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Rogue Wave – Eyes Lyrics 17 years ago
this is about something significant missing in a person's life which can only be found in the presence of another. like filling a void but finding out in the end that nothing can substitute for that loss.

The Fray – How To Save A Life Lyrics 17 years ago
According to lead singer and songwriter Isaac Slade, the song was composed and influenced by his experience while working as a mentor at a camp for troubled teens. Slade claims that the song is about all of the people that tried to reach out to him but were unsuccessful. As Slade says in an interview, his friends and family approached him by saying, "Quit or I won't talk to you again," but all he needed was some support. While this was the original intent of the song, the band has opened the song to interpretation. They created a website where fans were welcome to submit music videos they had made for the song. This arose from the response that Slade got from the song:

“ One of the kids I was paired up with was a musician. Here I was, a protected suburbanite, and he was just 17 and had all these problems. And no one could write a manual on how to save him. I got a lot of e-mails about it (...) One kid died in a car accident, and I guess it had been the last song he downloaded from his computer. They played it at his funeral, and some of his friends got Save a life tattooed on their arms. The response has been overwhelming."

I wish songs liike this bring about changes on us, people. The world would've been a better place to dwell in.

Rilo Kiley – Science vs. Romance Lyrics 17 years ago
"Still we're not robots inside a grid"

So perfectly said. Love songs with robots are uncannily charming. We can all fall in love but not all of us can do everything for love to break that "grid" / barrier.

James Morrison – You Give Me Something Lyrics 17 years ago
This song makes you realize that even men are hopeless romantics.

According to what I read, "When James Morrison was in New Zealand, and appeared on the New Zealand Idol show, the two finalists asked Morrison what the meaning behind the song was, and Morrison said that it was intended to be a 'harsh love song', and the lyrics mean that the protagonist of the song does not love the person as much as she loves him, but is willing to give the relationship a try."

I guess people perceived the song in a completely different light. But hey, it worked too.

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