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U2 – Wave Of Sorrow (Birdland) Lyrics 16 years ago
absolutely beautiful, if this song and mercy are any indication of the coming new album then it shall be an amazing album indeed.

U2 – City of Blinding Lights Lyrics 17 years ago
Theresa1 none of us regard bono as a god like figure.

What i would say is that he has brought life to a faith that thanks to people like yourself is viewed by most as out dated and out of touch with the contemporary World we live in.

The Police – Invisible Sun Lyrics 17 years ago
this is about the troubles of northern ireland. I thought the version they performed at the conspiracy of hope tour really asserted this fact as they performed it with bono of u2.

It was also good to see basically the greatest band on earth passin on the title to a new act.

excellent song.

Simon and Garfunkel – I Am A Rock Lyrics 17 years ago
^ what are you moaning about that sullen girl nobody has argued with you kickstart just stated they had a different view to you for fucks sake.

Sting – Fields of Gold Lyrics 17 years ago
^ charming.

This song is absolutey amazing. This is a pure, unsaturated piece of music from the heart.

naturally the original is the best but cassidy's version was still trully beautiful and even touched sting when he heard it agter her death

Lady Sovereign – Hoodie Lyrics 17 years ago
Yeah but mainly her dad because of her bed time.

U2 – Heartland Lyrics 17 years ago
I think edge's echoing in the background accomodates the song brilliantly. A trully moving song, making up a near perfect album.

Lily Allen – Smile Lyrics 17 years ago
You forgot that pre programmed "Your ramming your opinion down our throats" forum rapist response that i have come to expect from people who are not willing to debate and argue points but prefer to just assume their voice is the one and only voice and "fuck whoever says different". Isn't that Random lol. < Cynical i know but who cares.

If any of you actually responded with a viable form of arguement instead of the same old message board rhetoric then we could have ended this ages ago. Up until now none of you have understood the point i am trying to make [mainly because none of you asked]. I will admit i could have gone about this in a slightly better way but i doubt even the most diplomatic individual could cut through this ideology you all possess that we must all like the same things and if we don't then just keep it to yourself.

That logic is absolutely flawed.

I respect your right to enjoy this music but i was hoping you may also try and give way to others who don't and try and understand their reasoning.

Lady Sovereign – Hoodie Lyrics 17 years ago
Yeah redlance how dare you utilise your basic right to express your opinion. Now distilledblood has been overcome with that pre-programmed internet forum response " you are shoving your opinion down my throat" disguising the fact they haven't really got a valid response.

Face it distilled blood, lady is making capital out of being absolutely talentless.And by the way why don't you open the odd magazine cover from time to time and see that bad ass sovereign is only using her position to create quite a sad media circle of mud slinging at other people within the industry.

She is quite the cancerous lump on a testicle that should be removed before it grows into a nice debilitating illness.

U2 – Where The Streets Have No Name Lyrics 17 years ago
collegestudent this is my opinion so don't take it as fact. But i am a big U2 fan. In my opinion the song is about seeking a utopia free from worldly desires i..e.wealth, materialism etc. And finding a place within your mind to accomodate that.

In regards to the lyrics you query. I believe it is stating mankind manages to come near to building this place but their brotherhood and love for one another becomes distorted when acts of evil i.e. Terrorism or the divide between wealth and poverty increases and people begin to resurface their discriminations for one another and it takes a lengthy process to get back on track.

Things like the civil rights movement, live Aid/ live 8, the good friday agreement, civil intergtration are examples of events showing this utopia is attainable provided all people acknowledge an idea bono has popularised

" to be one and united is great, but to respect the right to be different is even better"

Lil Chris – Checkin It Out Lyrics 17 years ago
Yeah he's trying, he's trying all sorts of different methods

arrogance, patronisation, pretentiousness and of course not actually being able to sing at all.

Lily Allen – Smile Lyrics 17 years ago
hahahaha what hypocrisy. I have a view on this particular singer, if i had just submitted only one comment airing that view then you would have all naturally replied stating your counter arguements, thus if i didn't reply then i would not be able to clarify my position. It is the nature of debate and arguement gollywogholly, you know argue your view to a point you are satisfied people are fully aware of the reasoning behind it even if they don't agree with it. It would be childish and indeed a waste of this sites existence if we did not debate and the only level of controversy arising when members leave but one comment of disagreement and leave it at that.

