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Mika – Stuck In The Middle Lyrics 15 years ago
I love songs like this. It seems that the verses are told in two separate perspectives, a diologue of trains of thought in an intamate relationship. I can clearly see a change in character in the middle of the verses. for example:

I look at you, you look at me, we bite each other
And with your bitter words, you kick me in the gutter
But my troops are bigger than yours
�Cos you�ll never stand my fight
Ours is a family that�s based upon tradition
But with my careless words I tread upon your vision
Are five kids better than one, (who�d busy lie to become)?

despite the error at the end (I can't understand it either), the beginning seems to be the victim, hurt by something his partner said, then reverses at line 5 to the other party, since it kind of changes upbeat, as if nonchalant about how he or she had hurt his or her partner.

Mika – Love Today Lyrics 15 years ago
Listening closely, I think the 'trying' in the first verse is actually 'crying,' particularly because he spends the rest of the verse talking about trying not to cry. Also, in the second verse 'A little tight, likes to tease for fun,' I'm pretty sure it's 'tike,' not 'tight,' but I could easily be wrong on that. 'tike' as in child... it kinda fits the meaning of the verse a bit better.

I like how this song makes you feel all happy inside. When I first heard it, I thought he was talking about how much today would be a good day, and everyone would love 'today'. But it's really cool how its more: a command to do something you love to do today. make today awesome. the thing I don't really like is it suggests having sex all the time at every oppourtunity you get. Still it's great how upbeat it is.

Mika – Relax, Take It Easy Lyrics 15 years ago
as far as I'm aware, that's Mika on vocals doing some ahh-ing.

The Alan Parsons Project – Press Rewind Lyrics 17 years ago
Great track, my favourite on the the Time Machine album.

basically, it's asking you what you'd do if you COULD go back in time.

I saw someone made a really cool music video on YouTube, but I can't find it anywhere...

The Alan Parsons Project – Freudiana Lyrics 17 years ago
it is, actually

though this album was mostly written by Eric Wolfson, Parsons was involved with the work. However, it is more commonly attributed to just Eric.

But what isa the significance of the Wolf-man, the Rat-man, Anna-O and Little Hans?

David Bowie – Dead Man Walking Lyrics 17 years ago
this wasn't the first version of this that I heard, so i thought this was a remix, until my brother told me it was the ORIGINAL. That blew my mind. My musical tastes are a bit different than that of Foundation4life, so forgive me for saying Earthing isn't at all bad. I am however, into techno and electronica, and a HUGE fan of Bowie's voice (and his wardrobe in Laberynth)

It's really great to know the backup words now, though.

I listened to this in my sleep once, and my mind created this wicked awesome music video for it, too bad I can't upload it to YouTube...

Still has no specific meaning to me, though. it's just a wicked beat with distorted guitars and David Bowie singing over it to me.

Queen – The Invisible Man (12" version) Lyrics 17 years ago
I like how it "subtly" tells you the names of all the band members. really cool.

Anyway, this "invisible" man is probably figurative. I always figured it was "Not the C.I.A./Nor the F.B.I./ and you'll never get close..." so that he was somehow completely unknown to government agents, even though the lyrics in the booklet were different.

It's a really fun song, though. I love how it starts in a whisper.

The Alan Parsons Project – We Play the Game Lyrics 17 years ago
To put it in one sentance, "No one really supports you until the outcome is sure." No one cared what this group did until "the end was in sight." Apparently it was a big struggle to get it going, too, they turned on one of their members who made one simple mistake.

The Alan Parsons Project – Silence And I Lyrics 18 years ago
This guy obviously gets along best when there's peace and quiet, so he can think. He's also a loner, because he doen't want to pester someone else with his problems.

Did anybody else think that the first instrumental in this bore a striking resemblance to Pyramania?

Weird Al Yankovic – Theme from Rocky XIII (The Rye or the Kaiser) Lyrics 18 years ago
On the "Best Of" compilation where it showed, it was titled, "Theme to Rocky XIII," which pokes fun at the fact that Rocky had 6 continuous movies where the exact same thing happened.

The Alan Parsons Project – Return to Tunguska Lyrics 18 years ago
This song made me think that it was no mere coincedence that "A Valid Path" and "Aero" were released the same year.
The vocal effect remind me strongly of Jean-Michel Jarre's "Zoolook," and hte album as a whole is a parallel of Jarre's Aero remixes of older songs. Parsons' career has mirrored that of Jarre very closely as well. Both have had one specific person stick with them throughout all their albums until recently, when Wolfson left Parsons and Micheal Geiss left Jarre. all sorts of little things like that between the two.

