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Jonathan Coulton – The Presidents Lyrics 16 years ago
Great song, just one error though - Garfield didn't die in 1882.

Jonathan Coulton – Shop Vac Lyrics 16 years ago
This is a good song about the hell that is modern life - where you live a shell of an existence in suburbia, doing the same damn thing every day.

Matchbox Twenty – How Far We've Come Lyrics 16 years ago
Great song - the meaning is pretty clear (if you see the video). It's all about the progress of the human species to this day, and the feeling that it's all coming to a crucial point.

Of course, that won't stop some people from interpreting this song in bizarre ways. Such as the:

"Kurt Cobain fan": This song is about Kurt Cobain! What, isn't EVERY song about Kurt Cobain?

"Overly emotional person": This song is about a relationship! You see, the world is, like, a girl and the sing is a boy and.... .what?

"Jesus guy": This song is about JESUS! Every song is about JESUS! JESUS!!!!!!

Emo/Nilism guy: "This song is about nothing - it's meaningless. I hate it. But I listen to it. I hate everything.

"I like this song guy": I love this song! Whoooo! I love this song! Whooooo! What? What meaning?

Reverend Horton Heat – It's Martini Time Lyrics 16 years ago
Wonderful song - if you like the martini

Coldplay – Everything's Not Lost Lyrics 16 years ago
This song is really good - it is about being optimistic. People always feel that they have a lot of problems and this is sometimes true - but everyone has a lot of problems. In the end, you're never going to get rid of all of them. In the song he talks about "counting up his demons" or troubles/addictions/worries, but he realizes that although he will always have some problems (one's on my shoulders), he'll drive the worst of them away. If you're ever feeling really bad - remember that most often other people have survived through or are living in much, much worse conditions.

Basically - unless you're terminally ill, you can try to live, because as long as you're alive things can get better, but when you're dead - that's it, you're dead, and nothing will ever get better when you're dead.

Coldplay – Yellow Lyrics 16 years ago
Basically, anything to do with his girlfriend turns "yellow" or golden - he cannot help but associate everything to do with her has being wonderful. This is a great song.

Then again, it might be completely meaningless. I just wish artists would come out and say what the songs mean - I hate ambiguity.

Coldplay – Clocks Lyrics 16 years ago
I'm almost certain this song is about someone desperately struggling against time - after all, don't we all wish time had stopped when we were at the height of our lives? As time passes, opportunities fade away and of course, any mistakes you make, you can't undo, because no one can travel backwards through time.

On the other hand, the song could be meaningless and just sound nice - I have a suspicion that many songs these days actually have no meaning, or at least, no discernible meaning.

Josh Rouse – Jersey Clowns Lyrics 17 years ago
Yeah - it's about someone who has to tell someone that his wife has left him for someone else - his friend has been through a lot, supporting the family, the children, and has just returned, but now he has to face this news, and his friend doesn't want to tell him because he doesn't feel that good people should be upset by stupid people who aren't worth feeling bad for.

Powderfinger – Nobody Sees Lyrics 17 years ago
My first impression was that it was talking about warfare - maybe Iraq, maybe just general wars - but I think it's about how nobody really knows how soldiers feel, because each soldier is different - you can't lump them all in one category. It's about wondering who will help you, who will die, who you might kill in war. At least, that's one way of thinking about it.

Barenaked Ladies – Why Say Anything Nice? Lyrics 17 years ago
This song is about two people who had a major falling out, and won't talk to each other, despite living together. It speaks about how people can feel very angry, very emotional and violent, yet just not say anything at all, resorting to the silent treatment.

Basically, it's about being passive-aggressive, pretending that the other person doesn't exist. Believe me, I've had this problem before, and this song describes exactly what it feels like.

Queen – Don't Stop Me Now Lyrics 17 years ago
A good song, hilarious in Shaun of the Dead, but obviously gay

Come on, with lyrics such as "Make a supersonic man out of you"? "Oh oh oh explode?" "Rocket ship on my way to mars"? "Mr Fahrenheit?" "Like Lady Godiva"? "If you wanna have a god time just give me a call?" Combine those lyrics with things like with "sex machine" and the general tempo and way of singing, and it's absolutely one of the gayest songs I've ever heard.

I've got absolutely nothing against gay people (because I'm not religious), and most Queen songs were not about homosexuality, but this song is absolutely gay. I calls it as I see it. It is a fun song though, and it was good in SOTD.

Five for Fighting – World Lyrics 17 years ago
The current world as we know it is not perfect for human life. In many ways, it's hostile as hell to human life. The song is about humanity struggling to build a better world against the odds, struggling against the raw elements of the universe to build a world where all people can be happy and live a good life. Only humanity can do this, and we've got to try.

Build a world for humans, by humans.