So i am sorry if you disagree with me but i do not apoligise if you reply with a counter arguement and i respond with mine.

Lily Allen – Smile Lyrics 17 years ago
^ Yeah i agree, this logic does apply to the vast majority to whom are uneducated, hysterical neanderthals who are unable to detach themselves from the past and rather get stuck there instead of learning from it.

It is a classic example of the ignorance i have come to expect from people who are not content with the pain already put upon them by their partners bertrayal but persist in further aggravating their bitterness to result in some sort of act of revenge to satisfy their primitive needs.

Lily Allen – Smile Lyrics 17 years ago
Revenge hahahaha. Since when did revenge alleviate pain . Unless sinking deeper into the depths of bitterness provides some sort of relief. All that happens afterwards is you begin to frantically search your memory for any other time they may have cheated you, accumulate sexual insecurities and disect your emotions as far as they can go.

Sometimes perhaps, turning the other cheek and not granting it the thought it does not deserve is better. It may be tough but ultimately seeking revenge through violence has no lasting effect or your ex partner, whereas you get stuck in a moment unable to gain liberation from your own mind. In the end who suffers more he who takes a few bitter vengeful
punches or she who has to be in constant conflict with her personal demons?

Lily Allen – Smile Lyrics 17 years ago
On the contrary when a relationship ends with me my 1st thought isn't revenge or bitterness but in fact wish them better luck in the future and even though me and her may not love eachother anymore it does not equate to ill feeling.

In fact i keep alive the best memories of that relatiionship rather than focusing my efforts on recalling every bitter word or action. I'm not that shallow and neither are any of my ex-girlfriends to want to compromise ourselves with bitterness.

Lady Sovereign – 9 To 5 ft. The Ordinary Boys Lyrics 17 years ago
I to live on a council estate indieandrockfan. When i use the term chav why do you like most of society automatically only see the exterior traits i.e. clothing, postcode and accent as being the hallmarks of a chav.
i do not see these as the defining articles of a chav. I prefer to analyse personality, intentions, and demeanour before i label. And i'm afraid to say lady meets this criteria.

U2 – Sweetest Thing Lyrics 17 years ago
I do adore this song but only in combination with its video in the streets of Dublin. With that, the meaning really is revealed, the apology to ali hewson [bonos wife] boyzone featuring, his brother, etc And what he is saying is basically i would throw every possession i coulld at you to have you stay with me but also the fact he would sacrifice all for her love. Another point to consider is the fact all of u2 gave up their cut from the single release and gave it to ali and then she gave it all to the Chernoboyl disaster fund.. Proving too that her love for bono also outweighs any material need. Very similar to the points highlighted in all i want is you [ rattle and hum album]

Lily Allen – LDN Lyrics 17 years ago
Regardless of what you or I may think of her lyrically i could not possibly trust a person that happily plays part to sensationalism through seedy tabloids in order to pander to her ego. And how does she do this, through openly attacking other peoples talent within the music industry or to advertise her love for all things white, powdered and consumed via the nose. So in view of miss allen behind the music i in all honesty couldn't give a shit for what she has to say in her music. Exaggerated or otherwise.

She is completely false and unoriginal but a good manipulator.

Pink – Stupid Girls Lyrics 17 years ago
Amazing song and an outstanding album by pink here.

I am so tired of media obsessed sluts who are where they are because they slept their way to the top and now instead of using their position to influence and shape young minds they pick the convenient option of sensationaling every last moment of their shallow lives for maximum tabloid coverage and great profit. and a side effect of these peoples arrogance is a generation growing up indoctrinated with the notion that image, cosmestics, sex and most importantly conforming to societies uniform cross-section is more important than talent, knowledge and individuality

Lil Chris – Checkin It Out Lyrics 17 years ago
Firstly lil chris has to be 1 of the m ost arrogant little pieces of shit in the industry. After his success in rock school he ditches the band he was in , in order to make a futile attempt to make a solo career. In a recent interview he came across as thoroughly cocky fo many reasons such as dismissing the help gene simmons gave him, saying how much he hated school and then dared to patronise those in education by claiming everyone would prefer to be a successful rock star than study. What a presumptious arsehole. seen as not one part of him is successful or indeed rock. what a cunt.