I don't have a clue, however, about the title, "Return to Tunguska." I don't even know what tunguska is or if it even exists. anyone know the significance of the title?

The Alan Parsons Project – A Recurring Dream Within a Deam Lyrics 18 years ago
A beautiful remix of the Project's first two songs. The new "nevermore" is so creepy, I can see why he wants the bird out of his room.

It essentially means the same as the original, it uses the same lyrics, same baseline and everything, just the repetitive "nevermore"s have been replaced by a deep bone-rattling voice.

The Alan Parsons Project – A Dream Within a Dream Lyrics 18 years ago
I wonder if that's a quote of something Edgar once said, but I'm not sure... I also like that other time in th album, just before the 'Fall of the House of Usher' instrumentals where he starts talking again. That gets even deeper than this, and sometimes unsettling.

That would be pretty cool, to be able to say your thoughts more distinctly than what you came up with. I envy that ability.

Then the song takes up an Chinese/Oriental style, before the Bass riff comes in and everything fades out, then it goes smooth dreamy. One of my favorite things about the Project is how they work music like that. the way the riff keeps going into the next song reminds me of Equinoxe parts 5 through 7, by Jean Michel Jarre, where the background notes continue through all three songs, with slight variances, being the only thing you hear in transition, and finally becoming the lead in Equinoxe 7, if only momentarily.

Back to Parsons, This was the first of their albums i heard, during my Freshman year, and I told my dad that we were studying Poe in Language Arts (the cask of Amantillado, the Raven, The Fall of the House of Usher, and the like), and he put on this disc. very good adaptations, and stuck in the head very easily.

The Alan Parsons Project – Let's Talk About Me Lyrics 18 years ago
Apparently, this is about a guy who feels left out, that no one cares about him enough to even talk about him, ask how he feels, what he thinks. He possibly had some funky dreams lately that he doesn't understand, and wants to talk about them, too. The second time he mentions them, he's saying what he thinks others are talking about his dreams: don't think about them, they're not important.

This song is very contradicting, the melody is uplifting, while the subject is saddening. but the way the music bursts out when he starts singing really grabs you're attention, grabbing you away from those TV show or Radio hosts, one of which is talking about the porcupine and its defenses (the one in the left speaker; his monologue is cut out a lot in the Best Of rendition), and the other is trying to get someone to pick a topic for discussion, "any topic, any topic, ANY TOPIC." The singer at this point, DOES choose a topic: himself. he ends up getting through to one of the announcers, who starts talking about mom and dad getting together and taking the kids to a baseball game at Rigley Field. Baseball's always a good time.

The Alan Parsons Project – Prime Time Lyrics 18 years ago
one of my favorites, for sure.

The beginning starts out a little hopless, but then he feels "something in the air," something that tells him that everything he's working on ("all of the plans [he] made [that] won't come together") will come out better than expected. And this might be the only time it happens ("maybe for the only time in my life") so he'd better take full advantage of it.

So now it's all going good, "but even the brightest star won't shine forever." everything's working out, feeling like nothing can go wrong, but it won't last long, so he'd better make the most of it.

Steve Burns – What I Do On a Saturday Lyrics 18 years ago
I wonder if this one is obvious instead of symbolic, which many of his other songs are. Steve used to host the Blue's Clues children's TV show, which aired Monday thru Friday, so What does (did) Steve do on Saturday?

I just can't figure out what "happened so suddenly," or what that "great big face" is.

Steve Burns – Krinkles' Lament Lyrics 18 years ago
I think there's an error in the lyrics. In the booklet, it says the line is "even though your life was wasted, doesn't mean that I should SAVE it" not 'say'

anyway, this song is a really cool example of uncle Ben's "With great power comes great responsibility" teaching. It got me thinking, what incentive does Superman have to save people? he, in all reality, could just "sit at home [and] watch TV."

it also puts the question to you, if you were Superman, would you do the same as the comic book hero? "Would you use your powers for good, or for awesome?" (quote from Strong Bad) or would you do evil things? or would you just not do anything, become a Republican, and let life happen to other people?

Jean Michel Jarre – Revolution, Revolutions Lyrics 18 years ago
this song feels to me like the various causes of a revolution. The major one being unfairness. in its few words, it seems to say the leader, government figurehead or something like that, is saying, "These people can have this, but those people can't." The ultimate consequence of each set is the people revolt ("REVOLUTION!")

Towards the end of the song the figurehead is strugling to maintain what little control he has after all the smaller revolutions; more desparate and flustered (he repeats "no" a lot, seeming to hesitate, trying to find the words he shoud say) until he is ultimately defeated in the final "Revolution!"

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