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Yo La Tengo – Cornelia and Jane Lyrics 11 years ago
Also, for what it's worth (quite possibly nothing), Cornelia St and Jane St are both in Greenwich Village, NYC. They don't intersect, but it's the first thing I could find that ties the two names in the title together.

Yo La Tengo – Cornelia and Jane Lyrics 11 years ago
My best theory as to what the song is about:
Georgia's writing about what it was like watching Ira during his sudden health scare last year. Listening to the doctors and wondering if every "whisper" is some news, feeling helpless (how can we care for you?), wondering what was going through his mind as he was ill, the constant sirens driving you mad as you wait in the hospital, worrying about what can be done to keep from losing him.

It's been abstracted considerably, but it seems the seeds are there.

Yo La Tengo – Cornelia and Jane Lyrics 11 years ago
Quite a few lyrics of these are wrong. Here's a more accurate version:

I hear the whispering
Just out of view
Still unknown what’s inside of you
Outside your window
Neighbors peer in at you
How can we care for you?

How can we hold onto you?

Caught up in motion
Swirling around
Sometimes you’re standing still
On uneven ground
Too many sirens, they keep you up at night
Sit back and hold your ears (?)

How will we hold back our tears?

I hear them whispering
They analyze
But no one knows
What’s lost in your eyes
Sending the message, it doesn't get to you
How can we care for you?

Slipping away
Fade deep inside of you
But how can we hold on to you?

Yo La Tengo – Two Trains Lyrics 11 years ago
Should be "Outbound train" and "Inbound train" instead of "Loud bound" and "Impound", respectively.

Yo La Tengo – Ohm Lyrics 11 years ago
The lyrics are pretty direct and the meaning pretty easy to discern from them: accepting reality, accepting death, accepting change and accepting that not all can be perfect/known/forever. Accepting life as moments and not trying to hold on, against the flow of life, to any particular good or bad moment.

Stereolab – Tone Burst Lyrics 11 years ago
These are the lyrics to "Our Trinitone Blast". Not "Tone Burst".

Thurston Moore – Cherry's Blues Lyrics 11 years ago
at night a rock awake
at night a bed awake
I'd light a rocket light
a live with cherry sick
a burning to your heart
a burning patti smart
another look at you
fax every girl who's blue

went on a purple light
went on a purple lit
when all the sea suprime
when all those candles lit
a burning to your heart
a burning patti smart
another look at you
fax every girl who's blue

at night a rock awake
at night a bed awake
I'd light a rocket light
a live with cherry sick
a burning to your heart
a burning patti smart
another look at you
fax every girl who's blue

Thurston Moore – female cop Lyrics 11 years ago
These are the lyrics to "Cherry's Blues".

Guided by Voices – Hollow Cheek Lyrics 12 years ago
This song title should be "Hollow Cheek"

Stereolab – Crest Lyrics 12 years ago
Even though I'm sure it wasn't written with this in mind, I love to quote this song to global warming alarmists :-D

The song itself is certainly about/directed at alarmists or anxiety-ridden people of any kind.

Beck – Sunday Sun Lyrics 13 years ago
I think it's unsettling because he's on that edge where he's just breaking out of the funk he's in, but not far enough out that he couldn't fall back into the depression we've seen on the rest of the album.

It's almost like he's talking himself into there being "no other ending" than the sun of tomorrow and moving on. But you're right, the chaotic ending suggests he isn't quite out of it yet - which is probably why the song that follows, "Little One," is somewhat dark and still tussling with the same demons he's trying to wash his hands of here. It's not until "Side of the Road" that he's at somewhat peace with what he's been through.

As for the last stanza, I still stick with my previous interpretation, but add this: there's no way he can get completely rid of the memories he had with his ex and the emotions that came with that (hence that infinity trap), yet those memories are at a point/place where (he's hoping) they're not going to send him over the edge again, hence "safe."

Yo La Tengo – Blue Line Swinger Lyrics 13 years ago
A small lyric correction: "You, you walk up thin blue lines possible with reality" should be "You, you walk a thin blue line, crossing hope with reality"

Stereolab – The Man With 100 Cells Lyrics 13 years ago
Ah, the Quarter-Life crisis. A song about getting out on your own in the world, free from parents, school, and all of the other safety nets you've had, and realizing the full weight of having to work with the world around you and take control of your life to survive.

The "Hey skipper, look ahead, navigate" is the singer saying that, though your old "tools you've used to get by" might not work any more ("aren't the keys to your tomorrow"), you still have the ability to find within yourself the best path for your life.