Regarding the song, his voice is infuriating his image is unoriginal, and and his attitude stinks.

Lily Allen – LDN Lyrics 17 years ago
Perhaps the word patronising should have featured in my last comment to account for the twisted reasoning she employs to have you believe all city life consists of is

"But I wonder what goes on behind doors.
A fella looking dapper, and he's sittin' with a slapper,
Then I see its a pimp and his crack whore."

"Then a kid came along to offer a hand
But before she had time to accept it
Hits her over the head, doesn't care if she's dead
'Cause he's got all her jewellery and wallet."

As someone who lives in a working class area i can assure miss allen these descriptions are greatly exaggerated. most people who are in the working classes do not resaught to crime because society has wrote them off. Admittedly a few individuals do, as a result giving others around them a bad name leaving them vulnerable to lily allens manipulation for her own financial end.

Lily Allen – Smile Lyrics 17 years ago
and if the song is detrimental to society then it should be stated because that is infact a MEANING.

U2 – Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of Lyrics 17 years ago
dhatteriki where did you get your information it's just i always thuoght Bono wrote it as a dedication to Michael Hutchence of INXS

Lily Allen – Smile Lyrics 17 years ago
grime n shit hmmmmmmmmmm couldn't have put it better myself

Eric Clapton – Tears In Heaven Lyrics 17 years ago
It is true this song would not have been written if it were not for his sons death however the song is completely about life. eric contemplated suicide after his childs death but realised that wasn't the answer. He knows that one way or another there will be a day they are reunited.It is also true to say his son is not dead, i mean isn't it only when you forget that person they trually die. the best gift he can give his son is strength of character to not give in to weakness but to continue with his life.

Sting – Every Breath You Take Lyrics 17 years ago
Sillybunny i have no intention of causing an arguement with you but why have you flooded a vast majority of police and sting songs with extracts from one obscure source to another. Although it is important to have fact on hand to support your views you scaresly seem to express any view without first cross referencing it from your sources. When Sting writes his songs he may have an aim as to what effect he wants to have on listeners but a unique, individual effect on the person is what he wants. Sting intends to use the power of music to help people clear personal demons and change their views to more a empathic and understanding stance. Whether or not his audience share his original inspiration for writing his music is irrelevent, just as long as it has an effect and the effect is positive. That the whole nature of individuality and indeed the reason why interpretation sites such as this exist. Not to discover the hard facts behind something but to allow music to have a unique effect upon you.

Michael Jackson – Speechless Lyrics 17 years ago
how can true love be better defined than within these simple but effective lyrics. This song shows how the power of love can commit our minds to overcome any barriers or obstacles just to be with that one whose mear presencecan leave us lost for words because of their eternal love, understanding and compassion. Trually an excellent song, it really doesn't get the recognition it deserves.

Lily Allen – LDN Lyrics 17 years ago
Yeah, and i also like the fact that despite the fact she has probably never stepped foot in an area of the UK that might carry the title working class she still thinks she can sing about it. Oh except to get her cocaine. How arrogant. This is keith allens daughter the one one who has lead the well to do life never had serious financial problems, went to the same school as Peaches Geldof. And despite the fact she has led such a life protercted from the harsh reality that is life she decides to sing a most condesending song about her twisted interpretation of life. What the fuck would she know?

Snow Patrol – Chasing Cars Lyrics 17 years ago
Amazing song by snow patrol. Incredibly sensual. It makes you forget the fast pace at which life runs and to just appreciate the simple things.

