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Feist – 1234 Lyrics 17 years ago
Oh god. I'm going through that. Haha. It really hurts. And though I'm not trying to buy it back with money, literally, I'm trying so hard to get it back with anything I can. Ugh. This is one gorgeous song.

Rilo Kiley – A Town Called Luckey Lyrics 18 years ago
Blake would never do such a thing! Nooooooo!

Beth Orton – Shopping Trolley Lyrics 18 years ago
No one has commented this song? My god. Well, its amazing. It's how I feel most of the time. Dear, dear Beth. I love her.

Rilo Kiley – Xmas Cake Lyrics 18 years ago
"'cause what good is seein' if love's not lookin' back at you
And what good is feelin' if my hands aren't touchin' you"

My, my, my... Just wonderful. Usually, I'd say a lot, but I'm speachless with this song. (and thats a good thing!)

Rilo Kiley – Sword Lyrics 18 years ago
"Aw, fuck it, here's your love song."

My feelings when people ask me to draw them things... Grr.


sympathy needed.

Rilo Kiley – Glendora Lyrics 18 years ago
This like a foreshadowing of "Portions for Foxes".

Rilo Kiley – Portions for Foxes Lyrics 18 years ago
*Lindsy Lohan - sorry

Rilo Kiley – Portions for Foxes Lyrics 18 years ago
I love how she says, "I like you" not "I love you". It shows how she doesnt have to be commited to a guy. Like what the idea the girl in the movie "Down with Love" was trying to get by. "Casual sex for women??!" She doesn't have to love the guy to go out with him. I love this song, because it goes with the whole feminine, yet feminist feel of the majority of her songs. Love it.

I'm kind of upset at how much it's been used on T.V. and in movies now, though. I feel it's been stripped of it's dirty, raw, and all 'round indie feel. Not that I have anything against Lindy Lohan or Hulk Hogan, but it's disappointing.

Rilo Kiley – American Wife Lyrics 18 years ago
You can so relate this song to "The Egg" by Sherwood Anderson.

The "grotesques", the mutant chick bodies the father kept, that held him from being anything more in life, no matter how hard he tried (because "no one escapes their life") are much like the proposing person's family. They both are tied down to failure by things they are attached to in life.

It's all in there! There is A LOT more, really. You should have some fun and read "the Egg". I had a BLAST. But then again, you may not ba as nerdy as I am. :P

Rilo Kiley – Love and War (11/11/46) Lyrics 18 years ago
Maybe it was the year he got drunk and taken in by the cops. Eh? He must have been so depressed after the war 'cause he lost his wife and job, that he turned into an alcoholic. Makes sense to me.

Well if any one has read "An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge" by Ambrose Bierce, then you may remember a line reading:

"No service was too humble for him to perform in aid of the South, no adventure too perilous for him to undertake if consistent with the character of a civilian who was at heart a soldier, and who in good faith and without too much qualification assented to at least a part of the frankly villainous dictum that all is fair in love and war."

This is about Peyton Farquhar, a Southerner during the Civil war. He wants to blow up a bridge to prevent the Union Army from crossing and getting the advantage in battle. He gets caught, though, like the grandfather does in "Love and War". Both characters lost their wives in the stories.

When Jenny writes, "all is fair in love and war / civil war like this always sells itself", quoting her mother, I take that it is a satire in a way, exposing how people are so ignorant to think that "if it's for your country, it's justified!" Peyton thought the same way in that he is willing to risk his life and the well-being of his family to go down in history as a hero.

Well, that's what I think. I don't know. If you have something better, shoot! I'd love to hear it.

Rilo Kiley – A Man/Me/Then Jim Lyrics 18 years ago
I would listen to the music in the song for the first few times and not pay much attention to the lyrics. I played it for my mother and she started to panic. I could't see why it affected her until I really payed attention to the lyrics. It made me cry. I could see then that my parents were going through the slow fade of love. It's all very sad, albeit I still turn to this song for solace. It has to be the most special song in my life.

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