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Ramones – I Wanna Be Sedated Lyrics 18 years ago
I normally wouldn't be so defensive but I don't like being called a 'fucking lier' by some guy who can't even spell liar correctly. Nor do I like being called 'mandy', but at least that wasn't offensive.

Here's yet another brief lesson; try not to swear in front of (or, in your case, directly to) 13-year-olds. Censorship sucks and everything (ironically, there's a Ramones song called 'Censorshit') but still, there's some words kids shouldn't be called.

Ramones – I Wanna Be Sedated Lyrics 18 years ago
Ummm, okay, re-read both my posts. I said where he wrote it, you loser, not what he wrote it about. :)

Considering it's two posts later and you still don't understand what I'm saying, here's a brief lesson on the difference between meaning and location/time. Meaning is, put simply, what the song's about. You wrote down the meaning. Location/time is the time and place that an event took place. In this situation, the event was the song being written. I named the location and time. Understand now?

Led Zeppelin – The Crunge Lyrics 18 years ago
Okay, this is kind of random, but I checked and it's spelled poseur. Just thought I'd add that. Also, somebody told me what Led ZeppelinCD to get next so nevermind that part.

Led Zeppelin – Nobody's Fault but Mine Lyrics 18 years ago
Thanks. :)

Avril Lavigne – Naked Lyrics 18 years ago
I did have to listen to Avril Lavigne all 5th grade because the popular kids would probably actually rip you to shreds (he he, I love Blondie) if you said anything against her, so nobody can say I don't know what I'm talking about.

I've decided to not make fun of Avril Lavigne here because that's not going to get through to anyone except other people who listen to music other than modern pop. I'm just going to ask you all to listen to some real punk before calling yourself a punk fan. Rifle through your parent's music for The Clash, The Sex Pistols, The Ramones and Blondie. There's other punk stuff but listen to a few songs by each artist and if you like any of it and would listen to it regularly then you're a punk fan. If not, find some other music genre that you like and I assure you, it will be so much better than Avril Lavigne. There's only really two types of music that can make money and be popular today. Rap and pop. Sometimes the pop hides under the name 'punk' but punk is over, I'm sorry. There's no punk left. Green day isn't punk, Good Charlotte isn't punk, all those bands are pop and just trying to catch teens' eyes as rebels but it's all an image.

About the song, I don't really like it. Okay, I'm lying, it's one of the worst things I've ever heard. Her voice makes me want to hurl or punch a wall or throw stuff at whoever's forcing me to listen to it. I can write songs and sing and play guitar better than this girl without any training or a team of professionals. If this is what her music sounds like AFTER it's been polished and practically re-written by her songwriting team, I wonder how it would sound originally. Actually, nevermind, I don't want to be subjected to that. So, to conclude, I really don't like Avril Lavigne and please, PLEASE listen to some real punk before calling yourself a punk rocker.

Also, I'd like to add that there is some good music being made today. I personally like newgrass and folk stuff, like Nickel Creek and Girlyman and the Indigo Girls. So gain some perspective by listening to some other types of music (preferrably accurately labeled music) before saying 'Avril is the best, she writes from her heart'.

Avril Lavigne – Knockin' On Heaven's Door (Bob Dylan cover) Lyrics 18 years ago
Umm, nikkie, the Clash, pop?? I don't think so. They were punk rock with other influences, but not pop. Have you even heard a song by them?? And what's wrong with complaining about our generation of music?? There's not one good thing about it! The Clash rocks and you clearly have never listened to them if you think they're pop.

"Avril is like the best singer in the world". Umm, are you kidding me? Have you actually heard any other music besides Avril Lavigne?? Avril is probably one of the worst singers in the world to have obtained a record deal.

The person I agree with most is Cpt-Sensible. Avril is not punk, I don't even think she's pretending to be punk anymore. Punk music isn't based on the clothes the 'artist' (Avril Lavigne's stuff is not art, I don't even like to call it music). Avril is supposedly punk pop but, face it, she's just crappy, modern pop, trying to have a punk rocker image. Punk is bands like The Clash, The Sex Pistols, The Damned, The Ramones, etc.

A definition of punk music - music with deliberately offensive lyrics expressing anger and social alienation

Avril's lyrics aren't offensive or angry (rather, they're bitchy and stupid) because that would lower her sales, which is all modern pop 'artists' care about now. There's nothing wrong with listening to older music and also, pop was good at some point but it isn't now.