Justin Timberlake – SexyBack Lyrics 17 years ago
Perhaps we more intellectual members of society who are forever overshadowed by the mindless neanderthal majority shouls ease up slightly and attempt to embrace this vomit worthy song and indeed practise what our " HERO " preaches and indeed whip him to shit whether he misbehaves or not. One moment now let me see what other lyrics are wrote here to entertain the mindless majority who are satisfied with this crap as a form of sexual gratification because the rest of their lives are unbelievably sheltered and shallow. Ahhhhhh yes justin you are a motherfucker starting with your own presumably

Lily Allen – Smile Lyrics 17 years ago
I do agree despite how sophisticated the human mind is, that natural desire to seek revenge when confronted by relationship breakdown is still indoctrinated in our species inherited from ancestors who saught to defend there love by any means neccessary. Discussing the effects of relationship breakdown in the form of song is great, however the average teenage mind does not interpret frank reflective devices designed to make them see themselves acting in an inapprpriate demeanour. What they see is an ameteur rap artist dabbling on video in creating unneccessary conflict therefore as media plays such an influential role in teenage life those actions are then reflected in their lives causing many social problems. As a result lily becomes adorded by many teenagers who perceive her to be speaking the reality of British youth culture when in fact the reality is she is a main contributory factor to the demise of social harmony, This in addition to her off screen conduct into alleged drug abuse only depict a very grim picture for the future of society if in fact she is considered and icon to be modelled upon.

The Police – Every Breath You Take Lyrics 17 years ago
Sting wrote this song originally in response to his divorce from Frances Tomelty, in a way maybe it is about stalking someone. Sting as wise as he is may have took his loss so painfully he couldn't let go. This song provides that release for him to know even though they may not be in love anymore care and affection still remain, and from a far he will still be watching her to ensure her wellbeing

Mary J. Blige – One (feat. U2) Lyrics 18 years ago
Ahh there it is again another RnB star who for many years has anal dwelled in trashy rap and made countless millions out of marketing her image on various music videos degrading the position of women NOW wants to convey a new image that she has an underlying sense of sentimentality. What bullshit i really love u2 and one is undoubedly one of my favourite songs but it has been slightly tarnished by her assault upon it. MJB i suggest you stick with the likes of busta rhymes where you can laugh all the way to the bank as you pen your latest song about how best to look slaggy and indoctrinate millions of teenage girls that looking and behaving like you is a neccessity for all females you whore

The Police – Driven To Tears Lyrics 18 years ago
The opening lyric says it all for societies attitude towards third world debt

"How can you say that your not responsible?
What does it have to do with me?"

Some people are of the narrow-minded view charity starts at home. When in actual fact we have an obligation as human beings to aid our fellow man. we are punishing this generation for it's great-grandparents mistakes

Lily Allen – Smile Lyrics 18 years ago
I couldn't agree more HeiaVincent Lily Allen has no obligations to me but then again thats not what I originally said. If she wishes to make profits from society in the form of music sales then she certainly does have a responsibility to society regarding the message she conveys to the public.

Lily Allen – Smile Lyrics 18 years ago
in response to HeiaVincent yes the the pop industry is supposed to be entertaining. However when lily Allen chose to become a mainstream act for all the public to "ENJOY" she is also supposed to take on certain responsibilities about the message she conveys to our impressionable youth. She unlike other artists doesn't recognise this and would rather spout ludicrous bullshit about relationship breakdown and use a twisted sense of logic to link that to revenge. It's no wonder typical female teenagers are viewed by the public with such negativity when overnight success story lily allen is indoctrinating them with such negative messaging and then labelling it "ENTERTAINMENT".

U2 – Walk On Lyrics 18 years ago
i think this songs purpose is to help people differentiate between physical possessions and desires and the vital things a human needs to survive. It helps us to realise what is trually important and what is momentary. We can't take our possessions with us to the other side only a soul, with all our thoughts, memories and wisdom. We need to attain what we have to leave behind.

U2 – Vertigo Lyrics 18 years ago
I tthink there is a risk of people being over critical of this song by u2 compared to other more meaningful songs by them such as one, where the streets have no name and sunday bloody sunday but the point is it's just a fun song designed to entertain not to spread a poignant message just for people to enjoy.

