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Linkin Park – The Little Things Give You Away Lyrics 17 years ago
Wow alot of you are fucking retards. How about actually BUYING music so bands can continue to create music. Then they give you this pretty little lyric booklet, and guess what? Those are the ACTUAL lyrics. just because you are to retarded to even hear whats actually being said in a simple, clear, slow song like this doesnt mean you're right. And the song is about the hurricane, they said [in the book] that they wrote it after returning from New Orleans.

Dead Poetic – Vices Lyrics 17 years ago
Um yeah its pretty obvious the song is about life in general, broken up into different verses. (she=his girlfriend). Like wroth91 says.

That is one thing that gets on my nerves about any song that mentions anything with religion. people are too quick to assume the whole song is about faith.

That being said, i love this song. its so emotional. its just unbelivable.

Shel Silverstein – A Boy Named Sue Lyrics 17 years ago
Lol i didn't know this was written by Silverstein, I heard my friends dad listening to Jonny Cash and this song came on and i thought it was soooo funny.

Linkin Park – What I've Done Lyrics 17 years ago
The concept of a band like linkin park making a song about changing their music is just so stupid to me. OK if you follow that reasoning i guess the video would show that they are interested in those ypes of thigs now, and changing them. But why would a group of musicians who are so deep make a song about them changing? I'm thinking the interview part meant that this song is A WAY of breaking out of ,or changing, their old sound, , the song isnt ABOUT changing their song.

The video deffinatly shows a "new begining".

In the beggining the grass disapearing, the wars, the thriving of some as others die in poverty, and the hate crimes.

Then the people who have made a differecne in the middle.

At the end the band members are jumping, then falling in slow mo, like a new begining. Then the babies being born, and the grass green again.

Linkin Park – What I've Done Lyrics 17 years ago
Yah since I've Listend to the song/ video like 50 times in the past day


I'm thinking parts of this song are about forgiving yourself.

PS: whoever posted these lyrics please change them, the way that it goes into new lines are annoying like:

In this
Farewell, there's no blood, there's no
Alibi, 'cause I've drawn

make it

In this Farewell,
there's no blood,
there's no Alibi,
'cause I've drawn

when put like that it makes what the song is about easier to see

Linkin Park – What I've Done Lyrics 17 years ago
Ok anyone who Says this song is about how the band has changed needs to understand wikipedia isnt always right lol, if you look at the artical theres alot of "..." so its obviously edited, and i'm thinking one person on wiki put that there and ppl belive him now.

anyway, this song seems to be more about wanting to start over, be forgiven, and forvive others.

The video may be about something even deeper, the bands new CD is called minutes to midnight (the doomsday clock, probalitlity of a nuclear holecost). The video shows much poverty, nationalism, war, hunger. The state of this world. It also contrasts the fat, rich, greedy of this world.

Tool – Sober Lyrics 17 years ago
Oh and just to be saying Sober and cask of amantiallo parallel...not that sober is based on it. The video may be based on that loosely. idk

Tool – Sober Lyrics 17 years ago
Im pretty sure this song is about murder regrets. Like in Edger Allen Poe's Cask of Amantillado (Im so sorry for my spelling of everything lol). The video makes me think of that, and look at some of the phrases:

There's a shadow just behind me,
Shrouding every step i take,
making every promise empty,
pointing every finger at me.
Waiting like a stalking butler
who upon the finger rests.

All this seems like its eating at him (just like the charactor in cask) like someone might find out what he did.

Murder now the path called "must we"

i think thats obvious

just before the son has come.
Jesus, won't you fucking whistle
something but the past and done?

i think this is like he almost wants someone to find out...the son is jesus...he knows what he did...."blow the whistle" maybe?

Why can't we not be sober?
I just want to start this over.
Why can't we drink forever.
I just want to start things over.

Amantiado is wine...another nothing will make his pain of regret for ending his freinds life go away

I am just a worthless liar.
I am just an imbecile.

he feels like nothing

I will only complicate you.
Trust in me and fall as well.
I will find a center in you.
I will chew it up and leave,
I will work to elevate you
just enough to bring you down.

im a monster...i will screw you over...i will be the death of u

Trust me.

He needed the other guys trust in lead him into the catacombs to bury him

Mother Mary won't you whisper
something but what's past and done.


