned to love the lie"). They want to go back to being "awkward and innocent, not beligerent". They say that they are "so visceral, yet deeply inept". Visceral means base, raw and emotional - they feel very strongly about many things, but they are inept because they can't express these feelings...

That's what I got, anyway.

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