Of course, it must be an environmentally sustainable world, but humanity currently lives on a hostile planet. Only science gives us the ability to live in many of the places which would otherwise kill us.

Barenaked Ladies – Beautiful Lyrics 17 years ago
It's about physical beauty. Physical beauty does exist. Men (and I'm one of them) tend to find certain body shapes and facial structures more beautiful than others. It's biological. Men often get sucked into this, hoping that the beauty is not just skin deep.

When people marry for appearances, they don't realize that one day, they'll grow old too, and then it's merely complacency and boredom that keeps people together.

Barenaked Ladies – Running Out Of Ink Lyrics 17 years ago
Oh and he tries to make sappy love songs but he doesn't even know what love is, and the lyrics suck so he gives up, and when he tries to call his girlfriend, she calls the police and he's an alcoholic because he has no girlfriend, his friends all think he's a crap artist, and he can't write or anything, he's poor and he can't go anywhere. Wow, three posts.

Barenaked Ladies – Running Out Of Ink Lyrics 17 years ago
Also, he used to have a girlfriend who would tell him secrets about herself, but then he used her life's details (probably embarrassing ones) as song materials because he was so short on creativity. And so his girlfriend leaves him.

Barenaked Ladies – Running Out Of Ink Lyrics 17 years ago
Wow, a good song. It's about an artist (maybe the singer himself?) who wishes he was a great writer/painter/song writer/musician. He tries experimenting with musical styles and songs (and when he's told that it's not good he claims it's not his) and then made a huge blunder which cost him his artistic/musical career.

He can't write decent songs anymore, he can't recapture the same success that he had, he's running out of ink to write with (because he's so poor) and one day he throws his work into the river in a bag, and secretly wishes that he was the bag and is in such a hole that he could die. Depressingly funny.

Barenaked Ladies – Half a Heart Lyrics 17 years ago
I'm think it's about someone who is half despicable and half pitiable. People might feel sorry for him and try to help him, but if they really thought about it, he's a pretty bad guy and he's done some bad things and he's not reliable and so if you really thought about it, you'd probably let him drown, because he's really not worth saving.

Barenaked Ladies – Maybe Not Lyrics 17 years ago
A couple are angry at each other and they argue and he thinks she'll tell him to leave soon, and they should divide up possession, but maybe she'll return to her way of seeing things optimistically and maybe he'll be forgiven, but maybe not.

Barenaked Ladies – Fun and Games Lyrics 17 years ago
It also speaks about America's military policy. Half the troops go into the military for one thing: They're poor and need money for cash and insurance. So there is no need for the draft. There are plenty of people who are so desperate that they'll do anything for money, including risk being blown in half.

A wonderful concept: Keep enough people poor so that they'll do anything for cash, even sign up. It ensures a steady number of troops, and since it's mostly the poor suffering, the rich can laugh, laugh, laugh.

Barenaked Ladies – Fun and Games Lyrics 17 years ago
This song is about the Neo-cons. They knew what they were doing. They knew this war was coming and they lied to get the US in there. In short, they knew, and they are laughing because about half of 300 million people bought a lie. They don't really care much about the death of others, only their goal - Reform the middle east to become little America, complete with puppet governments, leaders dependent on US cash and troops, and open new markets for their jeans and Pepsi Cola's as well as establish American military might, increase military funding, test out new shiny weapons, assert power in the world, and install bases near Iran for the next war. Oh, and destroy science and teach everyone that the earth is only 4000 years old, instead of billions, get rid of health care and replace it with tax cuts, and log, log, log.

And the people will respect the Gallup pole.

Barenaked Ladies – Another Spin Lyrics 17 years ago
I good song. He's in Alaska and decides to send a card to his friend, but he doesn't know where to send it because he doesn't know where he/she is. His friend's family told him that his friend is somewhere doing something for the army, and he's spinning a globe and thinking about where his friend could be. Berlin? Afghanistan?

Barenaked Ladies – I Can I Will I Do Lyrics 17 years ago
This song is about someone who tells his girlfriend that he loves her, and maybe he does, but he finds it difficult to stay around her, and is going away, and he doubts she'll be too unhappy. He reads her letters, and still thinks that he loves her, but doesn't really. Although it's difficult to leave, it's just as difficult to stay.

Barenaked Ladies – Angry People Lyrics 17 years ago
Yeah, It's a great song.

It's about angry people. I would know, throughout all of high school, I was one of those "angry, angry people". You know, those types who say "everything" is bad, pick arguments, and generally try to make people feel bad because they feel bad. You, know, the people who are all dark and depressed and cut their hair weird and turn EVERY SINGLE THING into a political argument.

But in the end, they see the truth. So the song is about the angry people, who see the world as being terrible, and CONSTANTLY complain about it, and the happy people, who are completely ignorant about the world and are able to be happy. So it's a battle between the depressed angry wise losers, and the happy, stupid masses. And in the end it doesn't matter because both sides are hypocrites and have faults.

