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Eve 6 – Inside Out Lyrics 18 years ago
Yea...I basically had this song dedicated to me by my ex.

*hee*...nice, no?

What's worse I that I still love this song, but can't listen to it without thinking of that bastard...^^;...

The Stills – Still in Love Song Lyrics 18 years ago
Sweet God, this song is amazing.

'nuff said.

*ah*...the me, it perfectly describes how I used to feel about my ex for a long time.

and you said you'd rather live in tv land
than say that you care
but you don't
that's heartless and i will not cry

*dies*....yea, he refused to admit to anyone that he cared anymore, and now he hangs out with this fat trashy-slut-girl we used to make fun of.....*hee* is fun like that, no?

The rest of the song, other than the bit about still being in love, applies...weirdly.


My Chemical Romance – Jack the Ripper (Morrissey cover) Lyrics 18 years ago
As much as I *love* MCR to tiny little pieces, I don't really like their cover of this song.
It's meant to be quiet-creepy, not loud-creepy and all...^^;...but, I still love 'em.
Colin Meloy (of The Decemberists) does an *awesome* job covering this, 'tho.

My Chemical Romance – Drowning Lessons Lyrics 18 years ago
For me, this song has *always* reminded me of my ex-boyfriend and all...from the very beginning of it to the end. Just the lyrics, the sound of it...*gah*'s weird. I love this song to tiny little bits...especially the lines "I never thought it'd be this way/Just you and me, we're here alone", etc...*gah*...*so* great.

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