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Andrew Bird – Opposite Day Lyrics 16 years ago
Another note on the non-"not": I saw Andrew Bird perform this song twice recently. The first time he did it as written above, but the second time he included the "not". So it's definitely a lyric possibility - I suspect Mr Bird changes it with every performance.

Andrew Bird – Why? Lyrics 16 years ago
I never realised how incredibly sexy Andrew Bird was until I saw him perform this song. The people above who saw him perform it live are absolutely right - he really buries himself deep into the emotion of a song. And in this particular song, he was raw and rugged and cheeky and teh absolute sex. Excuse me whilst I go swoon...

Björk – I Go Humble Lyrics 16 years ago
Molofan, when is this song from? It sounds like the Debut era to me, but you appear to be the I Go Humble here.

Bjork fans seriosuly need to be aware of this song. It's gorgeously flirty and fun!

Aimee Mann – Invisible Ink Lyrics 17 years ago
My favourite Aimee Mann song. I interpret it the same as ShatteredPoetess - about trying to communicate something incredibly meaningful to somebody you love, without success.

Björk – In The Musicals Lyrics 17 years ago
It's meant to highlight the squeaky floors and such - that's how the character Selma develops songs in her head; they start with ordinary sounds.

Anyways, I know this number probably isn't nearly as popular as Cvalda or I've Seen It All or etc, but as a huge musical theatre nerd myself, I love it 'cause I identify :)

Björk – Immature Lyrics 17 years ago
Definitely an anthem for all women.

Björk – Alarm Call Lyrics 17 years ago
Fantastic song, although I much prefer the album version.

Recently I was struck with a thought regarding the line: "Today has never happened, and it doesn't frighten me". In a very literal sense, this is possible. When somebody is awoken by an alarm it is usually the beginning of a new day, when nothing has happened to them yet. Opportunity abounds - which is basically is what the song is all about. Finding joy in the future, and making the most out of what you've got.

Björk – Earth Intruders Lyrics 17 years ago
How farking fantastic is this song?! Like citizeninsane said so perfectly, I love how she attacks the negativity of the lyrical content with violently rainbow positivity. Only Bjork could make carnage and the earth's destruction by man a must-dance moment.

Btw, I was so expecting to have to wait five odd years for her next release - now all she has to do is add Australia to the Volta tour (pretty pleeeaaase Bjork?!), and I'll be a happy chappy!

Jump, Little Children – Cathedrals Lyrics 17 years ago
A beautiful, bittersweet, lush and soulful song that I stumbled upon quite by accident. (And don't I wish I had accidents like this one a lot more often!) A song not heartbreaking in its beauty, but rather inspiring and heart-repairing.

I agree with everybody that's said this song is not so much about religion, as it is about the spirituality of finding yourself and your true home - your way, your place in the world. In the "pieces left incomplete" of the cathedrals visited all over the world, the singer directly sees his own emptiness and fragmented sense of self. A great metaphor and catalyst.

Andrew Bird – Measuring Cups Lyrics 17 years ago
Word with themunkel and mazetti and artblot and all - agreement! This song is alt-pop perfection, and solid proof of what awesome heights individuality can take you.

Andrew Bird – MX Missiles Lyrics 17 years ago
"Are you made of calcium or are you carbon-based
and if you're made of calcium i'll have to take a taste
cause, listen, calcium is deadly tender to the tooth
and it's one sure-fire way to know if you're
MX-missile-proof, oh no, or if you're just aloof"

Is it strange of me that I find this song, particularly those lyrics above, incredibly sexy?

Andrew Bird – Opposite Day Lyrics 17 years ago
Teiladnam is right - the lyric is "just another day", no "not". However, I think the "not" is implied. I interpret this song as a reaction to the world still moving and life going on despite you, after something big and emotionally destructive has happened to you. He expects the world should be apocolyptic/physically altered from this event (with those wronged by life's struggles finally get a leg up), and is surprised to see everything normal, unaware. Hence, "today was supposed to be just another day" and "NOT just another day" both make perfect sense.

I have no idea what the ending is about, but I adore it anyways. "Silence is knowledge, and knowledge is power" is such an empowering statement.