It also talks about how people try to avoid learning about social issues (like Iraq, Global Warming) because it just makes them feel rotten.

Shinedown – Fake Lyrics 17 years ago
Here's my take:

A man is reaching for glory and "the sky". He has traded in his humanity for his chance at glory, and has adopted some very harsh ethics (or none at all). He remembers what it was like to be good and nice, and he's still hurt from the memories of that, but he is looking for a new way and is comfortable with how he is now, and he will not fake being like his old self. He also claims he is misunderstood.

Shinedown – Trade Yourself In Lyrics 17 years ago
Oh ho, ho. A good song.

The meaning is someone who is in love with another. He's slowly being forgotten and written off by the girl he loved. He was so emotionally invested in a girl, and it has ruined him, because he thought she was perfect, and now he's covering up how devastated he is.

The last part is a bit iffy. He's either saying that the one he loved has become something worse than he could imagine and he tells them how much it has hurt him, or he's saying that he's being changed from this experience and can't give a smile and doesn't give a damn.

This band is better than a lot of them.

Shinedown – Save Me Lyrics 17 years ago
A good song. He is living in an alley way (a hallway with no rooms or doors) and he's on drugs. And he wants to stop, but he's waiting for someone else to help him, instead of helping himself.

Shinedown – Atmosphere Lyrics 17 years ago
He is seeing the world as it is. With all its pain and hurt and evil, and he is seeing every bit of it. He watches it all and keeps it is his mind, and he claims that understanding what humanity is capable of has not made him fragile, but made him stronger.

Shinedown – Begin Again Lyrics 17 years ago
I'm pretty sure its about someone who is willing to do anything to gain power and peace of mind. He'll trade in his humanity to get something better, and although he'll miss what he gives away, he's prepared to sacrifice anything. Nobody understands what it is he needs, and he will create a new beginning for himself. At least, that's my take on it.

Shinedown – Yer Majesty Lyrics 17 years ago
It's about a king who depends on the people he rules. He doesn't realize how much he depends on them, and it's time they showed him that without the ruled, the ruler is nothing. If you depend on someone, do your best not to piss them off, or they'll abandon you at best, come after you at worst.

Josh Rouse – Directions Lyrics 17 years ago
Yes. Definitely fits vanilla sky very well. It's about someone who would rather mess around, and put the future off till tomorrow, and get high and settle for an ordinary life, but deep down he knows he's letting go of his dreams and doesn't like what's happening to him, but can't change his ways.

Josh Rouse – Come Back (Light therapy) Lyrics 17 years ago
Great song. A man waits for his girlfriend to come back to him. He's messed up, and is in some sort of sanatorium or rehab clinic, and he's taking pills and consulting with his doctor. He wants to get out and he's feeling better, but now he wants his girlfriend to come back to him, since he's going to get better soon.

Josh Rouse – Summertime Lyrics 17 years ago
Obvious. It's about how great summer time can be. He describes all the feelings, sights and sounds that he associates with summertime. Pretty good music.

Josh Rouse – Feelin' No Pain Lyrics 17 years ago
Nice song. Makes me think of someone spending a winter day with his girlfriend, and feeling happy and killing time with someone who makes you feel as if you're no longer lonely. Why doesn't Josh Rouse get more radio time? Why isn't he famous? What's wrong with the music industry?

Josh Rouse – Winter In The Hamptons Lyrics 17 years ago
It's about two people who don't want to live in the same place all the time, and decide that in spring, they'll go somewhere else, in order to find where they belong and to gain an experience of the world at large.

Josh Rouse – Streetlights Lyrics 17 years ago
This song is about 2 friends, like Mandalay said. One is very successful, and one has no plan in his life, and is uncool and a loser. They haven't seen each other in a while, because they have different lives. The Famous one feels guilty about his success while his friend flounders, and calls him up to talk to him about everyday things. He tries to be a friend again, and tell him that he too can be successful, starting from today.

Electric Light Orchestra – Mr. Blue Sky Lyrics 17 years ago
Actually, this song is very appropriate for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. The Mind which is spotless always has eternal sunshine, and thus, clear blue skies. In the movie it doesn't appear, but it's about how forgetting what is bad is like waking up after a rainy day. At least, that's how it's supposed to feel.

Barenaked Ladies – You Will Be Waiting Lyrics 17 years ago
It could be about Quebec and Canada, but it's generally about anyone who doesn't want someone else to leave, because they are afraid that they will stay away forever and never see them again.

However, they understand how much pain they are causing, but the thought of letting go is too unbearable for them.

However, the part about the effigy burning does sound a lot like a country which wants to separate from another country. Haven't heard of a relationship where someone burns another effigy of someone else. That would be..... weird. Another thing which is weird is the world weird. Shouldn't it be spelt wierd, on account of "i" before "e" except after "c"?