Lily Allen – Smile Lyrics 18 years ago
I am not against people from disadvantaged backgrounds going ahead and trying to make something of themselves in this case through music. But when that fame is based on glorifying violence and the culture which keeps working class people seen as less then the middle classes then yes I will slag them off. lily allen [should using her prior knowledge of what keeps people from progressing above what society says they can achieve], attempt to use her elevated position to try and encourage others to try and not let themselves be pre-determined by society. whereas she would rather go for the cheap and easy buck and sing about her twisted interpertation of "youth culture".

Coldplay – Clocks Lyrics 18 years ago
Firstly thank you for your input unkluever. As for sickofwronglyrics your informed use of the english language is impressive, i will admit it demonstrates an attainment of self-actualisation. But you must ask yourself at what point does self-actualisation end and arrogance begin?. I will inform, you my comments were not intended to change you. Unlike you I would not presume to change someone based on a mesasge board to someone i haven't even met. Your ideas are your own and they most certainly have not affected me or indeed changed my stance or viewpoint, all I would say is for you to undergo a period of self-evaluation. I genuinely wish you the best of mental health for you to root out the demons that haunt you and cause you to manufacture unneccessary disputes over relatively trivial topics.

Coldplay – Clocks Lyrics 18 years ago
I don't wish to cause an arguement sickofwronglyrics but i do know for a fact Chris Martin wrote this song. As for you considering me narrow-minded it is somewhat narrow-minded to insult someone for having an opinion and indeed attempting to clarify a misconception i had regarding your comments.

Coldplay – Clocks Lyrics 18 years ago
sickofwronglyrics i have viewed your comments on other pages and you have said the exact same thing on a Rammstein song, beatles song, 50 cent song and an ataris song could you please clarify your clearly inconsistant viewpoint.

Lily Allen – Smile Lyrics 18 years ago
This song and it's singer are unbelievably shallow i don't know where to begin. in regards to the lyrics i suppose i can hold my tongue but on viewing the video to this song i stand by what i said. The video advocates this lily allen paying for her ex boyfriend to be beaten up to give her some sort of sick satisfaction. No wonder modern British youth are so yobbish when they are subjected to this twat and her meaningless song. She is clearly a shallow money grabbing slag who feeds off easily manipulated adolescence's buying her shit.

Kelly Clarkson – Because of You Lyrics 18 years ago
although i can agree the empathic power this song has upon people i still think kelly did not do the responsible thing when releasing this song. she blames her father for all the pain she endured as a child and suggests with "because of you" her actions and abilities in the future will always be pre-determined. Despite her fathers responsibility to contributing to her pain she cannot admit defeat and say this is all i can do because my dad left. Don't get me wrong i'm not slagging her off but she can't blame others for the here and now. if we all crumbled when confronted with loss and despair when we were younger then the world would be ful of manic depressives. The ability to set your self free from the past and focus on the here and now is a difficult but neccessary skill, we may not be able to change our past but we can make sure it doesn't affect our future. She should of added a chorus stating despite her past she controls the future and that holding on to what has past doesn't affect the people who inflicted the pain but only yourself stuck in a moment. In saying that a more optimistic way of how we can get unstuck from terrible pain is extremely well explained in stuck in a moment by u2.

U2 – Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own Lyrics 18 years ago
This is the song that started my great admiration for u2 as it hit me so personally it was untrue. I am now aged 15 however when i was aged 5 my father was murdered. he died defending another individual in society who was disabled and subject to some degrading torment. my father knew this man and while in the process of moving out he witnessed him being bullied by another man, my fathers intervention saved the disabled man but resulted in my father being stabbed and dying later in hospital. The point is despite my father not choosing to leave me and my mother the fact was he had gone. For many years i carried around my grief to protect my mother, when at that age i should not have had such a responsibility. This song released all that buried anguish i held for my interpretation of my father leaving me. The line " Where are we now?
I’ve got to let you know
A house still doesn’t make a home
Don’t leave me here alone...

echoes the very thoughts i've had for years. After this i discovered kite by u2 which in turn changed my anguish into hope and faith that on day we shall be together again. I owe u2 the greatest of debts, through music they have released all that i hid away and feared to resurface i am no longer a prisoner of my own mind i can see, feel and live.