Led Zeppelin – Bonzo's Montreux Lyrics 18 years ago
My favorite rock bands and why (Keep in mind I'm thirteen and am just developing my own musical taste. Not all 13-year-olds are out of it but I am) So, in no particular order, my list;

The Beatles - Umm, everyone likes the Beatles. Sure, some think they're overrated but, for the most part, everyone likes the Beatles. A lot of their stuff is just undeniably influential. Even if you, for some reason or another, don't like the Beatles, at least appreciate their founding of the whole long hair trend.

Led Zeppelin - Everyone's pretty much said it already. There was just so much talent in that group. Robert Plant's voice is so incredible and he influenced lots of people. Jimmy Page is an amazing, amazing guitarist. Amazing. And I don't play bass or drums but even I can see that John Paul Jones and John Bonham were/are (were for John Bonham, are for John Paul Jones) really very talented. They (the whole band) were the start of hard rock (or at least a big part of it) and definitely made considerable contributions to heavy metal. (Again, I'm going to remind you that I probably don't really know what I'm talking about)

I don't want to finish my list (too tired) but, just so you can make fun of my music, here's some other stuff I like (not all rock, but usually a sub-genre of rock); Jethro Tull, Pink Floyd, Grateful Dead, The Clash, Nirvana, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Ramones, Simon and Garfunkel, They Might Be Giants, Blondie, The Byrds, Crosby, Stills and Nash (and sometimes Young), The Who, and oh the list goes on so I'm going to stop here so I can write more stupid stuff to conclude. Um, no. No more stupid things. Just tired. G'night, y'all. :)

Led Zeppelin – Bonzo's Montreux Lyrics 18 years ago
Yes, let's get back to the song. Um, wait, no. It has no words. So let's review what we've learned thus far;

1. This is NOT the same song as Moby Dick.
2. Some people are ageist/homophobic.
3. ledskynyrd doesn't say thank you anymore.
4. The best band ever argument will never, ever be resolved.
5. People posting merely to comment on how nobody's talking about the song are hypocrites and just wasting space. (including me, but whatever)
6. This song has no words so either comment on how the song sounds or get side-tracked and talk about random stuff.
7. Felix tw1e may have a minor in music history but he/she clearly doesn't have a major in English. Proofread your stuff, it's in the forum rules, people!
8. Montreux is some place in Switzerland.
9. John Bonham was an incredible drummer. He was just really, really, really (it would continue if I weren't really, really, really tired) good. Moment of silence for the incredible drummer.

Okay, now that were done reviewing what we've learned in class today, kids, let's continue to bitch at each other in an uncivilized manner. Which, of course, is what we were trying to do before certain people interrupted the conversation to remind us to interpret the lyrics of an instrumental piece.

Led Zeppelin – The Crunge Lyrics 18 years ago
Okay, royharper 73, I really appreciate your sympathy. I am one of those people just getting into Led Zeppelin but, strangely, this was one of the first songs I heard by them and I liked it a lot (still do). I guess I'm an exception to the standard 'new fanatic' because I don't listen to the radio (mine broke) and I don't talk to people who know a lot about the music I like so I don't know what's considered overplayed and underplayed and what makes someone a poser and such. Though I like other Led Zeppelin songs, I do like the 'overplayed' ones you listed and even I am aware that they are overplayed (they're still playing 'Stairway to Heaven' at dances; it was so funny 'cause the guys who like Led Zeppelin in my class don't go to dances and everyone else was like 'what's this crap?'). I don't really know what direction I waas taking this post in and I'm too lazy to revise this until it makes sense. So, to conclude; I'm 13, don't really know what the hell I'm talking about most of the time and I would appreciate suggestions for what Led Zeppelin CDs I should get next (I have the albums 'Houses of the Holy', that best of set with two CDs and some other extra songs that were album-less.) Thanks and, as always, feel free to make fun of me. That's what makes this site funny. :)

Led Zeppelin – The Rain Song Lyrics 18 years ago
Oh, I forgot to say something relevant. Okay, I interpreted this song to mean that everyone has to have their share of good and bad (rain and sun) and that whatever girl he was writing this song about contributes to the warmth and being away from her makes it rain and makes him sad. Not that complex a plot but the song's well-written and poetic. 'Good Times, Bad Times', you know? (That was a rhetorical question :)

Led Zeppelin – The Rain Song Lyrics 18 years ago
"you think plant page bonham and jones think their real fans fight which song is the best"

Ummm, you do know that John Bonham died, right? That's sort of an essential piece of information there. He choked on vomit his own vomit in 1980 and, subsequently, Led Zeppelin (spelled Z-E-P-P-E-L-I-N, as in those aircraft things that people used in wars a lot until the Hindenburg, a German zeppelin caught on fire. I think it was in 1937) broke up.