Fugazi – Epic Problem Lyrics 13 years ago
The epic problem is lack of integrity. The first half of the song is the narrator telling someone else "Congratulations" or "Wish I could be there," etc. but in his mind he's telling himself "stop" because he doesn't mean a word of it. I read "Accessory" as "accessory to the crime"; as he's created this fake personality outside himself that pretends to be into things he's not into, and he considers this personality the one committing the lies, not himself.

The last half of the song talks about how being disingenuous is a problem he knows he has, but in practice he has no problem whatsoever putting on the same facade again and again. "Outside it's all production, it's all illusion, set scenery" and "I'm working as far as you can see" are just further metaphors for the lack of integrity.

As for if this is the narrator talking about his own epic problem, or putting himself into the shoes of a politician, business man, the government in general...

Yo La Tengo – Beach Party Tonight Lyrics 13 years ago
Are you saying you don't hear words at all, or you don't hear these particular words?

If the former, fast-forward to 1:11 of the song, Ira's definitely singing something.
If the latter, by all means, suggest what you *are* hearing, because otherwise your comment isn't too helpful.

Yo La Tengo – Avalon Or Someone Very Similar Lyrics 14 years ago
I personally heard "the perfect crime" instead of "imperfect cry" and the following "we, we recall" I think is "when we recall". And in the 4th verse, I heard "the water's fine, nevermind your view."

But most of the rest of the song, well, your guess is as good as mine.

311 – Long For The Flowers Lyrics 14 years ago
It's about getting older, coming upon a midlife crisis, and trying to figure out where to get your happiness from at that age. The "you" in the song gets his/her happiness from memories of beautiful flowers as a symbol of the beautiful end product of months of growth, while Nick seems to be trying to get happiness from that process of growth, the single minutes and days spent content, without fighting. SA's part and Nick's second chorus ("steals like a thief") seem to be highlighting that in all of this time is still ticking away out of their control.

It's possible that this is just about a relationship growing stale and trying to find happiness still, but I think it's a bit deeper than that, with all of SA's parts about "will we begin again?" and "between this world and the next."

Beck – Sunday Sun Lyrics 14 years ago
"Jealous minds walk in a line/And their faces jade the strain/Stranded in infinity rooms/And they're safe from any harm "

I think he is talking about his memories of his ex here and the "infinity rooms" are those areas in his mind, where, he has successfully buried her and the pain of thinking of her so deep in his head that in reality he's the one safe from harm. The ex would be jealous in his mind because he's just about over her, and he thinks she can't be over him yet. Beck's using plurals, ie. "their" to show his detachment. The "jade the strain" is just referring to the line of green (with envy) faces passing through his mind as he discards them.

That's the most I can make of it that seems to fit with the up-beatness/hopefulness of the rest of the song.

Goldfinger – Disorder Lyrics 14 years ago
It's funny, lyrically, when you consider that this song follows "Question" on Hangups.

Incubus – Pistola Lyrics 14 years ago
He rips off Sonic Youth's "Kissability."

Not the answer you're looking for, I'm sure, but have a listen at about 1:46 of that song.

Jane's Addiction – Ain't No Right Lyrics 14 years ago
Hedonism, in a nutshell.

Jane's Addiction – Thank You Boys Lyrics 14 years ago
This is a song about a very deep, heartfelt appreciation of men.

Yo La Tengo – I'm on My Way Lyrics 14 years ago
Brooding and dark, actually.

Yo La Tengo – Periodically Double Or Triple Lyrics 14 years ago
For a while, I thought he said "But I never argue a proven review," but after hearing it live and listening to the song a few more times, I'm wondering if he says "But I'd never argue with improvin' the view." It seems to make more sense with the rest of the lyrics in the chorus.

Living Colour – Cult of Personality Lyrics 14 years ago
He even predicted the Nobel Prize 21 years in advance :P

Yo La Tengo – When It's Dark Lyrics 14 years ago
Several lines of the lyrics are off here:

"just can't seem to break out of my mind
At odds in this world"

"Night time air,

"When the sun comes in,
will you smile again?"

"You've been away so long,
sometimes it really drives me out of my mind"

"I can feel it turn and blow the other way"

"If the rain should come,
will I come undone
when clouds are grey?
When the stars appear,
will you come again,
and carry me away?
When it's dark again
will I come apart?"

Yo La Tengo – More Stars Than There Are in Heaven Lyrics 14 years ago
I think I got most of this right, but because of the vocal effects, random "oohs" and random guitar parts playing over the lyrics, there's more than a few lines I'm not certain of. So if anyone hears something different, let me know.

