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Pearl Jam – Fatal Lyrics 12 years ago
Metallica 86:

I must apologize. I suppose I READ it somewhere...I didn't "HEAR it somewhere", as I previously wrote. And, since neither of us were present during the session, we should probably remove ourselves from theory.

But wouldn't you be amused if the answers were Play-Doh?

Supergrass – Mary Lyrics 17 years ago
Great song..Has anyone seen the video? If you think that the song has a creepy undertone, than the video looks like an episode of Tales from the Crypt. Did I mention that Gaz Coombes is the hottest frontman in the world?

Tenacious D – Kielbasa Lyrics 17 years ago
The thing that almost annoys me is their music is SO damn good, that I could easily see them being taken as serious musicians..but their lyrics turn certain songs into a novelty. I know there's nothing wrong with that, but there is SO much passion in both the instrumentation, and Jack Black's vocals- but the lyrics downplay the intensity, because they are so absurd.

Don't get me wrong- I think it's funny as hell. But I'd like to be able to play one of these songs for my parents (both musicians), but I'd almost be too embarassed- I'd avoided the entire topic of anal sex, while in the company of my parents. I wish they had alternative versions of some of their songs, for those of us who think they are great enough to be taken seriously.

Tripping Daisy – Same Dress New Day Lyrics 17 years ago
To this day, I find this song to be SO haunting and intense (in an understated, yet manic way). The instrumental is so unique, with the odd, ghost-sounding synthesizer above the interesting guitar plucks. I remember when a school friend of mine was killed in a car accident, and I used to listen to this song; particularly when Tim DeLaughter sings "you can't rely on a friend who's dead". I always found that to be such a tragically familar line, but oddly therapeutic.

John Lennon – Scared Lyrics 17 years ago
I always loved the eerie, Halloween vibe of this song..I could see it in American Werewolf in London, or something. But, when I really look into the lyrics, the tone seems like more of an internal struggle within a human being, rather than a supernatural haunt...the lyrics are paranoid, and intentionally contradictory. In the verses, he is proclaiming his fears and sorrows..from being scared, to scarred, to just plain tired of it all...Then, when he gets to the refrain, the lyrics suggest that he is telling somebody (possibly himself) that a somewhat tragic fate is inevitable, so why fight it?

Even though the surrounding lyrics and instrumentals are so dark and brooding, he sings "just dance to the music.." Maybe he is throwing in the towel, and choosing to approach the destructive forces of his life with pure, unadulterated denial, naivety, and/or submissiveness.

During the bridge, he seems to delve into even MORE personal matters..We all know that Lennon spoke out against the war in Vietnam, and his lyrics in the bridge refer to this fact: "Sing out about love and peace"..almost as if to say "Where the hell has this sh*t gotten me?" When he mentions "hatred and jealously"- not once, but twice ("red raw meat", and "green-eye" are the metaphors he uses to describe these feelings the 2nd time around)- is he speaking of those people who are envious of HIM, due to his unbelievable success and living legend status? Or is he confessing his OWN feelings of resentment towards others, and the fact that his own plagued thoughts and beliefs will ultimately lead to his own demise? This could definitely be interpreted both ways.

Gotta love lyrics that seem rather straightforward, but turn out to be ambiguous head-scratchers.

Viva Voce – From the Devil Himself Lyrics 18 years ago
So I wrote these lyrics down after watching the brand new video for this song. It's from their yet-to-be released album "Get Yr Blood Sucked Out", due out Sept. 12th. I hope that they're all correct..I'm pretty confident. If anyone wants to see the video for this song, here's the address:

Pixies – No. 13 Baby Lyrics 18 years ago
I used to think this song was mediocre (which, in Pixies terms, means that it's still better than most other songs I've heard). But, it grew on me.

You guys are SO right about the outro. It is one of the best that I've heard, especially the tweak of the guitar (when it tweaks upward to that same note, over and over). Chills!!

Viva Voce – Lesson No. 1 Lyrics 18 years ago
Wow- nobody else has commented on this song? I'm sure if you've ever heard it, you'd want to comment...because it rocks!!

Pixies – Motorway To Roswell Lyrics 18 years ago
This is one of those songs, that I always kind of skipped over. I had NO idea how thoroughly awesome it was, until I blasted it in the headphones one day. It is SO dramatic, and emotional.

You guys are right about the outro: it is SO powerful, particularly with the backing vocals that play simultaneously with the main vocal (When Frank Black sings: "He started heading for the Motorway..") .It builds to the point of being almost cinematic. I could definitely see this in a movie, during the end credits. Better yet, it should play throughout!

