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Patrick Wolf – Accident & Emergency Lyrics 16 years ago
i always thought it was knuckle down
but then i didnt really care
i just shout it out anyway whenever it comes on
best part of the song.

Thomas Dybdahl – From Grace Lyrics 16 years ago
ohhhhhhh so beautiful.

Patrick Wolf – To The Lighthouse Lyrics 17 years ago
even if this song is about woolf i think there is fantastic religious imagery here, intended or not. the first bit could represent something bad happening in life, and then the protagonist just follows every one else and doesn't feel like they're accomplishing anything. "a borrowed house on borrowed time" i.e. if you believe in god then you're kind of borrowing the earth from him cos he made it, and borrowed time because it's not here for long

then obviously the next bit (in need of help i came to your door) could reference jesus, he's seeking religous help and is told how to improve his life - stop taking small things from this world that will eventually drag you down, build your castle in god, go to the lighthouse i.e. the beacon in the darkness (jesus often described as light in the bible). don't get the 28/3rd floor bit though. and great great minds etc. shows that even the smartest people in the world cant conquer their mortality, cant do everything alone and when they try to they can go mad

the next bit could be like the reaction to what the world throws at you - i.e. when people do bad things how should you respond - are you angry, or do you try and welcome them, if you continue to wage war against your fellow man then you create something much bigger and more terrifying . then more advice - build yourself up in defence and stop trying to attack people, then you will be more prepared when bad things come (ie the devil - fire imagery)

anyway. that was a completely arbitrary interpretation and i'm sure i've read in many places that patrick is not religious. but its an interesting way of looking at it.

Iron & Wine – Boy with a Coin Lyrics 17 years ago
for me this song is like not giving up.. from a religious perspective there could be moments where you think god doesn't care about you and thats why bad things happen, and the boy's clinging on to one thing that could be salvaged from the wreckage.. and then at the end he realises he has to move on so he throws it away, and goes back to 'the town that all of us burn' --> could be reference to giving up on religion once bad things happen but he doesn't. and i havent deciphered the girl's bit yet.

Andrew Bird – Sovay Lyrics 17 years ago
i always thought you're riding on the paris express.
it sounded nice.

Cursive – The Lament of Pretty Baby Lyrics 17 years ago
god that was so full of typing mistakes. sorry.

Cursive – The Lament of Pretty Baby Lyrics 17 years ago
all of the interpretations everyone have are so interesting.. for me personally i thought of it as a girl who hates what she looks like, and she goes to see doctors and stuff because she wants them to "fix" her. the kitchen door is a metaphor for her thoughts - maybe she had an argument with her parents or a breakdown or something that let her family see insdie her head. she whispers into the mirror when she looks at it - she's "broken", she hates what she sees. "the nightingale locked in the cage" is her beauty that she belives she could have, but it's locked away inside the body she hates. she wants it to be noticed - to sing for her. again the fashion magazines, she aspires to be like the modle,s and circus ponies are pretty and everyone adores them. "the moon has raped me" refers to the times in her dreams when she sees herself as beautiful, but when the moon goes down it takes all these dreams with her, as if it is raping her of her beauty - which also relates to "you cry yourself to sleep". she

this all condradicts the bit where it says "i don't want to be a pretty thing.." but i personally think that's the opinion of a little sister or something, maybe she thinks that her older sister is pretty but she sees what the obsession with beauty is doing to her. she says that her sister cries herself to sleep because she is weak, but then turns around and says no, you're strong, because you're going through this all, and i'm just a weak younger sister who can't judge you.

pretty out there, but that's just how i interpret it.

Bishop Allen – The Monitor Lyrics 17 years ago
this song is amazing.. just the picture it creates is so haunting

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