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Blind Faith – In The Presence Of The Lord Lyrics 15 years ago
Actually Eric Clapton wrote this song when he moved into Hurtwood Edge and "found a place to live". This relates to the way people feel about religion. It's not exactly meaning he found religion although you could take it that way if you want to.

Red Hot Chili Peppers – Aeroplane Lyrics 17 years ago
I love this song, but something sounds weird to me about it. Anthony's vocals are so perfect for the song though. Like you can hear the unhappiness and uneasiness in his voice. It kinda creeps me out sometimes. Kind of like 'Don't Forget Me' - I also get a little spooked from it. AK's vocals really reflect the lyrics. That's why I love him so much!

Red Hot Chili Peppers – Catholic School Girls Rule Lyrics 17 years ago
God im so stupid I should have read everyone else's newer comments, but Idky, I just thought that the ones on the front page were newer until I was like, where are my posts? and then i saw them at the end and now I feel like an absolute idiot

Red Hot Chili Peppers – Catholic School Girls Rule Lyrics 17 years ago
by anthonyROCKSmySOCKS on 01-02-2005 @ 08:40:25 PM
lol, it is about a girl he met on tour....isn't the one who looked like marilyn monroe and sang "happy birthday mr. president" to him in the shower...or m i confusing her with some other girl in scar tissue?

catholic school girls do rule!
proud to be one...
the uniforms r sweet...

No you aren't confusing them, your correct :D

Red Hot Chili Peppers – Catholic School Girls Rule Lyrics 17 years ago
"by Polak on 06-12-2002 @ 12:58:57 AM
so u take notes about how deep your throat is? Its about how people send their daughters to catholic schools to teach them good christian virtues but this only makes them more horny"

Pardon me Polak, but you are so far from the truth. Anthoiny Kiedis is talking about a girl her met that was 14 years old. When AK was on tour she ran away with him, you kind of see what happened in the song, but eventually he made her go back because her parents were scared to death and had th epolice looking after her.

Red Hot Chili Peppers – Soul to Squeeze Lyrics 17 years ago
I dont know if anyone has said this before because Im too lazy to read everyone's comments but this song is about Anthony's drug additction and how he wants to stop but it's hard. He's also talking about how drugs have affected him.

"I got a bad disease
Up from my brain is where I bleed
Insanity it seems
It's got me by my soul to squeeze"

Here he is saying that his drug usage is a serious problem. It's a disease, and like any other disease it's hard to get rid of.

"With all the dying trees I scream
The angels in my dream
They turn to demons of greed
That's me"

There he is talking about how he had dreams of demons basically taking over him. The demons must describe the drugs.

"Where I go I just don't know
I got to, got to, gotta take it slow"

In Scar Tissue, he talks about he would always tell himself like I'll only do drugs ONCE this week, and then the next day he'd do them again and then he'd continue to lie to himself about when he's going to stop.

"When I find my piece of mind
I'm gonna give you some of my good time"

Here, he means that when he officialy gives drugs up for good, then he will focus on more important thing in his life.

"And take away my self destruction"

There he is saying drugs are destroying him, but it was his choice to keep doing it, so in a way it was self destruction.

"It's bitter baby and it's very sweet
I'm on a rollercoaster but I'm on my feet
Take me to the river lay me on your shore
Well I'll be coming back baby
I'll be coming back for more."

There he is saying that drugs seem very nice when you're actually doing them, but once the illusion is over then you just want more and it's a harsh and bitter experience.

"Simple pleasures are more special"

Here, he means that drugs are an easy way to take care of a problem, because they take you away from reality.

"but I won't regret it never"

Like in 'Otherside' he says "I don't believe it's bad". AK in his book 'Scar Tissue' says he doesn't believe drugs are bad, and here he muist be saying he doesnt regret doing drugs.

"Where I go I just don't know
I might end up somewhere in Mexico
When I find my piece of mind
I'm gonna keep for the end of time "

AK would take lots of trips to Mexico to try to go sober, so that's what the Mexico reference was. The last two lines, he's saying that once he goes sober then he will never go back, and he'll stay sober for the rest of his life.

Hope that helped and I'm also hoping that someone hasn't already said that. :D

Red Hot Chili Peppers – She Looks to Me Lyrics 17 years ago
*had to put her

Red Hot Chili Peppers – She Looks to Me Lyrics 17 years ago
Okay I think im 110% wrong but when Anthony says.....