Harry Nilsson – Spaceman Lyrics 18 years ago
I have listened to this song SO many times in the past month (along with "Gotta Get Up", and "Down". Nilsson had such a great voice, and a witty sense of humor that played out in his lyrics.

Porno For Pyros – Hard Charger Lyrics 18 years ago
Definitely a cool song. It's so fierce forward-moving. It was perfect for the end credits of "Private Parts".

Pixies – Distance Equals Rate Times Time Lyrics 18 years ago
I say we all get married, and this song can be our 'Wedding March'. Then, we can demand that the ONLY music allowed at our reception is Pixies' music. No more "Electric Slide", f*ckers!!

Metric – Monster Hospital Lyrics 18 years ago
Oh, and Emily Haines spoke about how the line "I fought the war, but the war won", wasn't so much about a political statement, as many people thought. Rather, it was a description of the personal struggles that she dealt with internally.

Elliott Smith – Little One Lyrics 18 years ago
This song reminds me SO much of the tone of the Beatles' 'White Album', particularly "Julia" (and maybe "Long, Long, Long", as well). Anybody agree?

Cat Power – Cross Bones Style Lyrics 18 years ago
Her hamonies are pretty powerful in this song.

The Rolling Stones – Stray Cat Blues Lyrics 18 years ago
I love the way that he says the line "it's no hanging matter" ("it's no hangin' mattawww!!")

The Rolling Stones – Stray Cat Blues Lyrics 18 years ago
Great tune. It's so naughty..

Pixies – U-Mass Lyrics 18 years ago
No artsy kids? I guess you forgot about Hampshire College. I was born and raised 15 minutes from the campus, and my dad owned a business just a mile from Hamp College. He employed many Hamp College students over the years, and I never met ONE that wasn't some manifestation of a yippie, beatnik, stoner, free-thinker, artist, and/or self-proclaimed tree-hugger.

Anyone who says Amherst is a party town, is looking at it from the perspective of the uMass campus and surrounding area. But, I must agree- NoHo is definitely a prime place for the artist (and P.C. Police).

Pearl Jam – Glorified G Lyrics 18 years ago
I always interpreted the line "I can feel your heart in your neck" as being fear- That Vedder is speaking from the view of a gun-toting man who either holding somebody hostage, or toying with their terror by pointing the gun at them. When a person is utterly terrified for their life, it is an autonomic response for their pulse and heartbeat to be almost visible to the eye. Hence, the gunman could literally feel their heartbeat in their neck, possibly where his gun is pointed. Also, he has the power over his victim's mortality: he can "steal the heart from your neck".

Tori Amos – Tear In Your Hand Lyrics 18 years ago
I read Neil Gaiman's "Coraline" for a Children's Lit. course- a creepy, majestic, and truly great book, by the way. After doing some research on him, I found several references to his close friendship with Tori Amos. So "where's Neil when you need him?"

Anyway, this isn't my absolute favorite Amos song, but there is one particular part that floors me every time I hear it (the bridge). I turn that part up so loud when I play "Tear in Your Hand". I even know the exact time that it appears on the track, so I can fast-forward to the spot on my stereo.

"Maybe I ain't used to maybes smashing in a cold room..."

Elliott Smith – Somebody That I Used to Know Lyrics 18 years ago
This song reminds me of the folksy nursery rhymes that my parents would sing to me when I was little. Maybe it has to do with the way he plays up and down the scale on his vocals. Also, the way he uses minor chords.

Oh, I just thought of the children's song that this reminds me of. It goes: "A froggie went a'courting and he did ride, uh huh, uh huh..with a sword and a pistol by his side, uh huh" (Can't think of the name though). Random thoughts.

Elliott Smith – Everybody Cares, Everybody Understands Lyrics 18 years ago
I wish the ending would go on and on for days. Once the full sound kicks in, and Jon Brion Starts playing the chamberlain, it's such a powerful touch to the song. I always liked the way he sang "so here I lay dreaming, looking at the brilliant sun", coupled with the G-F-C-E-and (Bm?).

Elliott Smith – Cupid's Trick Lyrics 18 years ago
That's weird. When I first read this post, I thought "Where did Lost in Twilight come up with THOSE lyrics?" But now, eveytime I listen to Cupid's Trick, I imagine Smith saying "Sugar, lick me up...". That's probably not what he's saying, but I like the sexual suggestiveness of it, especially with Smith's soft, yet intense vocals. The first time I listened to this song, I had the speakers turned way up, since the beginning is barely above a whisper. Then, the song just crescendos into a full band sound for the chorus. It was surprising to hear what seemed like a different song blaring on my speakers. I was hooked from then on.

