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My Bloody Valentine – Moon Song Lyrics 16 years ago
Psychadelia pretty much got it. She makes him feel horrible but he needs her; she's the 'only one' for him, or possibly the only one he thinks he can have.

Hold me close
-I need you, I love you, let's be together

I can hear you dear
-Kind of confusing line to me; he calls her 'dear' in this, so there may be some sort of feeling of affection in this line towards her. Maybe he hears her calling for him?

I hate you the most
When you are the only one
-She treats him badly, he hates it. He hates it the most, knowing that shes the only one.

(Never could) forgotten one
-He wishes he could forget her. But in reality, he's still in the same horrible situation. He could never bring himself to leave and forget about her.

I wish that I was never born
When you are the only one
-He wishes that he wasn't born so he wouldn't have to experience this feeling of dependency and affection towards the 'only one' for him.

You come to me
(Thoughts that) I can't see
-She comes to him with thoughts that he doesn't know about, or he doesn't know what she's been lying about/ telling the truth about. This could also mean she may be hiding something, cheating on him, using him as a toy/ playing games with him, etc. Whatever you interpret it as.

You're never real
You're pretend to me
-She's never truthful about her affection or anything she says. She's practically pretend(false) to him because he knows that she never says anything truthful/that she means. In other words, he knows she isn't real, and she might as well be called 'imaginary', because shes never true to him.

When I'm with you
I don't know what to do
-He doesn't know whether he should get angry at her for all of the things she does or could be too afraid of that. He's unsure whether he should love her or hate her, but it's obvious that he clings to her anyway.

Don't come back soon
I don't want you to
When you are the only one
-Pretty self explanatory. He doesn't want to see her anytime soon because she still is the only one. Then again, she is the only one. So he does feel affection towards her but knows that if she comes she'll do the same thing all over again.

Hold my hand
But understand
You are the hated one
And you are the only one
-He loves her, he wants her to hold his hand. He has a lot of affection towards her. But he doesn't like what she does, what she acts like, or something along those lines. So he's trying to make her understand that she is the hated one, but the only one that he could ever have/ the only one that he wants to be with.

You can look
And you can touch
That's why it's never fun
When you are the only one
-She can do everything. She can look/touch other guys, she can cheat on him or flirt with other people with no consequence because he needs her, and she knows that he won't leave. It's never fun doing anything intimate with her perhaps, or never fun in the relationship. Because she's still the only one; his only love, his only partner.

If they could see
What you have done to me
You will not be the only one
-If everyone else in the world knew what he was going through, he'd have someone else better for him. She wouldn't be his only friend/companion because others would come to him for support.

You come back soon
Breaking up the room
And soon you'll be the forgotten one
-She came back soon and destroyed what he had. Maybe this is one of the points where he's realized that he has to go, soon she'll be the forgotten one and he'll leave her.

And (to her) the only one
Only one
(Now you'll be) forgotten one
-This line makes me think that the song is written from the girl speaking about the guy, which may be completely possible, depending on how you interpret it. Anyway, and (to her/him) the only one means that soon she/he will be gone and will be someone elses only one. This is the point where the person of the story finally says now you'll be the forgotten one, I'm leaving. Goodbye.

That's just my 2 cents on the song.

Frank Sinatra – My Way Lyrics 17 years ago
Pretty simple. Already been stated, but I'll say it 'my way' (heh heh heh). Looking back at your life when you're older, and being proud and feeling accomplished that you went through your life, took the beatings, and did everything your way. Like said before, very modest song.VERY fitting for Sinatra. He seemed like a really tough, not gonna take crap from anyone guy to me, and this song just proves my point. He was who he was, and he did things his way, and he made it through everything.

Frank Sinatra – The Lady Is A Tramp Lyrics 17 years ago
I agree with maestro's meaning; a girl who doesn't act like everyone else and is criticized for it. I sure wish I could find a 'tramp'!

My Bloody Valentine – When You Sleep Lyrics 17 years ago
I think this song is about a person in a relationship who is overall dissatisfied with it.

When I look at you
Oh, I dont know what I feel
Once in a while
-He doesn't know what he feels. Is this relationship really a good one? He is undecided on whether he is happy or not.

And you make me laugh
-But, she makes him laugh. Every once in a while. So there's a bit of happiness in the relationship from that.

And I'll sleep tomorrow
And it won't be long
Once in a while
Then you take me down
When you walk away(I think this should be "And you walk away")
-Once in awhile, he'll think about not sleeping long so that he can see her as soon as possible. Then she takes him down (sex?) and she walks away, making him sad once more. But, every once in a while he gets this bit of happiness, too.

When you say "I do"
Oh, but I don't believe in you
I can't forget it
-At the altar, maybe? Or after saying "Do you love me", she says I do. After all of the little happiness he gets in this relationship from her, of course he doesn't believe her. He can't forget how he doesn't believe her, either. Or, he can't forget all of the horrible things shes done in the relationship that make him not believe her "I do."

When you sleep tomorrow
And it won't be long
Once in a while
When you make me smile
When you turn your long blonde hair
-Once again, once in a while he hopes she won't sleep long so that he can see her as soon as possible. Once in a while she'll make him smile. And again she'll turn her long blonde hair to walk away from him again.

That's just my $0.02 on the song.

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