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White Zombie – More Human Than Human Lyrics 14 years ago
That doesn't really make any sense. If you are what you eat, and I ate a hamburger, I'd be a hamburger. So the only way to be more human than human would be to eat a human. But if that human ate a hamburger, that human would be a hamburger. So you'd be eating a hamburger, so you'd be a hamburger. It doesn't make any sense.

In order for that to work, you'd have to eat someone who'd only ever eaten people who've only ever eaten people who've only ever eaten people, et cetera, ad nauseum, until the beginning of time.

White Zombie – More Human Than Human Lyrics 14 years ago
"What man doesn't want to make a difference somehow? Hitler was evil yet he believed he was doing "God's work.""

You obviously don't know much about WWII. God had nothing to do with what Hitler was doing; He wanted to take over the world, and he needed two things - A philosophy to unite Germany, and a scapegoat (he picked the jews, an easy target in Germany back then) to blame the crippling depression Germany was suffering back then.

Sufjan Stevens – Flint (For the Unemployed and Underpaid) Lyrics 15 years ago
I seem to get an entirely different picture than you.

I don't think he's actually pretending to cry or try. I think he's saying he's pretending to cry, so he doesn't seem so vulnerable. "I pretend to cry. Even if I cry alone" He's saying he's pretending to cry, even though no one's around to really watch him. If you get my drift? Like you said, pretending to cry is usually done for show, so why would he do it alone? Because he's not really pretending.

Pretending to try goes along with the same reasoning. He's trying, and failing. But to save face, he says he's only pretending to try. Or, not trying his hardest. It's an ego thing. The whole world around him his crashing down, but he has to keep a strong appearance.

El-P – Flyentology (feat. Trent Reznor) Lyrics 15 years ago
In addition!

The music video seems to say something very similar; Religious groups who specifically target those in trouble with promises of the ability to fix their lives and make them happy, and only end up using them for their own advantage. (Flyentology... that sounds an awful lot like this cult... What's it called again? )

El-P – Flyentology (feat. Trent Reznor) Lyrics 15 years ago
I think Drexial is just scratching the surface.

I see this song more about people who turn to religion only in times of trouble as a way to save themselves, but after the trouble is gone they go right back to their lives.

"I'll become your soldier, at least for this day."

He'll be a member of the religion until they help him, and then forget it after he doesn't need it anymore.

Splashdown – Procreation Chick Lyrics 15 years ago
A song about those who think keeping with fads and looking good are the only things that matter in life.

Or maybe about people who judge others based only on how they look?

Maybe both.

Sufjan Stevens – In the Devil's Territory Lyrics 16 years ago
"Could this be focussing on the time now known as Lent? When Jesus went into the desert (the Devil's Territory) and was tempted by the Devil? And then he emerged (Palm Sunday), died(Good Friday), and was resurrected (Easter Sunday)." - Musicforlife!

Actually, Easter is the pagan holiday of reproduction and rebirth. Hence why we celebrate it by coloring eggs and bunnies. Eggs represent fertility, and rabbits represent reproduction. It's just one of the many holidays the Christian church adopted from the pagans to convert more of them. Kind of a "You need to be a Christian now, but we'll let you celebrate all your old holidays. We're just gonna change the meaning."

Same with Christmas. But that's a different story.

Iced Earth – Transylvania (Iron Maiden cover) Lyrics 16 years ago
What a useless lyrics page.

Iced Earth – Transylvania (Iron Maiden cover) Lyrics 16 years ago
What a useless lyrics page.

Iced Earth – Ghost Of Freedom Lyrics 16 years ago
This is a nice song and all, but did it really belong on the Horror Show album? It seems so out-of-place.

Universal Hall Pass – Avatar Lyrics 16 years ago
Melissa Kaplan has -the most- beautiful voice. When she starts building up in this song with "And as she lays your tarot down..." I get goosebumps every time.

Voltaire – Feathery Wings Lyrics 16 years ago
I always thought this song was about a Guardian Angel who just wasn't very good at his job, and it makes him depressed because he can't seem to save anyone.

Like someone mentioned, the "earn a set of feathery wings" always seemed to me like a reference to "It's a Wonderful Life" wherein an Guardian Angel earns his wings to return to heaven when he/she helps a human save their life.

...Or something to that effect. It's a beautiful song.

David Bowie – All the Young Dudes Lyrics 16 years ago
Enough about Mott the Hoople and Bowie...

Has anyone heard Ozzy's cover of this song? It friggin' rocks.

Universal Hall Pass – Sally's Song Lyrics 16 years ago
A song about how they want Sally to sing the song to bring the night. Very beautiful, and it really sets the mood for Cave Radio.

Melissa Kaplan.

Guns N' Roses – Civil War Lyrics 16 years ago
I always thought the "Peace could last forever" part was about Ghandi. Gahndi? I have no idea how to spell his name. But y'all get it.