Sufjan Stevens – Out of Egypt, Into the Great Laugh of Mankind, and I Shake the Dirt from My Sandals as I Run Lyrics 17 years ago
Love this song - and love its title! Like Dove said, it's so interesting yet serene.

Sufjan Stevens – They Are Night Zombies!! They Are Neighbors!! They Have Come Back from the Dead!! Ahhhhh! Lyrics 17 years ago
Best. Song title. Evah.

M2M – Don't Say You Love Me Lyrics 17 years ago
"Silly boys need to quit rushing all the time, and quit mistaking love for infatuation."

I think it's more a guys-they-say-love-a-girl-to-get-into-their-pants situation myself, hence the censoring for the Pokemon soundtrack...

Sixpence None the Richer – Easy To Ignore Lyrics 17 years ago
The ultimate unrequited (and knowin' it) love song. What woman doesn't relate to this?

Robbie Williams – Kids Lyrics 17 years ago
I have no idea what this song means, but it's danceable nonetheless!

Joanna Newsom – Bridges and Balloons Lyrics 17 years ago
For me it is about the little wonders of the world that can stun and stagger you, and eventually shape you. I like to think she's sharing all these tiny blessings with her "love" :)

Joanna Newsom – Clam, Crab, Cockle, Cowrie Lyrics 17 years ago
"And you are starry, starry, starry, and I'm tumblin' down... will you just look at me?"

Sigh! So courageous in its fragility. There's nothing like a unrequited love song that digs just too deep into you.

Joanna Newsom – Yarn and Glue Lyrics 17 years ago
Lyrically this is the stuff of genius, but it's gorgeous sound of the glockenspiel that gets me with this song! :p

The Polyphonic Spree – Section 14 (Two Thousand Places) Lyrics 17 years ago
For me this is lovely tune about the pressures of being perfect and liked by everybody. But it's so hard to go in depth to 'Spree songs, because the music is so damn swoonable!

The Polyphonic Spree – Section 8 (Soldier Girl) Lyrics 17 years ago
Funnest song evah! Definitely the standout track on The Beginning Stages Of...

Sixpence None the Richer – We Have Forgotten Lyrics 17 years ago
The first time I heard this song was the first time that I believe that I heard "real" music and lyrics. I am very fond of this tune.

Sixpence None the Richer – Melody Of You Lyrics 17 years ago
This is my favourite song of all time. It is just so mind-blowingly beautiful, in every aspect and angle that a song could be.

I am in awe of the beauty of the world when I listen to this.

Sixpence None the Richer – Love Lyrics 17 years ago
Poetry - pure and simple and splendid.

Sixpence None the Richer – I Can't Catch You Lyrics 17 years ago
"But I've been feelin' the pain of all these bags in the way, and I'm thinkin' that you're just gonna run away."

The most perfect way to describe the feeling that the object of your heart's desire could never love you unconditionally, baggage and "black" and all, that I think I've ever seen in a song.

Sixpence None the Richer – Disconnect Lyrics 17 years ago
The struggle with self-loathing that fuels depression.

A quietly dark but powerful song - who could not be moved by the lines "I'll close my eyes and look for worth inside/I don't deserve you"? - and one I relate to all too well.

George – Special Ones Lyrics 17 years ago
Totally the post-breakup-womyn-power-there-is-still-hope-for-my-heart-yet song. But expertly and beautifully done.

George – spawn Lyrics 17 years ago
I imagine this song as a casting-out of all the demons and spawn in her life... and that neverending high note at the bridge is motherfreaking amaaaazing! It totally makes the song what it is.

Katie Noonan is, to state the obvious, such an incredible singer, and if any song should prove that it's Spawn.

George – Sellout Lyrics 17 years ago
Meaning of this song is pretty damn obvious - but I just wanted to say that this is one of my favourite george songs!

George – Release Lyrics 17 years ago
Awesome, awesome song. One the best album openers I've ever heard too.

Like Ruly said, it's pretty much about accepting, and then letting go, yourself from all the bullshit of society and preached/prescribed ways of living, and starting to respect yourself.

George – breathe in now Lyrics 17 years ago
For me, it is a song that comforts/tells a depressed/down-and-out friend that everything will be okay and to just relax and live in the now, relating it to their own experiences. It's a great tune.