Elliott Smith – Alphabet Town Lyrics 18 years ago
You're right. He did seem to be fond of particular words or phrases. "Good to go" being one of them. I also heard "deaf, dumb, and done" on different tracks (Sweet Adeline and Tomorrow, Tomorrow- which appear next to one another on XO).

David Bowie – Andy Warhol Lyrics 18 years ago
Wow. I wonder if that really happened? I love hearing things like that. Hunky Dory is one of my favorite albums, and "Andy Warhol" is a great song. I would have been honored if I was Warhol. What a diva.

The White Stripes – I'm Finding It Harder To Be A Gentleman Lyrics 18 years ago
I love when he says "Every little girl needs help climbing up a tree". On one hand, the line seems so innocent and childlike. But, then I think of a mischeivous boy boosting a girl up a tree in order to sneak a peek at her "dainties" (then having to explain it to the girl that he shares his puppy love with- and doing so Eddie Hascal-style: "What did I do? Little girls need help up trees, and I was just being nice!") . haha

Nellie McKay – Baby Watch Your Back Lyrics 18 years ago
I get the stalker vibe from this tune. I've certainly witnessed the mildly creepy (but harmless) infatuation from girl friends who are obsessing over a guy who either doesn't realize it, or is no longer interested. Good song, though.

Pearl Jam – Crazy Mary Lyrics 18 years ago
I think the correct lyric for the "Terrible thoughts" line is "Bare bulb on (newspaper covered walls)".

Pearl Jam – Fatal Lyrics 18 years ago
I remember hearing that the original intentions were to name the song "Plato", about the philosopher. But Vedder kept chuckling at the idea of singing "The answers are Plato" (which reminded him of "Play-doh", the popular children's product). Fatal seemed to fit better, and was similar in sound and structure.

Pearl Jam – Fatal Lyrics 18 years ago
I remember hearing that the original intentions were to name the song "Plato", about the philosopher. But Vedder kept chuckling at the idea of singing "The answers are Plato" (which reminded him of "Play-doh", the popular children's product). Fatal seemed to fit better, and was similar in sound and structure.

Metric – Monster Hospital Lyrics 18 years ago
An interesting note to this song, is the mention of Bobby Fuller. His name makes sense in the song, since he was the man behind "I Fought the Law" (Well, he did the popular rendition with the Bobby Fuller Four). But there is much more to the story. He died a very peculiar death in the mid-1960s, which was reluctantly ruled a suicide.

He was found by his mother, keys in the ignition and a can of gasoline nearby. It was discovered that he had ingested approximately 1/3 of the can of gas. He also appeared to be doused in it. Friends and family had a difficult time believing that he willingly ended his life in such a strange way. First of all, he was on his way to the studios, and had been excited about some of the music he was working on. He had also gotten off the phone with a female friend just hours before, and had made plans to see her after the studio. And the car that he was in? He had JUST purchased it from a friend that same week. Many people believe that these actions are not characteristic of a suicidal person. He was far from burned out, according to his friends. Nor was he a "has-been".

Apparently, there was a lucrative insurance policy on his life, which raised some suspicions. If I can recall, his small record label (or management?) were benefactors to the claim. There were legends of mob involvement, as well. The fact that he was covered in gasoline, suggested that the perpetrators may have planned to set him on fire, but were spooked, and opted to leave the scene. Some of my facts may be foggy (it has been quite a few months since I read about the case). But there are a number of websites that explore Fuller's life and death, if anyone is interested.

Anyway, back to "Monster Hospital". Haines sings: "Daddy Warbucks up against Bobby Fuller/ And he beat him hands down/ lead in his head/ They put a little lead his head."

Could she be theorizing that the "lead in his head", was actually the leaded gas that may have been forced down Fuller's throat, causing his death? If so, who's "they"? The mysterious people that were set to gain from the death of this musician? Is "Daddy Warbucks" an alias for whoever may have planned or executed the murder of Bobby Fuller? Many perceive Daddy Warbucks to be a symbol of power, dominance, and opportunism- just a few of the vices that conspiracy theorists believe led to Bobby Fuller's murder.

Regardless, "Monster Hospital" is such an intense track. The Bobby Fuller story brings a certain a darker tone to the song, which adds to the mystique of Metric. I need to get more familiar with their music, because I only know of "Monster Hospital, and "Glass Ceiling". But I'm crazy about both of them, so I'm sure I'd like many more songs on "Live It Out".

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