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Rhye – Open Lyrics 10 years ago
I think this person is still madly in love--or thinks he is--and his lover is slowly falling out of love. He's asking his lover to look at the goodness of their relationship, even with a tiny sting now and then, and make that the reason to stay.

Emiliana Torrini – Bleeder Lyrics 14 years ago
This song speaks of so much more than what has been said, though what has been said is not wrong! ...except for the Christian silliness. This one invokes a lot of interpretation, which is what art is all about. Emiliana lost her boyfriend to death, but I did not loose my girlfriend in that way. Yet I identify with being a "bleeder", being an emotional guy, and I identify with lose. Could she be identifying a weakness or emotional strength in her man after his death? Could she be moving on? The 30+ times I've played this song, means that it means something different to me.

Wilco – I'll Fight Lyrics 15 years ago
... Ya' know, I only listen to the words that I want to. The mood of the music, tells me the rest. This is one of the great love songs to me. "I" would [do anything] for "You".

Wilco – I'll Fight Lyrics 15 years ago
Wouldn't this be the best wedding song?! I agree... favorite from this new album. If you can find any strong emotion in a song (hate, love, happiness, regret, etc), it's damn good.

Grizzly Bear – Deep Blue Sea Lyrics 15 years ago
I think this is about the lose of any loved one and the way they, and the memory of them, are treated with honor. The honor part is in these two lines that reference precious metals "dig his grave darlin' with a silver spade" and "drop him down darlin' with a golden chain". It seems also like a lullaby to calm oneself after such a hard thing. The rhythm and softness of the tune and the idea of "deep blue sea" evokes a calming effect. Absolutely gorgeous tune.

Jenny Lewis – Pretty Bird Lyrics 15 years ago
Without having heard the story behind the song, my take is that it's a about a tender sensitive soul that is not being cared for properly or being treated well. "for the blood of the pretty" and "Who's starving you still?" are key phrases for me. Beautiful song.

Grizzly Bear – Deep Blue Sea Lyrics 15 years ago
What I get from this is more of a general thing. I thought it was about the lose of any loved one and the way they, and the memory of them, is treated with honor. The honor part is in these two lines "dig his grave darlin with a silver spade" and "drop him down darlin with a golden chain". It seem also like a lullaby to calm oneself after such a hard thing. The rhythm and softness of the tune and the idea of "deep blue sea" evokes a calming effect. Absolutely gorgeous tune.

Teddy Thompson – Turning the Gun on Myself Lyrics 15 years ago
The cadence of this tune is pure and keeps emotion in crescendo. It sounds like New York City can really mess you up. "Wonderfully loud" is not something I feel I can handle, though I've dreamed about living in the city of New York just for the experience. This is one of the best on this album.

Emiliana Torrini – Snow Lyrics 15 years ago
dustybreeze, yep, it's seems pretty clear now that she's saying "before I died". She "died" when he died. It does make more sense. Well, time marches on, and she has a new album out released several days ago. I think Emiliana is moved on! However, I will love Snow for many many years... since I--as many do--still morn for an intimate lose.

Sigur Rós – Fyrsta Ferð Lyrics 17 years ago
The title translates to "First Trip"

Sigur Rós – Síðasta Ferð Lyrics 17 years ago
The title translates to "Last Trip"

Sigur Rós – Allt Tekur Sinn Tíma! Lyrics 17 years ago
The title translates to "Every Takes Their Time"

Lucinda Williams – World Without Tears Lyrics 17 years ago
Evil, sadness... love, kindness... the age-old axiom of never being able to know love if there never was hate...
Amazing song and lyric.

Emiliana Torrini – Sunny Road Lyrics 17 years ago
All happiness, all the time... in the face of tragedy. When all is lost, when all is forgotten.. will you still meet me on the sunny road?

Emiliana Torrini – Snow Lyrics 17 years ago
jeisenbe, you add a great deal to the songs meaning. "We can't care for nothining, no way". How do you ever stop loving someone?

Emiliana Torrini – Snow Lyrics 17 years ago
I believe this is a true story... my interpretation only.... In real life, Emiliana's boyfriend died and this song is the beginning of the end of her grieving process.

