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Animal Collective – Visiting Friends Lyrics 14 years ago
Sounds like the deep voice in the background is repeating "That's a pretty rabbit."

Radiohead – Idioteque Lyrics 14 years ago
I agree with you that our Kid A seems to have been moved to a mental institution, and here he sees the outside world from an isolated and detached location. He views the modern scares and events that we all live through today (nuclear wars and global pollution), and Yorke of course throws his own messages in with this.

It's really a well crafted song that blends Kid A's journey with Radiohead's political messages.

mewithoutYou – The King Beetle on a Coconut Estate Lyrics 15 years ago
It's definitely Padparadscha ring, just a type of jewel I believe.

It's also vanishing according the lyrics no matter how much it doesn't sound like it.

The only thing I'm confused about is the slight debate about smoke king and smoke ring. I'm 95% sure he says smoke king, but why wouldn't he say smoke ring? It makes more sense, unless I'm missing something? Is he implying that the Beetle King has become the smoke?

I guess it might have to do with him being changed into the fire, but I don't know.

Led Zeppelin – That's the Way Lyrics 15 years ago
Wow, honestly, I got on here to check out some of the lyrics I couldn't quite hear, and I realized that this song is surprisingly dark for a Led Zeppelin song. I had heard a few catchy lyrics about hair hanging down and tears in your eyes, and when I got on here, I was shocked to see what this song is actually about! Still beautiful though!

mewithoutYou – The Dryness and the Rain Lyrics 16 years ago
wow, lol, first point, end of the paragraph. kind of screwed that sentence up, ay? LOL what I meant to say was:
I therefore am convinced that my loving, caring, pure, and just God would NOT allow BILLIONS of people to be mislead by a "flawed" Book.

mewithoutYou – The Dryness and the Rain Lyrics 16 years ago
well, chris, you have alot to say and alot of it sounds good. until you remember a few key points.
Now I see that you're agnostic. This will probably turn you off to the rest of my argument, but I think agnostics are just confused people. They just don't really believe anything at the moment, am I right? I don't understand how you can look at this universe and say that there is not a divine Creator at work here. Oh yeah, shut up you evolutionist fiends (540 million years, my butt), it takes more faith to believe that than it does to believe in an all-powerful Being). Don't get me started, lol! No, I love you guys. ...just hate your beliefs. :)
For your first point, I do not agree whatsoever with your statement about the corruption of the Word of God through man's transcription of it onto paper. I believe that God's Word is completely inspired by the Father Himself, as it says, and I do not believe that this same God would allow such errors to be put down into words. I believe that the multiple authors of the Bible (each at their separate times, etc.) were appointed by God to do His work. I therefore am convinced that my loving, caring, pure, and just God would allow BILLIONS of people to be mislead by a "flawed" Book.
For your second point, I believe with all my heart that the Bible is How-To book of life. And because I believe that His Word is utterly and undoubtedly TRUE, I also believe that His Word, as 2 Timothy 3:16 says, "is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." This obviously says that we live our life by this book, and as we grow stronger in / closer to God, He reveals more from His Word about how to live our lives according to His perfect Will. And I believe that anyone who thinks themselves to be on their way to Heaven without the ENTIRE Word of God gripped in their hands to be themselves...a little naive.
Skipping your third paragraph because I have no idea what you're talking about. :)
Sin. Wow, you are way off on this subject, man. While I do believe that toddlers sin, I do not believe that God will condemn a child that is not mature enough yet to even comprehend a relationship with an invisible Being. I believe this because I know that my God, the true God, is not only just, He is also infinitely omniscient and understanding. Let me say that again: He is infinitely omniscient; thus, you can't think that God will "understand your situation," you who are, lol, old enough to read/discuss this page. God loves you, but He cannot look on or be near a sinful person. Yes, that is harsh, but that is why Christ came for us. This one man, a sinless man who made it, who actually lived a life without any sin whatsoever, did what God required, and then He gave His precious life so that we could through Him be cleansed of this separation from our Creator. Now I don't believe Jesus was sinless because He was never tempted, that would be the easy way out. Live the life of a hermit. No, the Word says that he was "One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin." Jesus was tempted in every way we ever have been, and He passed the test every time. So, no, claiming that since we all sin we are all worthy of Hell is NOT obscene; it is true. But it's not hopeless. Christ made Himself the sacrificial Lamb, the Lamb of God, for us so that we don't have to sacrifice pure animals every day so that we aren't smitten from this planet.
No, I am not saying that I don't believe the Old Testament; I'm saying that some of the instructions from that section don't have to be adhered to anymore, thanks to the Messiah (e.g., sacrificing, only the priest can speak with God).
So, yes, "the prospect of eternal damnation" is horrific; therefore, turn to Jesus! Turn to Him, be comforted, shed your sinful nature, and walk with the Almighty God.
but I do see now that you admit that you might have been misinformed, so I have to apologize for anything I said something / accused you of that might not be true because you didn't know or I took it too far and stretched your words. No, really, I just saw that part, so I'm sorry if I have accused you of something that you didn't do. But on doctrinal points, I do not apologize. The harsh fact is that Hell is a freaking real place, no matter if it's below us or wherever-- it is a real place to be feared. And if you find Jesus out of fear from spending an eternity (wow, you can't even wrap your mind around eternity!! I know I can't) there, then more power to you. I just hope that as you get farther from Satan and closer to God, you will see just how much He loves you. Then, your fear of Hell will turn to love for Christ, and you will come to know a little bit more just how much He loves you / wants to forgive you.

