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Patrick Wolf – Abolish Confusion Lyrics 17 years ago
This song is amazing. Written when he was 15 and never to be heard again. Oh well, there are plenty of other fish in the neverending sea that is music.

Patrick Wolf – Accident & Emergency Lyrics 17 years ago
I love the way he says "knock us out"...ahhh. : )

Patrick Wolf – To The Lighthouse Lyrics 18 years ago
Now the bombs drop around our feet,
do we throw them back
or bow and greet them

Virginia Woolf was a pacifist I do believe and this could be a reference to her frustration/confusion to the war which occurred in 'To The Lighthouse'.

Patrick Wolf – Ghost Song Lyrics 18 years ago
"It was written half asleep. Just imagine those days sometimes when you wake up in the morning and you feel dreadful. I was wondering why some days you wake up with a feel like that and sometimes you wake up and you are feeling fantastic. I had this idea that your spirit goes out of your body and goes off and dreams for you and sends back a dream in the morning. And maybe sometimes the spirit is still out there dreaming and you wake up and you're almost soulless and you live a soulless day. And when you fall asleep again you have your spirit back and you wake up recharged."

Patrick Wolf – This Weather Lyrics 18 years ago
"While I was writing the songs over a period of three years, I was putting aside all the songs that had anything to do with the sea or the wind or with birds even. They were all gathering the same kind of idea or metaphor to make this album that was very tied up from beginning to end, but without having songs that repeat themselves. So basically it was just collecting songs and putting them to one side over a period of three years, songs that all had the same feeling to them or the same lyrics in a way. It's almost like a novel, like I had the same thread all the way through."

Patrick Wolf – Don't Say No Lyrics 18 years ago
This is also the first song I ever heard of Mr.Wolfs.

When my love for this song dies, my love for many other things will die with it. My relationship with this song involves loads of other aspects of my life. As my love for this song grows, so does my love for other things.

Patrick Wolf revives my love for music.

I used to say just follow your heart
But my heart always led me in circles.
I love this song with every inch of me.

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