Camille – Paris Lyrics 17 years ago
Not understanding any French, I just always imagined this song as a musical-theatre-number styled love letter to the swinging metropolition town of Paris!

Camille – Ta Douleur Lyrics 17 years ago
When I first heard this song, it was on my car radio and I was changing CDs. I was so entralled that I actually stopped what I was doing and listened until they said the name of the song and its singer. And I haven't looked back from Camille since!

I always thought of this song as a cheeky "screw you for breaking up with me, look how awesome things are for me today" message to an ex. Perhaps it's the beat line of raspberries that give me this impression though :p

Camille – Pâle Septembre Lyrics 17 years ago
Although I have no understanding of French, this is such an unbelievably beautiful song. It's hard to put into words how I feel about this song... but for me, it is about the experience of grief and loss - not just romance issues, but life in general. As Camille says in the linear notes for Le Fil, "That month, someone fell from a tower as I fell in love." It is a song that speaks of hindsight - looking back, wiser for all your pain, and seeing things as they (and you) once were. It is a song about loving, learning, building, losing, and becoming.

The quiet a capella English lines before Camille and choir loudly (beautifully) break loose is possibly my favourite part of the whole song: "I'll never reach the sun/I'll never ever know if he is still alive..."

Such a powerful piece of music! And sung so amazingly by Ms Camille too.

Utada Hikaru – Simple And Clean Lyrics 17 years ago
For a piece of J-pop featured in a Disney video game, I find this song quite beautiful. I am in admiration of the philosphy that something as frequently horrible and complex as being in love can make you feel "so simple and clean", which is the meaning that I get from this song.

Regina Spektor – Back of a Truck Lyrics 17 years ago
Fark! I'm a newbie here, canya tell? :p

I heart 11.11-era Regina Spektor.

Regina Spektor – Back of a Truck Lyrics 17 years ago
Thats' meant to say:


Regina Spektor – Back of a Truck Lyrics 17 years ago
I have no freaking idea what this song is about really... although I like to think that is it the story, as well as the hallucinogenic final thoughts of a psychologically damaged woman who dies on her front porch. (Which kinda explains the trying to buy the back of her head from its thief!) She is unable to cope with living, as reality and fantasy are intertwined in her broken mind - thus "the story gets hazy and the hair gets too long".

Despite any attempt of interpretation, it's still an absolute epic and brilliantly brilliant song. I

Pulp – This Is Hardcore Lyrics 17 years ago
Pornography is a metaphor for the music industry. Jarvis is disgusted by the degrading way it uses people and spits them out, only for a quick buck; how everybody (including himself) is so blinded by the glitter and glare of being a celebrity that they don't see the darker, seedier underbelly of it all.

It's an absolutely brilliant epic of a song, with an equally awesome film clip.

The Flaming Lips – One More Robot/Sympathy 3000-21 Lyrics 17 years ago
I think this song is about a robot who, despite its programming, falls in love - or at least, strives to learn how to love and feel like a human being does - and discovers that it is human emotion that spurs free will/thought, and that is the difference between being a machine and being a man.

This song also always reminds me of the Replicants' plight in the film Blade Runner (which was based on the aforementioned short story Do Andriods Dream Of Electric Sheep?).

Disney – Part of Your World (The Little Mermaid) Lyrics 17 years ago
A song about a girl who has everything, except the one thing that she truly wants - to feel human, to belong. When Jodi Benson sings, "Wouldn't I love, love to explore that shore up above" I get, as xsteadyx so eloquently put it, the spiritual chills.

I'm surprised there are so few comment about this one. This is probably the song I relate to the most; yes, out of every song ever written. (Funny how it's from a Disney movie then!)

Spook – Running Away Lyrics 17 years ago
This song is about the way people try to run away from their true selves, "[wearing] so many faces" to escape, and how being in love can bring you back to your self. It acknowledges about how futile trying to run away is, because in the end you only end back up at your self. It's a song of acceptance to who you really are, particularly in the face of love.

It's an absolutely breathtakingly beautiful track, and my favourite from The Dusk Sessions.

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