Barenaked Ladies – Be My Yoko Ono Lyrics 17 years ago
I would agree with amazon 0505.

Many people don't like Yoko Ono because she apparently changed John Lennon. However, they really did love each other, so I say, lay off the slack! But, uh, yeah she did warp him pretty badly.

Barenaked Ladies – Rule the World with Love Lyrics 17 years ago
Oh and the War in Iraq. Apparently the USA "loves" the Iraqi people, and went to Iraq for the "sole" purpose of giving freedom to Iraq. I love it how people can change the reason for war when the original reason fizzles out. The republicans accuse the left of spin, well, how much more spinning can you get when you suddenly say WMD, which is all they talked about, was not the real reason, it was for freedom. Time and time again your own intelligence agencies report NO connection between Iraq and Osama Bin Laden and yet republicans refuse to admit this. Congradulations, you are the new masters of spin. And apparently, now you claim, you went to war out of "LOVE" for the Iraqi people. Don't give us this bullshit.

Barenaked Ladies – Rule the World with Love Lyrics 17 years ago
I think it's about a government which "loves" its people, in fact, it "loves" them to death. Kind of like the 1984 "Big Brother" or these sort of propaganda government in North Korea, where they apparently claim to "love" the people, to the point of mass executions, promoting war, and how some religions control people by using "love" and definied by "god" it's the ultimate propaganda device. Again, I agree with Gravity defiant and yet I also agree with Prayingmantis84. It's also about how love (or claimed love) for the people can drive the worst acts of humanity.

Barenaked Ladies – Maybe You're Right Lyrics 17 years ago
It's about someone who had a great, great plan (or so he thought) but then he didn't listen to the advice of others, or he refused to accept that he didn't think things through, or that maybe his great, great plan wasn't so great after all. At the end of the day, he realizes he has had a complete disaster of everything, but, he will REFUSE to EVER admit he was wrong. Maybe they were right, but he will ALWAYS think he was right. It's about pure, utter stubborness.

And Iraq. I'll throw in Iraq.

Barenaked Ladies – Peterborough And The Kawarthas Lyrics 17 years ago
I think it's supposed to be mum. Are not the canadians part of the commonwealth? In Australia we spell it the english way. And Mum rhymes better with plum anyway.

A great song. About someone leaving a town with his friend in it. Or its about a wife leaving her husband for a while and his mother has to take care of him. Or something like that.

Barenaked Ladies – Bull In A China Shop Lyrics 17 years ago
It's about someone who is a stereotypical maniac. He's been this way forever and he knows his behavior is bad, and that others consider him embarrassing. He does things for the heck of it, and he can't change and he won't listen to any criticism.

Barenaked Ladies – Sound of Your Voice Lyrics 17 years ago
I like BNL because their songs are interpretable and have a solid meaning, unlike so many other bands which just string together words which sound good.

Some misses the voice of his girlfriend.

Barenaked Ladies – Easy Lyrics 17 years ago
About someone who can manipulate another for their own gain. He realizes what is going on, but he relents and allows himself to be manipulated by his emotions. Eventually, he has enough and decides that he's going to do the same to her.

Barenaked Ladies – Bank Job Lyrics 17 years ago
It's pretty much just about a bank robbery gone wrong. He was the driver and he's yelling at everyone because they stuffed up. Then again, it wasn't their fault, and the bank was full of nuns. They should be rich, but now they are on the run, and it's the others fault.

The guy who stuffed up called the police because he felt guilty and now the other is going to give him up and confess and stuff him.

Sevendust – Grasp Lyrics 17 years ago
I think it's about someon who thinks that his/her friend has control over them, and that person wishes it was true, but it isn't.

Sevendust – Failure Lyrics 17 years ago
It's about how a human should have the pride and courage to move on from any type of failure. No matter what happens, no matter WHAT, you must try to live and walk on. Humanity has it's pride in survival

Five for Fighting – '65 Mustang Lyrics 17 years ago
It's about someone who has a car, which he has had for a long time. He thinks of his car as a "person" and stores all his emotions into a lump of metal with wheels. The man is obviously insane, but he loves his car, and it has been with him when he was 17, 23, when he was brining home his very first child. It also states that when the car was only three years old 1968, his father owned the car and brought him home in it.

All in all, about one man's insane obession about his car.

Five for Fighting – '65 Mustang Lyrics 17 years ago
It's about someone who has a car, which he has had for a long time. He thinks of his car as a "person" and stores all his emotions into a lump of metal with wheels. The man is obviously insane, but he loves his car, and it has been with him when he was 17, 23, when he was brining home his very first child. It also states that when the car was only three years old 1968, his father owned the car and brought him home in it.

All in all, about one man's insane obession about his car.

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.