Led Zeppelin – Bonzo's Montreux Lyrics 18 years ago
Wait, nevermind. I just checked and Keith Moon said they would go down like a led balloon. It's good they changed it. Led Zeppelin's a way better name than Led Balloon. Sorry about the irrelevancy, also.

The Simpsons – Lisa's Birthday Song Lyrics 18 years ago
They make fun of Michael Jackson in a later episode. It's something like this;

Bart: Oh, Millhouse. Your soul isn't real. It's just something grown-ups made up to scare kids like the boogeyman or Michael Jackson.

Jethro Tull – Thick as a Brick (Parts 1 & 2) Lyrics 18 years ago
"Understanding "Thick" requires recognition of the popularity of Monthy Python in the early 1970's. Anderson meant for the album to be a send up of rock pretentiousness, critics, and the band itself. The album cover claimed, outrageously enough, that the lyrics had been written by an eight year-old boy, Gerald Bostock, and set to music by the band. Even today, Anderson still gets the occasional person asking about Bostock or commenting about the prodigy's advancing age. While the "Aqualung's" lyrics are fairly straightforward, "Thick's" metaphorical tendencies " are intentionally intricate, obscure, and bewildering as part of the running joke. If there is any true central theme, perhaps it is the sociological experiences of gifted youngsters in the modern world with a touch of paternal relations again."

From Jethro Tull's official website.

Led Zeppelin – Nobody's Fault but Mine Lyrics 18 years ago
Wow, that was really long. Sorry 'bout that.

Led Zeppelin – Nobody's Fault but Mine Lyrics 18 years ago
I've met kids that probably know more about Led Zeppelin than a lot of you people who think all kids are morons, so please cut the ageist crap, thank you. I'm 13 and am just getting into my own music (I just listened to whatever my sister listened for a while) so I'm not a great example of kids who aren't kind of out of it musically (although I do know several hours worth of information about the Beatles :). The 'american' remark from jefrotull kind of pissed me off too but I'm not going to bitch at him or her, mainly because Jethro Tull (both the band and the guy who invented the seed drill)'s awesome, but also because, at one in the morning, I don't really feel like it. (I drank 8 diet cokes today, too much caffeine to go to sleep :)

So now that I'm done contributing to the big, stupid internet fight, I'm going to say stuff that's actually sort of relevant. YAY, stuff that's actually sort of relevant. (I'm shaking from all the caffeine, and my head hurts so please excuse the many stupid things I say. You know, it's nice to have something to blame the stupid things I say on for once. Also, somebody correct me if I am consistently spelling caffeine wrong, please)

In my search for better music, I went through my dad's music because he has a lot of it. All the Led Zeppelin he had was the album 'Houses of the Holy' and some random other Led Zeppelin songs, so I asked for that best of Led Zeppelin early days and latter days thing for Christmas. I didn't actually listen to this whole song until a few days ago because I don't really have the attention span to listen to one song in it's entirety. I tend to over-listen to songs I really like until I'm sick of them and I've been listening to this song practically non-stop since a few days ago.
I honestly don't really care if the lyrics were stolen from Blind Willie Johnson because, unless I'm mistaken (which, considering all things, I may very well be), Led Zeppelin was more influential through their music, not their lyrics.
Okay, like the majority of all my posts, I may have just displayed total ignorance and/or stupidity so feel free to make fun of me (that's what makes this site funny). I'd also like to know what Led Zeppelin I should get next if I have 'Houses of the Holy' and the best of thing. Thanks in advance.

Ramones – I Wanna Be Sedated Lyrics 18 years ago
Also, I didn't say anything about what it was about, I just said where he wrote it.

Ramones – I Wanna Be Sedated Lyrics 18 years ago
way to spell liar wrong. :) It was just an opinion, you don't have to be so hostile. (By the way, were you going to explain how you know that it's about capital punishment for a fact or were you just stating it to sound impressive?)

