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Grandaddy – Elevate Myself Lyrics 14 years ago
When Jason was touring through record shops because the band had broken up, I was able to speak with him briefly afterwards, and ask him what he wanted to do next. He told me that if he could have his way he would leave everything and live in the mountains, but he said that was just a dream and couldn't happen realistically. That confession gives new meaning to this song for me. Perhaps he is saying quite literally that he wants to be elevated out of the city life, out of the pollution, and into the mountains to live a simpler life free of his current life/worries. Who knows!

Jens Lekman – Shirin Lyrics 14 years ago
Hey is it just me or is that last refrain a total homage to The Beach Boys "Don't Worry Baby". Fitting I feel, as a underlying theme here seems to be reassurance. LOVE IT!

The Fire Theft – Sinatra Lyrics 17 years ago
I'm pretty sure it's Puget sound not "muted sound" considering Jeremy lives in and around Seattle where the Puget sound resides.

Grandaddy – Guide Down Denied Lyrics 17 years ago
It's so clever how it seriously sounds like he's saying "guy down tonight" and the lyrics even make it seem like that's more fitting. Genius you are GD!

Blonde Redhead – 23 Lyrics 17 years ago
They really do the my bloody valentine justice, and yeah they're jazzmasters, you couldn't tell?

Midlake – Chasing After Deer Lyrics 17 years ago
Wow.. the guitar tone in this song blows me away. And the lyrics, geez. It seems to me like it'd be about not getting upset about chasing after a love you can't have. Kinda a creepy analogy. You want to get closer to someone and they go into panic mode and even when you give up they don't know it, and the detatch themselves with anything that has to do with you. Falling off a cliff into the sea. Who knows?

Pedro the Lion – Second Best Lyrics 17 years ago
Second Best as sung by the cheating husband, is refering to his relationship with God, society, and all of mankind. The fact that he says he "needs a rest" is characteristic of someone who has spent so long being good, fitting in, and trying to do things the way they should be, and thinks it's time to rest from those cares, and not worry so much. It's sad but true how many of us resort to these kinds of thoughts when in such circumstances of being distant from God, society, and whatever else we were once close to. We think oh well... there's nothing wrong with where I am, I can live with it. INstead of trying to pull out. Wow.

Mew – The Seething Rain Weeps For You Lyrics 17 years ago
This is despite what you hear on the radio, the best song off of the album. All the other lyrics are strange, good but strange. These ones are simply amazing, and the music complimetns it perfectly. It may not have the hooks of Zookeepers Boy but it exceeds the craftmanship of all the rest. Whole album is fantastic but this gem realyl shines.

Teenage Fanclub – Guiding Star Lyrics 18 years ago
I had never thought about it but it's true. He did have a cool hair style.

Sonic Youth – Or Lyrics 18 years ago
wow wad of bills in the mouth? What a Waste hehe pardon the pun.

Guillemots – If The World Ends Lyrics 18 years ago
Is it just me or does the first verse and pretty much the whole song sound like "Fade Into You" by Mazzy Star? Still an amazing album. It'd be cool if when playing this live they transitioned into a real quick version of fade into you... it'd be sweet!

Sufjan Stevens – The Man of Metropolis Steals Our Hearts Lyrics 18 years ago
well considering the song title says "Metropolis" I think it's safe to assume he's talking about the man of steel Superman

Sufjan Stevens – The Man of Metropolis Steals Our Hearts Lyrics 18 years ago
I realize that Mr. Stevens is very rooted in Christianity, which is why I think that if you are going to compare Superman to someone in the Bible Christ works I guess but I think Moses actually works better. Think about it, Moses was put into a basket and left to be taken in by a random family. (Sufjan actually wasn't too far from this himself, he was found on a doorstep in a crate). Superman was put into a giant pod and sent to live on earth to be taken in by a random family. Moses after growing up and becoming an adult went to protect the people from oppression, and injustice. Superman after growing up and becoming a man did practically the same. So yes Sufjan has a religious tone in his music and that's great I love it. But I really think Superman is more of a parallel to Moses than Christ.

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