Yo La Tengo – Here to Fall Lyrics 14 years ago
"Here to Fall" seems to be written with the current state of the world (economics, politics, etc.) in mind, but instead of dating and trivializing the message of the song with current affairs references, YLT does the intelligent thing (do they know any other way?) and leave the lyrics somewhat simple and open-ended. Love it.

It's essentially about worrying about what the future holds when you're on less-than-steady ground, and taking a measure of solace in going through the future with someone else, because, as Ira says, what else is there for us to do? The metaphor about the light seems to be about simple cause-and-effect and is a clever way of asking "can you be satisfied?" And the worries about the future could be as short-reaching as the next day, or as far-reaching as worrying about death, if you take a hint from some of the other songs on the album (The Fireside, for example).

Yo La Tengo – The Story of Yo La Tango Lyrics 14 years ago
Well, luckily for us, it's the last song on their second-to-last album now :)

Minutemen – God Bows To Math Lyrics 14 years ago
Here's what it says in the CD notes:

In the tombs of Enoch,
in the queen's chamber,
she lived, guarding the holy cubit

God-given accuracy,
measuring untold prophecies
how she loved, that sacred inch.

And I think the song is a clever sexual joke.

Sonic Youth – Thunderclap for Bobby Pyn Lyrics 15 years ago
"Elastic dreams of vicious actions" is the correct line.

Sonic Youth – Antenna Lyrics 15 years ago
In the first stanza, pretty sure it's "Throbbing blood, my unselfless creature/forever yours and then she's gone." And in the second stanza, it's either "while blood has started crime" or "started cryin'"

Neutral Milk Hotel – The King of Carrot Flowers Pts. 2 and 3 Lyrics 15 years ago
His post was from 7 years ago, "you clown."

of Montreal – Will You Come and Fetch Me Lyrics 15 years ago
I'm pretty sure the line "Clever little guys" should be "clever little guise"

Yo La Tengo – Tiny Birds Lyrics 15 years ago
What's great about this is its subject matter has the same vulnerability of almost all James' songs, but James sings it with a wonderfully warm confidence. The harmonies work great as well, and the watery instrumentation and quick tempo give the song that bittersweet uneasiness that makes it something special.

As for the lyrics, it's all about that once-in-a-lifetime bond you make with someone (love or friend), but both of you are getting older and something major (maybe a midlife crisis? or something relating to when they took each other's advice down a wrong path?) seems to have shaken the relationship a bit. They both sit on a "wire," something that is thin, not too sturdy, possibly dangerous, but the narrator is not going to let the past and the passing of time ruin the relationship. It's a plea, a promise and a reassurance. Quality stuff from YLT, as always.

Sonic Youth – Paper Cup Exit Lyrics 15 years ago
Also, after Lee says "a Sea Change is due" the next line is "idols in fescue"

Yo La Tengo – Let's Be Still Lyrics 15 years ago
I think the two missing verses are "Along the shore/one quiet night"

The lyrics are almost the typical cliche love song, but the way they're delivered, the length of the song, and the backdrop of the free jazz makes it wonderfully unique.

Sonic Youth – The Diamond Sea Lyrics 15 years ago
As another interpretation of the mirror lines (such as "you better look out for the looking glass girl
'cause she's gonna take you for a fall"), the girl in the relationship could be a person without many ideas of her own, and the guy fell for her because she was willing to "reflect" his ideas and beliefs like a mirror instead of holding onto her own. By trying to get in a relationship with someone who would never disagree with him and would always put on the appearance of agreement to make him happy, he and she never got any genuine happiness because of the farce of lies that had built up between them to try to pretend they had the perfect relationship. The relationship failed because neither held onto their own "self."

Tom Waits – Singapore Lyrics 15 years ago
Hey Jeff, not all "Chinamen" are American. Drop the political-correctness.

Fantastic song for setting a particular mood of debauchery. Both the outro and the opening note really make this song though - without them to help the mood along, the song's just another "Underground."

Guided by Voices – Smothered In Hugs Lyrics 15 years ago
I think it's about some sort of a creative genius in a job who was keeping either a company or a city alive ("the watchers of the flood," "something eating everyone"), and the person became embittered with that group of people because they were parasitic ("making sure there was new blood to sustain their dying veins"). Eventually this person decided to leave because he knew they had nothing more to offer him, and the narrator was one of the few people that saw his worth, thus deciding to leave with him, even if there was no known destination. After the creator left, the higher individuals in the society (judges, saints, textbook committee) decided to pretend he didn't exist and his accomplishments weren't worth acknowledging, even though their lives didn't get better ("same old fears and frustrations").