Led Zeppelin – Good Times Bad Times Lyrics 18 years ago
Well put, Big Basser, well put. This was the first song on their first (as well as eponymous) album. It's one of my favorites by them, although I don't dislike any of their songs that I have (but I only have Houses of the Holy, Early Days: The Best of Led Zeppelin, and Latter Days: The Best of Led Zeppelin)

Led Zeppelin – Bonzo's Montreux Lyrics 18 years ago
Okay, the majority of people on this page have displayed one of the following faults; bad spelling/grammar, agism, complete ignorance, or homophobia. It's spelled awesome not awsome, I'm thirteen and have met older people much stupider than I am, and gay is not a synonym for stupid. Please, feel free to call me a hypocrite if I spelled something wrong or also displayed ignorance. :)

Just a thought; maybe everybody's arguing in this forum because this song doesn't have any lyrics to interpret. Oh well, arguing's fun.

Also, it's spelled LED ZEPPELIN. It's at the top of the page, you shouldn't be spelling it wrong, Zildjian232. (Also, both led and zeppelin are real words. Led as in past tense of lead, zeppelin as in those weird aircraft things that were used a lot in wars and stuff until 1937 when a German zeppelin called the Hindenburg caught fire. I think that's how the story went. Anyway, they got their name from Keith Moon because he told them they would go down like a lead zeppelin. They liked the name but changed it to led so people wouldn't mispronounce it. I bet most of you knew that but nobody mentioned it so I thought I would)

The Beatles – Cry Baby Cry Lyrics 18 years ago
I thought the song came from an ad John Lennon saw. The ad said 'Cry Baby Cry, make your mother buy.' I also read that it came from the fairy tale 'Sing a Song of Sixpence' but someone already wrote that. :)

The Beatles – Something Lyrics 18 years ago
I know everyone mentioned that thing about how Frank Sinatra called 'Something' his favorite Lennon/McCartney tune but I felt like reiterating it because it really displays how underappreciated and underated (one 'r' or two??) George Harrison's songwriting was.

Also, 'Something' was NOT written about Patti. According to George Harrison, he imagined Ray Charles singing the song when he wrote it.

George Harrison – What Is Life Lyrics 18 years ago
George Harrison wrote this song in 1969 for Billy Preston. He didn't end up giving it to him (I forget why) and later used it on his album 'All Things Must Pass'.

Cream – Badge Lyrics 18 years ago
George Harrison wrote this in his autobigraphy 'I Me Mine';
"While writing the words we got to the middle part which I call the 'bridge', so I put that on the paper with the words. Eric was sitting opposite me and he looked at the paper - upside down to him - and cracked up: he said 'what's that - badge?' and I said 'it's bridge'. So later Eric called the song Badge. It's funny, now he actually sings in concert at the end of the song 'Where is my badge?'."

He goes on to say that Ringo (drunkenly) contributed about the swans in the park.

The Jimi Hendrix Experience – Are You Experienced? Lyrics 18 years ago
I really like this song (especially the line 'and who in your measly little world are you trying to prove to that you're made of gold') but the Beatles did the backwards track thing first, hybridorange. I think it was on the song 'Rain'. Just a note. :)

The Beatles – I Me Mine Lyrics 18 years ago
I like this song a lot. Obviously, George didn't write half as many songs as John and Paul but most of the songs he wrote with the Beatles were really great. OK, song meanings. I never looked at it like this but rereading it, the lyrics do sound like an attack on Paul McCartney.

By the way, George Harrison's autobiography is called 'I Me Mine'.

Avril Lavigne – Anything But Ordinary Lyrics 18 years ago
No, KissMyBass, she's not doing what she wants. She wouldn't be making shitloads of money for her crappy songs and even crappier lyrics if she wasn't doing what her record label told her to. And she is NOT PUNK. She's hardly music! And ninjette17? This is opinion for everbody. The people who like her just say they like her so I'm going to say I don't. I don't see you writing your interpretation of her... What would you call it? I don't think it's really a song. That's my opinion, state yours. Avril Lavigne isn't doing anything different. People have actually rebelled against the norm and created good music. Avril Lavigne's music doesn't break the norm at all.

Gene Vincent – BE BOP A LULA Lyrics 18 years ago
It really makes me sad that nobody posted here before. I mean, sure, it was a big hit 50 years ago but still! Come on, people! It's Gene Vincent!!

Okay, song meaning. Well, it's pretty straightforward.
No hidden meanings, there. Okay, bye. :)

P.S. I am NOT an old crackpot! (I stole that line from the Simpsons, but it's true! I'm 13, people!) Listen to better music!!!