So I love you all, I just that you have been receptive to what I have said, even when it's been harsh. I'm also sorry that I've used mewithoutYou's (rock on! stay deep, guys!) page as a springboard for a religious discussion. I just really felt the urge to stand up for my faith / God and let you guys know how I feel. Thanks for tuning in! lolz :)

mewithoutYou – The Soviet Lyrics 16 years ago
I don't know, I looked into it some more, and it really seems like Catch for Us the Foxes isn't entirely about immorality; he just likes to use women as an example of temptation I think. He uses it alot. lol.
However, I'm pretty sure about Brother, Sister. lolz that's a different story.

mewithoutYou – The Soviet Lyrics 16 years ago
I don't know guys. mewithoutYou is pretty stinking deep. you think the are deep enough for a concept album?
think about it. Now, I don't know about A to B Life (never listened to it too much, so far), but Catch for Us the Foxes (the title of the album, obviously) is a direct reference, as previously stated, to the little sins, or sexual sins, in this case, that we encounter and that we must remove with God's help and guidance. Many of the songs in this album refer to sexual sin and lust etc. Also, most if not all of Brother, Sister's songs are about losing faith and doubts, then the regaining of his faith at the end when he realizes that this whole time he was focused on being perfect, but in the end after losing faith because he failed time and again, he comes to the realization that nobody can bring anything to God but themselves. Powerful.
So anybody with me?
Catch for Us the Foxes - Sexual sins?
Brother, Sister - Doubt?
I'm still looking into Catch for Us the Foxes more, and I may end up looking for something in A to B Life, but does anyone agree?

mewithoutYou – Seven Sisters Lyrics 16 years ago
actually, much afraid, I heard their music referred to as "stream of consciousness." but ADD music still works lol
yeah I'm still in the dark as to how this song has anything to do with the seven sisters story.
also, I absolutely love the ending lines; I have no idea what it means, but it is beautiful!

