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mewithoutYou – Cardiff Giant Lyrics 12 years ago
What an amazing song.

"I often wonder if I've already died,
Or if the 'I' is an unintelligible lie"

What an excellent summary of mewithoutYou's lyrical styling. Pure poetry.

mewithoutYou – Cardiff Giant Lyrics 12 years ago
What an amazing song.

"I often wonder if I've already died,
Or if the 'I' is an unintelligible lie"

What an excellent summary of mewithoutYou's lyrical styling. Pure poetry.

Meshuggah – Personae Non Gratae Lyrics 12 years ago
This is my view: this is definitely less cryptic and more straight forward than most Meshuggah songs, as far as lyrical content goes. I'm not going to post "I think" every time, just know this is all my opinion.

"A lie to maintain equilibrium, to hold me in this dead realm"
The line between not wanting to live or seeing through life's uncertainties is being breached. The viewpoint is from a man who understands his inescapable situation: being. He must lie to himself by giving himself reasons to continue with his life. Seeing what he is and the ambiguity of living turns his inner world dead; but he keeps it together as it's splitting at the seems. The notion of life being a dream is seen with the "last ever dream", showing that this state of inner turmoil and confusion is self-perpetuating.

"I'm the thought that never crossed my mind. Disguised in the evident."
He never thought about what he is before. He is alive and aware of this. This presents a very dangerous situation. What is being? How did it come to be? Questioning an ambiguous phenomena such as being results in cyclical patterns of thoughts and questions. Being is the most prominent aspect of life- it is at the heart of existence. Yet, this statement which you've just read probably seems ludicrous. If it did, this is because this is exactly what he is trying to get across. Disguised in the evident- you are alive. I cannot allow you to see this phenomena of self awakening; words cannot describe this bizarre catch 22 situation, maybe that is related to why the album is entitled "Catch 33"

"Forever unredeemed"
When referring to spirituality or souls, it is said that unredeemed can mean "cursed". If this event in which I described is correct, then this cycle is torturous. Questioning being is odd. There are no answers and the closer you get to truth the more you realize truth is as about as real as a dream... but how real are dreams? ...and so, it continues.

mewithoutYou – Allah, Allah, Allah Lyrics 13 years ago
I have to say, I am a die hard atheist, and I have just as different views as anyone else here. Everyone is getting so caught up in the association of religious viewpoints and are totally leaving out the meaning. ESPECIALLY in this song. Its about forgiveness, and the least we can do is put our views aside and agree that there is a lot of wrong in this world. There is no truth behind it's cause, or at least no visible truth, but we can all agree that it's awful and just rejoice that we are alive and breathing.

Tubelord – Night of the Pencils Lyrics 13 years ago
I agree with these lyrics the most but I'm almost 100% sure he says "there is a monster bubblin' under your skin" and then later he says "i'll unclip my belt and enjoy this ride"

The Wombats – Jump Into The Fog Lyrics 13 years ago
The song is believed to be about embracing Nihilistic beliefs. From Wikipedia's Nihilism page "The Wombats include a song on their album 'This Modern Glitch' called 'Jump Into The Fog' which celebrates Nihilistic Debauchery." Although I don't feel that there is too much suggestive Nihilism tones, other than the references of blindly jumping into a fog, the non-believer part, and a few other select parts.

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