Hilary Duff – Why Not Lyrics 18 years ago
Hilary Duff sucks. And she's not pretty, she's airbrushed. My sister met her and said she was ugly, too thin and had a whiny voice. She can't sing for shit, even after her voice is all computerized. I hate people like her, but not as much as I hate Avril Lavigne (at least Hilary Duff doesn't try to call her shitty, mindless songs punk)

And 'Take a crazy chance'?? That's not even cliched, it's just total crap.

By the way, 1000BrokenHearts, all the people you listed are posers. But I do agree with the throw up part.

Avril Lavigne – Sk8er Boi Lyrics 18 years ago
Okay, done shouting. I will now proceed to ramble about the evils of popular music today.

It's not just Avril Lavigne, but she's an excellent example of shitty music that people are making millions of dollars off of. I know all you moron punk-poser wannabees probably think all I listen to is the Ramones, the Clash, Blondie, Talking Heads, etc. (Actually, about 97% percent of you probably have no idea who the hell all those bands are) but I like most all genres (i.e. classic rock, bluegrass, hard rock, punk, funk, folk, pop music from the 60's and 70's, blues, celtic, grunge, psychedelic rock, reggae, etc.) and all you close-minded losers with a terrible taste in music disgust me!

Avril Lavigne – Complicated Lyrics 18 years ago
I find it difficult to see why there should be 32 pages of comments about probably one of the crappiest songs ever written and only 3 pages about 'London Calling' (you know, and ACTUAL punk song!) Listen, losers; Avril Lavigne is not punk, she's hardly music. You want to know what punk is? Punk is the Sex Pistols, the Ramones, the Clash, Blondie, the Damned, etc.

I'm only 13 but I have written way better crap than Avril Lavigne. She doesn't speak the truth, she's probably one of the biggest poser sell-outs ever! (Although I think sell-out implies that the artist had some talent) How is 'Uh-huh, life's like this telling the truth???? No, really, someone tell me. I didn't read all your stupid comments; I sort of felt like gagging after reading the first few. I did read this page and I think marigold 16's got it right. Popular music is going downhill and it disgusts me.

The Beatles – Glass Onion Lyrics 18 years ago
Hey, Boss man, why do you go on if you think people who overanalyze songs are losers? (OK, I'm a loser too, but I ACCEPT THAT!)
Okay, I'm done pointing your hypocricy, please, feel free to make fun of my grammar, spelling, some stupid error I made, etc. (I'm 13, I'm allowed to be a moron :)

OKAY, as we say every show, LET'S GET TO THE POINT! (don't even ask) I like this song pretty well and, to clear things up, the walrus was John. I know this because I was reading some interview with John (I think it was from the Beatles Anthology) and he said he kept giving Paul little things because he felt bad about thinking of leaving the group (he started thinking about leaving in 1966). So he let Paul be the Walrus, who is supposed to symbolize the good guy who was mislead. They borrowed that from 'The Walrus and the Carpenter' by Lewis Carroll, except John sort of messed it up. He had originally thought that the walrus was the good guy but it turned out that the carpenter was the good guy. I really like Glass Onion and I Am the Walrus. It's kind of a cool ongoing theme there, walruses. Like how all 70's progressive rock bands seem to have that theme of bricks. Jethro Tull's 'Thick as a Brick', Pink Floyd's 'Another Brick in the Wall'.
I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. :)

The Beatles – Yellow Submarine Lyrics 18 years ago
Riiight, USCott08, we're the idiots. You better be kidding. You have to be both gullible and kind of dim to still believe that Paul is dead. He's not dead, why the hell would people be covering up his "death" if John and George died too? I've read all the ridiculous theories and they're all stupid. Anyway, Yellow Submarine was just a child's song that John and Paul wrote (NOT Ringo).

The Beatles – Komm, Gib Mir Deine Hand Lyrics 18 years ago
They recorded a few songs (I think it was just 'I Want to Hold Your Hand' and 'She Loves You') in German because the Germans were the only ones who wouldn't take in in English

Spinal Tap – All The Way Home Lyrics 18 years ago
They're making fun of the Beatles 'The One After 909', I think.

Spinal Tap – Heavy Duty Lyrics 18 years ago
i think it's a Bach minuet thing but I forget.

