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Flyleaf – I'm So Sick Lyrics 18 years ago
Hey,punkroxncoke you said"also "itching ears" is an old meaning" The old wives tale is what you are thinking about. Supposedly if you talked about someone it would make their ears itch. It means she is talking crap about everyone. So I think she is refering to all sell outs and how sick it is that she is caught in their web. I think people relate to it because everyone has someone that makes them feel sick.I think that punkroxncoke has a good view of how most people will relate to the song. I really liked what depthbeyondshallow said in his post especially the part about "people who FEEL deep feelings". It is also possible that she was raped, and refered to him as "empty bliss, selfishness" like a nightmare that won't leave when you wake up. Like a kid traped in a home with a molester. Now that is sick!! Sorry if that got too morbid for some but that is what it sounds like to me. She really does have an awesome unique voice!

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