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Secret Machines – (De Luxe) Immer Wieder Lyrics 17 years ago
yes it is a cover

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah – Clap Your Hands! Lyrics 17 years ago
This song is my ring tone, thats how badass it is, i swear these dudes had to be in a circus or something but god damn, they want to clap my hands, so thats what im gonna do

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah – Blue Turning Gray Lyrics 17 years ago
badass instrumental, badass band

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah – Sunshine and Clouds (And Everything Proud) Lyrics 17 years ago
badass instrumental, badass band

Secret Machines – Marconi's Radio Lyrics 17 years ago
the last line is incorrect on this too, its "Marconi did make the radio, for me to stay home and say so"

Secret Machines – Marconi's Radio Lyrics 17 years ago
this song is a tribute to marconi for creating the radio but within this tribute they tap into the spiritual relm as well as relationship stuff, yeah im fucked up right now but its cool i can do this, the whole instrumental beginning is really the best part, leading up to the lyrics witch are freakin awesome, one of teh best songs an A+ on my list.

Secret Machines – Breathe Lyrics 17 years ago
This is like the secret machines version oh pink floyd's breathe, now i cant say witch one is better because they literally are two different songs, pink floyds is more mellowed out and flows into on the run in dark side of the moon, but the secret machines breathe is more of an upbeat song and modern day, but still has that indie flare that makes the secret machines so great, song is pretty self explainitory, just read the lyrics and you'll get the just of it, hes sayin tellin whatever bitch hes with that he loves her, but god damn she needs to chill out and not think of herself so much, amen to that.

Secret Machines – It's a Bad Wind That Don't Blow Somebody Some Good Lyrics 17 years ago
I come on this website a click on what might be one of the best songs f my generation and the only god damn comment on it is, :it reminds me of fall", I'm not saying this is bad but come on. It's a bad wind that don't blow somebody some good. Isn't this true, of course it is. The lyrics are a very nicely written poem that envolves alliteration and metaphoric sayings, not to mention the music, it takes off right outta the momentum from still see you and you don'y even here the song switch. One of the most unappreciated songs if not the most ever. When this band hits it big, and yes, they will hit it big, people will go back to there first CD an go damn, this is some strange shit, when really, it's probably going to be there best.

Modest Mouse – Custom Concern Lyrics 17 years ago
The Custom Concern, excellent song to listen to while fucked up. one of modest mouse's best in my opinion. basiclly he just tired of everything being the same and nothing's changed,he doesn't really have a concern, he's just fucked up and going to work one day.

Modest Mouse – Breakthrough Lyrics 17 years ago
This song i would like to think means what it's title states. just to breakthrough, obviously someone is depressed and need to break on through, maybe by looking through a window at 2 o'clock, good song

Modest Mouse – All Night Diner Lyrics 17 years ago
Awesome song, you can tell what the song is about just by listening to the story, i dunno if this all really happened or not but damn its a funny as story. i like to think it all happened one night when he got drunk or was fucked up on something, anyway, damn good song

Modest Mouse – 3 Inch Horses, Two Faced Monsters Lyrics 17 years ago
I have no idea what they are trying to say in this song, but it has some damn good effects in it, one of modest mouse's more original songs, i would have a better idea of what the song would be about if i wasn't so fucked up right now, but oh well. good song

Interpol – Obstacle 1 Lyrics 17 years ago
this song is the shit, one of interpol's finest no doubt. in my opinion this song is about girl, as they always are, that hes crushing on and "she puts the waits on to my little heart, and she gets in my room and she takes it apart" i mean its pretty self explainitory, by why the title obstacle 1 you may ask? well home boy hasn't done really jack shit to get with this girl they way he wants to, its the first obstacle he hasn't completed yet, witch in obstacle 2 you can see hes singing about more serious shit than what he is just feeling, so yeah that is my opinion and i'm sticking to it.

Secret Machines – Girl From the North Country Lyrics 17 years ago
This song is one of the best covers i think any band has produced of any other bands songs. The Secret Machines alone are badass, but when you take an almost three minute song by bob dylan and turn it into a nine minute master peice, your a freakin badass band, i cant wait to see these guys in concert. as for the meaning of the song, i think its sayin if your travelin' the north country fair, and run into a hot chick, don't let her go because she will be in your mind all the time until you get her, go for the gold my friends.

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah – Over and Over Again (Lost and Found) Lyrics 17 years ago
I think this song is about a guy who went off to war and his girl that he left back home in the states or wherever has pretty much forgoten about him and hes pissed and the song kinda says how that happens a lot. but i dunno, thats just my opinion.

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