Spinal Tap – Stonehenge Lyrics 18 years ago
Hell yeah, mandolins are awesome (hence the user name)! 'This is Spinal Tap' is my favorite movie ever

The Beatles – Boys (The Shirelles cover) Lyrics 18 years ago
John once said that this song sort of made Ringo uncomfortable to sing but they didn't want to change the song title. They got another one for him to sing. I think it was 'Act Naturally'.

The Beatles – I Wanna Be Your Man Lyrics 18 years ago
'We sort of played it roughly to them [Rolling Stones] and they said, 'Yeah, OK, that's our style.' But it was only really a lick, so Paul and I went off in the corner of the room and finished the song off while they were all still sitting there talking. We came back, and that's how Mick and Keith got inspired to write... because, 'Jesus, look at that. They just went in the corner and wrote it and came back!' You know, right in front of their eyes we did it. So we gave it to them. It was a throw-away. It shows how much importance we put on them. We weren't going to give them anything great, right? I believe it was the Stones' first record'

John Lennon said that about the song in 1980, I think.

The Beatles – Penny Lane Lyrics 18 years ago
Mac is short for mackintosh (somebody said it was slang for raincoat, which it is, I'm just being nitpicky :)
Anyway, they were invented by some Scottish guy named Charles Macintosh in the early 1800's (1824?? Something like that.) They added the 'k' later. Also, British people call Wellingtons (which are boots) 'wellies'. British people are cool. I wish I was British.

Wow, I just realized exactly how boring I am. Oh, well. So, back on topic, Penny Lane is a good song and I had it stuck in my head for a really, really long time.

The Beatles – Money (That's What I Want) Lyrics 18 years ago
I think you guys are talking about the Pretenders' cover of this song because they have a female vocalist (Chrissie Hynde) and they formed in the late seventies. Also, the song was written by Janie Bradford and Berry Gordy and sung by Barrett Strong. I like the Beatle version best.

The Beatles – Twist and Shout (The Top Notes cover) Lyrics 18 years ago
ryanilano11, unless you meant you want George Harrison and John Lennon to lie in pieces, I think you meant 'peace'. Sorry, couldn't resist.
Anyway, it's a good song. I think it was originally recorded by the Isley Brothers.

Ramones – I Wanna Be Sedated Lyrics 18 years ago
This song was written by Joey Ramone (Jeffry Hyman) when he had to go to the hospital because he spilled boiling water on himself and got some burns. (he inhaled steam to clear his sinuses) I read that somewhere, I forget where. I'm like a sponge of useless facts. :)

The Beatles – Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds Lyrics 18 years ago
Okay, I didn't read the nine pages of comments (because even I have better things to do) so I am probably just reiterating what everyone else has already said but the song was based on a picture John's son Julian drew of his friend Lucy. John saw it and was inspired. He later said that Lucy was sybolic of his perfect women he hadn't yet met and that that women turned out to be Yoko Ono. I bet he noticed the 'LSD' in the title before releasing it but the drawing actually does exist (I think Julian Lennon owns it now, but I'm not sure). I think John also said that some of the lyrics were inspired by 'Alice in Wonderland' but I don't remember. Maybe it was some other Lewis Carroll story.

The Beatles – I Am the Walrus Lyrics 18 years ago
Okay, I only read the first and last pages of everybody's comments (because I am too lazy to read the rest) but none of them are what I had thought. Here is the situation as I know it; John wrote the first few lines on acid and the rest of the song was loosely based on Lewis Carroll's 'The Walrus and the Carpenter'. John originally thought the walrus was the good guy but later learned he was the one who wanted to eat the oysters. (I think it was oysters, I don't really remember) Aside from that, it didn't really have a planned meaning. Also, I'm pretty sure John Lennon said 'Let the fuckers figure that one out' to Pete Shotton, not George Martin or Paul McCartney, but I could be wrong. It's all in 'The Beatles Anthology'.
A lot of people looked for 'Paul is dead' clues in this one and some thought the walrus was some ancient symbol of death, which is really stupid. They thought this because in 'Glass Onion', John wrote 'the walrus was Paul' but he only wrote it because he was considering leaving the group (he started thinking about leaving the group, so stop blaming Yoko Ono, people!) and he felt bad about ditching Paul so he started letting him have little things. Again it's all in 'The Beatles Anthology', which is a giant book written by the Beatles and taken from interviews and stuff.
And benniegirl19 is wrong about the goo goo g'joob being the wrong spelling because I have the record 'Magical Mystery Tour' and the lyrics are printed on it. It does sound like coo coo ca choo, though.

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