I want what I want.

idk...maybe i want to kill COA he tried to justify the murder...if not then maybe i want forgivenss

Finger Eleven – Conversations Lyrics 17 years ago
My interpretation of this song is its about that voice in your head,

"no one calling, but someone is bound to reply"

no one calls me, i call them to try and change how i feel, someone must talk to me

"The road was taken
The path led on
The signals given
The show turned on
Still receiving
And still believing
The time that you take isn’t gone"

"the signals given" part is im trying to let people know how i feel, but i cant vent my feelings, and no ones listening.

this song could easily be somewhat about a girl though, thats why he feels this way. she left him. all alone, hence the conversations alone

but thats what the song means to me

Linkin Park – In The End Lyrics 17 years ago
FIRST OF ALL: anyone who thinks LP just throws words together doesnt get them at all...they put so much more into their music than most bands and thats why the lyrics are so different...i cant remeber exactly...but one of the songs CHORUS was written something like 200 times before they had it (somewhere i belong). Linkin Park gets the meaning down...then throw in words that make sense and ryhme.

This song is about a girl (or if your a girl...then a guy lol...well unless...u know lol). It's about when someone leads you on for so feel like you know them so well, maybe you even love them. And as it turns out in the end they didnt care for you at all... you were just a confidence boost to them. They never wanted more than freindship...and they made you belive that they wanted love. Youve wasted so much time on this person, and now you finally see the truth, and you see through them. And obviously things went wrong when you finally admited to yourself that your better than they are. Because now...they dont have your trust anymore.

Linkin Parks music makes their music great at can feel the emotion with every beat....but then some people are to retarded to understand lyrics, and try to act like they know everything about music. So they say things like

Totally. Fucking. Agreed. Half of their lyrics never make any sense.

is it that they dont make sense? or they dont make sense to YOU?

and then they say things like

Listen to some real music, with meaningful lyrics,

Every one of linkin parks songs has REAL meaning... ill can be a little confusing, esp if you dont pay attention to the lyrics, but if you stop and think about the lyrics (ussually while im cleaning my room or brushing my teeth or something lol) then youll realize what they mean. Their lyrics are less simplified than most bands...and they feel so much more "when have i gone through this". Plus the rhyming and music flow together so well.

Chevelle – Well Enough Alone Lyrics 17 years ago
o its Why we leave Well enough alone? lol i thought it was "why we live well enough alone" lol o well

Sparta – Taking Back Control Lyrics 17 years ago
This song is so emotional...personally i belive it is about going through a hard time in your life...and trying to do something to "take back control" of your life...and just feel better about yourself. I love the lines like "This cut will run, but the guilt has just begun" and "The future bleeds"...

Now that i think about it this song is written more from the perspective of someone helping out a freind who needs you..."don't let it go, were taking back control" and "we hope, YOU pray" yah its deffinatley about one of their friends.

Evans Blue – Quote Lyrics 17 years ago
my favorite line is:

"How different I've become and no one understands, my dear, no one really cares."

to me thta line is about when i change and dont want to, but cant do a thing about it.and no one takes into consideration how much shit i put up with each and every day and it gets to you. "but no one understands, my dear, no one really cares

Skillet – Those Nights Lyrics 17 years ago
ya, but this song eminds me that those family probelms can still be there, even when your friends arent. this song is about all those past memories that you have with your freinds that make you smile, but now they are gone. this song is written in a happy tone though which is another reason i like it. It really makes you this about all those night just hanging out, or hidin out, with your friends

Red Hot Chili Peppers – Otherside Lyrics 17 years ago
This song is (to me) about how much life freakin sucks!
"How long will I slide?" How long will it be before someone stops this fall im going through?"

Lines like
"Slittin my throught its all i ever...(he traills off)" are about suicidal thoughts.

"Centuriees are what it meant to me "
It feels like this has been going on forever.

"Pour my life into a paper cup
The ashtray’s full and I’m spillin’ my guts"
My life is so worthless, so pathetic. The "ashes" of my dead life are more than anyone can handle, but im still spillin my heart out to, and for, others.

"She wants to know am I still a slut"
im sorry for what ive done to deserve this, but i didnt know any better, this is all so new to me.

Scarlet starlet and she’s in my bed
Scarlet (the color of blood)

"Turn me on take me for a hard ride
Burn me out leave me on the otherside"
Take me away from from this place, its not workin out. i dont care how hard it is. Leave me here when ive got nothing left living for.
"I yell and tell it that
It’s not a friend"
Youve done soo much to me, youre no freind.
"I tear it down I tear it down
And then it’s born again"
no matter how i try to get even with you, no matter how much you do to people or how little i do to them, you somehow always win.

This song is about losing your freinds, G/f, and will to live. And you don't belive its bad. just solve your problems whatever way you can. try another side of life...

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