"Down in the South seas
Give me your mouth please
Resuscitation is the way I find me
I give you major
You give me minor
Don't fade away
Like an ocean liner

"Down on the bathroom floor
She's searching for another light
She looks to me she looks to me
All right"

It reminded me of in 'Scar Tissue' when Anthony talks about how his friend Kim accidetaly overdosed on heroin and he took her to the bathroom and had top ut her in the shower and I believe he did mouth-to-mouth. He kept saying stuff liek "Don't die Kim!!!" I dont know if the entire song is about her, but who knows. I'm not finished with the book yet so if I have any more clues I'll come back :D

John Mayer – Waiting on the World to Change Lyrics 17 years ago
Okay, I apologize for bringing this up when it was while ago, but this comment bugged me...(Also sorry if someone else already commented about this)
-by Hatendency on 06-24-2006 @ 01:47:50 AM -
" musically this song sounds great and i can't wait to hear the rest of continuum out of the studio, but i hope John Mayer doesn't delve much into a political view either way. it tends to make music annoying and distracts me from a good song much like Green Day did for me. I'm not saying i don't agree with anything he's saying cause some of it i do, i just hope it's not a whole CD dedicated to the whinings of, perhaps, famous people; which from what i know it's not at all. once again, great song but these types of songs take chances and can alienate some of his fans, still a universally great message about abuse of power and the citizens role in that government. Reminds me of Jimi Hendrix and i think he wanted this song to do that, he's been going towards that route more and more lately. While Jimi talked about war and how it's useless so does this song i believe. I suppose it's a better song if you agree with him, but if you don't it kind of leaves an awkward feeling because you like the song just not everything he says. Anyways good song overall. "
Even if you don't agreee with John's message don't you want artists taking a chance rather than playing 'safe', non-controversial music? Don't you get tired of listening to music talking about nothing that has anything to do with any true importance. (EX:Rihanna's Pon De Replay) John Mayer had is share of dullish meanings in songs (I don't mean dull because I LOVE this music but I mean no political/controversal songs) so I'm glad he did something new. And isn't music about making a statement and speaking your mind? Sorry if I'm sounding totally rude but that comment bugged me so I felt a need to say something about it.

The Beatles – Lovely Rita Lyrics 17 years ago
One of my Beatle Favorites! It just has the sense of humor you can't help but laught at. And Paul's voice is to die for here. Sorry, I'm obsessed with voices. Like drummers usually listen to drums in songs-I listen to voices and I obsess over them.

The Beatles – Here Comes the Sun Lyrics 17 years ago
Okay I didn't look at any of the other comments so sorry if someone else said this but at the end it goes
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun,
And I say it’s all right.
THEN there's the part where they repeat it
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun,
It’s all right, it’s all right
Sorry, I know I'm being really picky but still!!!

Snow Patrol – Set the Fire to the Third Bar Lyrics 17 years ago
I love this song soooooo much. It's so pretty. I adore Martha Wainwright's voice!!! I love it when they sing the chorus the second time and Martha goes high on the end. BEAUTIFUL

Red Hot Chili Peppers – I Could Die for You Lyrics 17 years ago
OMG this is one of my favorite RHCP songs. It's so pretty and with Anthony's voice *sigh* so amazing.

Red Hot Chili Peppers – Californication Lyrics 17 years ago
Yea its talking about the whole Hollywood and superficiality which is sort of funny, because its like Pink's 'Stupid Girls'. You might not see the humor but I'm about to explain. Stupid Girls was played on the radio a bunch and there were a lot of these girls I know were all OMG I LOVE THAT SONG. Which was funny because they are EXACTLY what the song was against. I found that hysterical. Now you might be wondering, what is the connection to Californication? Well, they both talk abut superficiality so if I were to show this to one of those girls they'de probably say the same thing, because they want to seem un-superficial but really all they are are plastic clones of Hollywood celebrities minus the alchol. That might not make sense but w/e I tried to explain that the best I could.

Arctic Monkeys – When the Sun Goes Down Lyrics 17 years ago
I love this song so much. My favorite part is...

And I've seen him with girls of the night
He told Roxanne to put on her red light
They're all infected but he'll be alright
Cause he's a scumbag, don't you know
I said he's a scumbag, don't you know!

The red light thing is talking about the Red Light District in Amsterdam. The song is sort of sad in my opinion but its great!!!

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