It seems very "Atlas Shrugged" to me in theme.

Wire – Lowdown Lyrics 15 years ago
It's about living in the middle, getting caught in the maw of the day-to-day. You try to set big goals but get caught up in trying to stay where you are (avoiding death, avoiding relegation, a soccer term meaning you don't get dropped down to a lower league for playing so poorly). The only thing I'm not sure about is the "smell of you" line.

Wire – Ex Lion Tamer Lyrics 15 years ago
It's about people who live their lives through TV characters instead of going out and actually accomplishing what they want to accomplish. Living the life of comfort, dreaming about those who do great things, instead of putting yourself on the edge and doing great things.

Yo La Tengo – Black Flowers Lyrics 15 years ago
The correct lyrics should be:
Do you recognize the lie?
Or stop before you get too high
On your own supply?
Singing La La La La La

Yo La Tengo – Pablo and Andrea Lyrics 15 years ago
I could have sworn Georgia sings "no use in showing me tears if you want me to stay" instead of what is posted here.

It seems like Georgia (singing the part of Andrea in the story) is desperately trying to unlock Pablo and free him from whatever misery he's in. He sleeps through all of the fun (setting off flares outside), he's hiding something, lonely, etc. She doesn't mention the color of the roses, so it could just be that Pablo's upset about a break-up (red roses in that case being the love taken away) or he's in mourning still long after the (black) roses are gone.

All of the verses about time are just emphasizing that she's not going to give up on him. This lyrically also seems to tie into Blue Line Swinger ("I'm willing to hold your hand while you're lost,
while you're so full of doubt")

That's my best stab at it.

Sonic Youth – The Empty Page Lyrics 16 years ago
How many songs in history have been 4 minutes and 20 seconds long and not about pot? There's not even a hint at getting baked in the lyrics themselves. It might help you both to lay off the weed a little.

My best guess at it is a story about an established rock star (who's probably a friend of the band) and the compromises they ran into along the way. The empty page (and "these are the words but not the truth" could be about writing lyrics that are meaningless or trite to get an audience. "Them all" who the star is blessing is the audience, critics, etc (ie the half-hearted compliments one gives to the crowd during the show to get them excited, or the game you play with critics because their word helps you rise the charts). They drift from town to town, their name is headlining the venues (flashing light)...and in the end, the words that the artist used were just an empty page of rhetoric.

Or, from a less cynical view, it could be that the empty page is a metaphor for the power of words and with a blank canvas the artist can "waste this town" and change the world, or it can be ripped, watered down or slipping, or in other words make no impact depending on what words you choose. In which case, the story could just be illustrating the possibilities for stardom in the flashing light or the downfalls (smashing your head in the mirror). Just my two cents.

Yo La Tengo – Blue Line Swinger Lyrics 17 years ago
Just as Georgia is finishing the last "ba-da-ba" on the studio version a deep male voice comes into the track...does anyone have a clue what it says? You have to listen close to the mix (headphones tends to help, but normal speakers work too)...I just discovered this today and have no idea what he's saying

Yo La Tengo – We're An American Band Lyrics 17 years ago
Pretty sure it's "Monday Matinee, 'Big Bully' or 'White Squall'"...two movies that came out while they were recording the album.

And then it's "so hard to choose, wish we could see them all"

I absolutely love this guitar solo, only parts of Blue Line Swinger compare to its quality, for my ears anyway.

R.E.M. – Laughing Lyrics 17 years ago
I take the chorus to be Laocoon laughing in the end, possibly just before the execution or possibly from the heavens afterwards, as one of the few people in the world completely sure that they died believing in something right. . He/she would have known, seeing the Trojan horse and the Greeks take over Troy, that she fought for something worthwhile, and even though the world condemned her, she could find humor, beauty and solace in her death. Really a powerful song, with fantastic bass and guitar to add to it. I just love that opening bass.

Yo La Tengo – Flying Lessons (Hot Chicken #1) Lyrics 17 years ago
The guitar in this one really reminds me of "Goin' Out West" by Tom Waits, with the same eerie uneasiness the song creates. Quality mood piece.

Yo La Tengo – Flying Lessons (Hot Chicken #1) Lyrics 17 years ago
The guitar in this one really reminds me of "Goin' Out West" by Tom Waits, with the same eerie uneasiness the song creates. Quality mood piece.

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