Pure Reason Revolution – The Bright Ambassadors of Morning Lyrics 16 years ago
if you want to find out more, I have a much more indepth discussion of it on prrambassadors.proboard41.(com?). if you can't find that, google Pure Reason Revolution forum. the topic is dark third meaning and discussion.

mewithoutYou – Yellow Spider Lyrics 16 years ago
I was just reading the first few comments on this page, (btw, this album is freaking amazing!) and I thought about the spider/trap reference. Then I put two and two together--remember the line from the "Sweater" song (lolz, yay Weezer), "the trap I set for you seems to have caught my leg instead".... hmmmm, way to be deep, mewithoutYou. I love ya

Pure Reason Revolution – The Bright Ambassadors of Morning Lyrics 16 years ago
I believe the lyrics on the inside of the album cover say "million bright ambassadors adorning" not "are dawning"

Pure Reason Revolution – The Bright Ambassadors of Morning Lyrics 16 years ago
I believe the lyrics on the inside of the album cover say "million bright ambassadors adorning" not "are dawning"

Pure Reason Revolution – Voices in Winter / The Realms of Divine Lyrics 16 years ago
love the buildup and the repetition of the lyrics at a faster tempo! Great freaking song!

Pure Reason Revolution – Nimbos and Tambos Lyrics 16 years ago
Man this song is awesome! And the acoustic version on their myspace is twice as good!

Pure Reason Revolution – The Bright Ambassadors of Morning Lyrics 16 years ago
I think this is a concept album, mainly because of repeated lyrics and the flowing between most of the songs. But what is the theme? One of my friends, who is a genius especially at music interpretation and the like, says that this is about space travel. Others have said it is a fantasy story about a woman, but they didn't know any details either. Anyone for interpretation?

Pure Reason Revolution – The Intention Craft Lyrics 16 years ago
Why is this band not popular? These guys are awesome! It is extremely rare (I've only done it on one occasion before, with Tool) that I am browsing around and then discover a band that I instantly love! Some one needs to get the word out!

Genesis – Supper's Ready Lyrics 16 years ago
If you really want to understand the final two parts, you need to read Revelation. But you can't really understand Revelation without studying it. And... you can't really study Revelation without understanding the Bible. So... even though I've studied Revelation, a lot of it does not make sense because I have not studied the Bible completely. But the final two parts do have clear and blatant references to the final chapter of the Bible, although I'm still not sure whether or not it is literal to the story and plot or metaphorical.

Jethro Tull – Thick as a Brick (Parts 1 & 2) Lyrics 16 years ago
I think and have read that this is merely a satire on the over-analyzing of songs. Of course, the 8 year old author is a fake, as humorously revealed through a few articles in the newspaper and an interview with Ian Anderson. But really, the song to me is not simply a joke, though it may be have been meant to be a prank on an all-too-serious interpretation of many progressive rock bands' songs. Most of the song's lyrics can be discarded for interpretation, however; the most important and meaningful portions are the beginning, which sets the song's tone, and the following lines (repeated twice for emphasis):

Come on ye childhood heroes!
Won't you rise up from the pages of your comic-books
your super crooks
and show us all the way.
Well! Make your will and testament. Won't you?
Join your local government.
We'll have Superman for president
let Robin save the day.

The point here is that society back then and today is searching for leaders to step up and take charge, for no one is bold enough to do it themselves. To further prove my point:

You put your bet on number one and it comes up every time.
The other kids have all backed down and they put you first in line.
And so you finally ask yourself just how big you are --
and take your place in a wiser world of bigger motor cars.

Everyone else steps down, and the nobody finds himself a leader. He must then put himself to the test. "ask yourself just how big you are" Society will put us to the test in their frantic search for a leader. Finally, these next few lines (also repeated a few times for emphasis) are the driving force for my interpretation of the song:

So! Where the hell was Biggles when you needed him last Saturday?
And where were all the sportsmen who always pulled you through?
They're all resting down in Cornwall -- writing up their memoirs
for a paper-back edition of the Boy Scout Manual.

The blatant point here, which is an underlying theme (under the mockery of society as thick as a brick) to the song, is that Jethro Tull believes that all of society is a bunch of cowards. Don't be the one to write poems, be the one to have poems written about him! Step up to the plate! Don't write history; make history.

And that is why I love this song so much.

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