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Sufjan Stevens – All the Trees of the Field Will Clap Their Hands Lyrics 18 years ago
I love the "I am joining all my thoughts to you," like he's preparing for the second coming. I love sufjan's honesty and me, this is worship in its most pure form.

Sufjan Stevens – Vito's Ordination Song Lyrics 18 years ago
"There is a design
To what I did and said"

this reminds me of the idea that everything happens for a reason. isn't there a verse mentioning God's "design"?

Sufjan Stevens – For the Widows in Paradise, for the Fatherless in Ypsilanti Lyrics 18 years ago
of course there's a number of ways a song could be interpreted. people are just offering their opinions. obviously, unless sufjan himself comes on and says "you all are full of it, this is what it means," then this is all purely speculation. personally, I see quite a few connections between this song and the story of Christ's passion and death, and if someone can validate a claim that it's got absolutely nothing to do with Christianity whatsoever, they should do so and shed some light on some other conclusions.

Sufjan Stevens – For the Widows in Paradise, for the Fatherless in Ypsilanti Lyrics 18 years ago
I certainly agree that this song carries strong Christian undertones. if anyone is familiar with the gospels, specifically the story of Christ's death, there is a part which talks about how the morning before His crucifixion ("Morning comes in Paradise") Jesus is talking to God and basically saying "why me?" I believe he says "if there is any other way, I will do it" or something to that extent, a la:
If there's anything say
If there's anything to do
I there's any other way
I'd do anything for you.
Jesus was human after all, it's not as if he was totally gung-ho about suffering terribly and dying on a cross.
"I was dressed in embarassment
I was dressed in white"
most depictions of the passion of Christ depict him wearing white, and He was beaten and scorned and "embarassed" in front of a large crowd.

Even if I come back
Even if I die
Is there some idea
To replace my life?

as for this part, I think He wants to know that His death is for a purpose, that His ideas and such will be left behind and He won't have died in vain.

basically this is a beautiful song, regardless of one's beliefs. it's quite Christian-themed but I don't think it's offensive to someone who doesn't believe. I hope not anyway, it's got a wonderful positive message.

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