Green Day – Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) Lyrics 17 years ago
This is the -only- Green Day song I like. All their other shit is.. well... Shit. Wanna-be Corporate punks. But this song is much different then all that. Has a lot of real emotion behind it. And almost any song with a violin solo is awesome. =D -Prepares for flaming from Green Day loser fans.-

Splashdown – Ironspy Lyrics 17 years ago
Quite an interpretation, but I'd have to say I disagree.

To me, this song seems to be from the point of view of someone who is having an internal conflict about someone else. This other person is in a relationship with someone else, and this causes the singer great pain to see them together. So she tries to convince herself that she never wanted the person to begin with; but it's not working.

"Iron spy
I didn't hear you coming from behind.
Yes, I'm afraid to turn around,
To watch you point and whisper like a child."

The "Iron spy" is the feelings she feels for the person, always sneaking up on her and causing her pain. So she's afraid to acknowledge it.

"Please leave -- stay...
I promise I'll try harder now.
You've made the cut, and stayed to watch it bleed,
Just making sure, your secret stays with me..."

Further conflict with her own feelings. She convinces her self she doesn't feel anything for the person momentarily, then he/she does something that brings those feelings back. Not sure how to interpret the "secret", honestly.

"Iron spy
The lines just keep escaping me.
And people on the trains play little games
To keep their guns from firing rage restrained. "

She really wants to tell this person how she feels about them, but knows she can't because of the relationship that person is already in. So it keeps building up inside her to the point where she has to completely distract herself to keep from going ballistic on the person/anyone in range.

But that's just my interpretation. I'm a hardcore Melissa Kaplan fan. =D

Much love sent out to her.

Lifeseeker – Gone Guru Lyrics 17 years ago
Friggin' love this song. Albeit, it's like a symbol of fear for me. I walk out in the courtyard, praying "No convicts, no convicts." 'cause I got like 5 people in tow. Then I hear that beat start up. "FUCK!"

Gorillaz – M1 A1 Lyrics 17 years ago
""day of the dead" part of John A. Romero's Trilogy"

That'd be George A. Romero. Get his name right, yeah?

And actually, the highway version sounds more plausible to me, and I live in the US. They're going a thousand miles an hour down a highway rockin' out. Sounds perfectly plausible. The whole tank thing sounds like you're just trying too hard to make it have some deep meaning about war. In any case, this album came out before the current war anyway. So... I gotta go with the Brits on this one. =\

Rob Zombie – Let It All Bleed Out Lyrics 17 years ago
It -is- "Filipino cab driver."

The Pillows – Little Busters Lyrics 17 years ago
"would you people knock it off,just cuz they lend their songs to the flcl soundtrack doesn't mean the song(or any of their others songs) is about the goddamn people are so fuckin' ignorant.the song is about the japanese youth and their struggle to free themselves from their elder's clutches."

Actually, many of the songs featured in FLCL of their's were made specifically for the show.

Don't believe me? Wiki the pillows. And get off your high horse =D

Bruce Springsteen – Because the Night (Patti Smith Group cover) Lyrics 17 years ago
I don't know.....

I'm rather fond of the 10,000 Maniacs version. Whenever I here Springsteen sing, it sounds to me like he's gonna throw up.

Voltaire – Crusade Lyrics 17 years ago
I believe the lyric is "Their tongues are -forked-", not Forged.

Elvis Presley – In The Ghetto Lyrics 17 years ago
Ok, yeah. It's a sad song.

But if you can't take care of a kid, either stop screwing or wear a damn condom. I mean, come on. We're supposed to have sympathy for irresponsiblity?

Rammstein – Klavier (English) Lyrics 17 years ago
Does anyone else see a vague "Phantom of the Opera" vibe from this song? I mean, the general idea I think is the same; Man falls in love with a woman's talent, tries to keep her for himself, she refuses, he kills her. Eh?

Iced Earth – Damien Lyrics 17 years ago
The backwards part is basically the spoken part played backwards. Nothing that interesting.

Gorillaz – November Has Come Lyrics 17 years ago
Gorillaz > Greenday.

Original, intelligent music beats lame white-boy emo Corporate punk anyday.

And MF Doom rules. I love the "Danger Doom" album

The Left Rights – Poo Through My Ass Lyrics 18 years ago
I think this song is about the struggles of modern teenagers to fit in with their peers in the fast paced society filled with technological advances.

Or about taking a shit. Either way, I love this song.

Rob Zombie – Return Of The Phantom Stranger Lyrics 18 years ago
Does anyone know what the latin in the very beginning means? If indeed it's latin at all? I've always been curious about that.

Jims's Big Ego – Stress Lyrics 18 years ago
The meaning of this song seems pretty straight forward. It's a great song, and really hits the nail on the head on the subject of daily life for some of us. I know I can empathize with alot of what he talks about.

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