The Police – De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da Lyrics 18 years ago
I agree with the above also, however i would add i think the police and sting were also discussing how societies and people are dictated to by our leaders. Who are only in their positions of power for no other reason than they have money, and it's the working class who are kept in their positions so wealth can't be shared. despite us allegedly living in a free western society the fact remains discreet but true propaganda campaigns and media control exist, so effectively our television screens might as well be saying De Do Do Do De Da Da Da when so called news and informative programs are broadcast especially on foreign policy, conflict, the third world situation and global democracy. You may call me paranoid for my beliefs but the works of noam chomsky are preety conclusive on my opinion. particularly manufacturing consent which analyses various global situation both past and present and reveals how propaganda campaigns have been employed to sway public support. On the other hand i am sure he is not without his critics because our " free media" frequently associate him with a paranoid profile. But back to the song, excellent, very truthful, i'm suprised it wasn't band because we don't want our public to think for itself do we or it might become unreasonable and start demanding freedom.

Coldplay – Clocks Lyrics 18 years ago
This is an excellent song. the line "Am I a part of the cure,
Or am I part of the disease?" really hits out at me because i'm sure like me a lot of people sometimes have to stop and question their place in the world. While self-evaluation can be adversely revealing, it is however important to do, it reminds us of our humanity and purpose for existance.

U2 – One Lyrics 18 years ago
well you know what myspandexparadise like all good things this i think should come to an end now it's just a question of who is brave enough to take their finger off the trigger first and that's going to have to be me because you see unlike yourself i don't suffer from my own ignorance. it is clear neither of us is going to back down from either of our view points. I think u2 are one of the best acts going despite the test of time they are generally consistant with their flow of emotive, powerful inspirational music mixed with large public demonstrations of their commitment to aiding various causes such as ending third world debt, AIDS campaigns, poverty trusts etc. Whereas you don't like them or their various charitable acts and instead would rather provide petty insult rather than constructive argument for your comments [ as i have reiterated throughout this debate but you still haven't took the hint to try and add substance to your dialogue]. goodbye my friend hope to see you soon, but as far as i'm concerned your argument on this page with me based on petty name calling is over. I will of course continue to monitor your site interaction simply for the comical value your primative use of the english language and ignorant comments bring to me. Undoubtedly despite me withdrawing you will ignore this and return with some form of cheap insult at me and u2 within thew next few days. I must say myspandexparadise it's been fun thank you for that , before talking to you i never imagined sex manic, prehistoric neanderthals could be entertaining but you certainly proved me wrong. So for the last time myspandexparadise here it goes i hope you get over your sexual issues, i hope your sociopathic persona fades and obviously i hope your nasty strain of whatever STD you have is cured. PS learn to use your spellchecker and learn to gsin freedom from your own mind you wouldn't believe what you are missing by being so detached from it. that last point was serious i really would work on it if i were you which thankfully i'm not.

Lady Sovereign – 9 To 5 ft. The Ordinary Boys Lyrics 18 years ago
Oh even better than the original of " LADY " solo. Now we pair up the most arrogant twat to emerge from music ever with the leader of the chavs. [Both descriptions are inter-changable for both personalities by the way] Both artists have brought their unique style to this song lady's usual arrogant, cockey drone with whats his name's need to sing through his nose. So to simplify for any confused chavs reading this yes i am insulting your gods' work, i'll give it a number of days for you to rack your brain for some saught of petty insult to attempt to unsuccessfully fire at me, not that i expect a response seen as no one has commented on this yet.

Ozzy Osbourne – Mama I'm Coming Home Lyrics 18 years ago
Having seen him perform this song on the osbournes i can tell you all that this is indeed a loving dedication for sharon. This performance was particularly poignant as sharon had just been diagnosed with cancer. Despite attempts at taking her life , alcoholism and drug addiction sharon has always stood by him despite a 20 year long silence with her father [ former manager of black sabbath, Don Arden ] . Their two individual life stories combined into the osbournes really is a good demonstration of the meaning of love, being that both can love each other for the others faults and indeed forgive also they are both willing to compromise in order to keep each other happy.

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