She starts out by talking to him, a good bit of time after he has been laid in the grave. I picture her looking out a window, onto a wintery Icelandic scene, and saying to him without much thought, "You won't believe what I just found out...". Telling him of the events of the day... the current things that come to her mind that he would have some knowledge about. Then, thoughts naturally turn towards him: "Something is painted in the snow that you'd like."

"Finally I'm going all sane"... perhaps she is finally able to come to terms with his death and is will be able to live life again. The rest is pretty much self-explanatory.

Cheers, my babies... -steve

Rilo Kiley – Always Lyrics 17 years ago
I've got something different; some of which echoes what others have eluded to, but I'm going to twist it around.. after all, I'm interpreting this from a guy's perspective; a guy who has been dumped, and... god... maybe even felt some of what this girl felt, who has been dumped or left to watch her ex's new relationships unfold:

Boys will say 'yes' to anything! Love, sex, attention.. "with a boy like you your middle name is 'Always'. " The narrator--the old girlfriend who is still not even close to being over him--is saying to him, your yet-another new relationship is happening only because you can't say 'no'.

"I'd always love you."
She's saying, 'don't you know I'm the real thing? I'm not like this new desperate poser.'

"You let the needle drop", means the dude let the latest new girlfriend weld her wily ways and got him to say 'yes', which I've already said is really easy with guys. By saying 'you let the needle drop', old girlfriend means, 'I think that you could do so much better... like choosing me.'

"Those conventions are taking their toll on you"
'Conventions' are more like conventions of the mind.. what this guy is conforming to.. the stuff "right before your eyes."

"The phantom is disguised. It's horrifying, right before your eyes. The phantom is inside"
Old girlfriend: 'The new girl manipulated you and reeled you in, my old boyfriend.'

"The phantom is watching you." 'What's your next move, now that the this new manipulative girl has made her psychological move? I could be the phantom... watching you...'

This is a lament for the stupid boy she thinks she deserves, but will never have.

Elliott Smith – Between the Bars Lyrics 17 years ago
This is one of my favorites. Madeleine Peyroux does a great with it as well. The tune it great and that is what I focus on and like best about music.

Interpreting songs metaphorically is the way to go, so I don't take the alcoholism literally, even though I guess it happened. I figure it was just the vehicle to get the point across. And I think the point, to me, is that avoidance of the hard things in life limits your potential. The narrator is the little devil on the shoulder whispering in his ear, first telling him about his lost potential and broken promises, then unrelentingly telling him that its all okay and will all go away if he will just come over to the dark side and continue to avoid everything.

Björk – Visur Vatnsenda-rosu Lyrics 17 years ago
When I was in Iceland in August of 1997, I found a little blurb about Rosa Guthmundsdottir on a folk music tape that had Visur Vatnsenda-Rosu on it. I wrote it down in my little book.

Visur Vatnsenda-Rosu - Rosa Guthmundsdottir

Rosa Guthmundsdottir (1795-1855) was a very intelligent and beautiful girl "who made poetry as fast as other people talked". She was a maid at a magistrate's estate and fell madly in love with his clerk, a handsome and very promising young man. He loved her too but his fate was to make the magistrate's daughter pregnant. His life became one of wealth and happiness; her world was from then on one of poverty and despair. Yet she always loved him and these beautiful verses are a token of her bleeding heart.

Björk – Visur Vatnsenda-rosu Lyrics 17 years ago
Björk recorded this traditional Icelandic tune for 'Songs From The Cold Seas’ by Hector Zazou. This song appeared on
"Chansons Des Mers Froides" - 1994 - French CD
"Songs From The Cold Seas" - 1994 - US CD
"Possibly Maybe" 3 of 3 - 1996 - UK CD single.

Björk – Visur Vatnsenda-rosu Lyrics 17 years ago
Here is the translated lyric for Vísur Vatnsenda-Rósu. I saw another translation, but this is my try at it:

Verse from Rósa of Water's End

My eyes and your eyes
Oh, those fair stones
Mine was yours and yours was mine
You know what I mean
Long has it been since I saw him
He was truly handsome
All the grace a man should have
He stood out from among them
You I mourn for most of all
Weary with a flood of tears
Oh, that we never had met
My fond friend, my dear

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