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The Beatles – Free as a Bird Lyrics 13 years ago
I think when they say, "It's the next best thing to be," they mean that the next best thing to being completely and totally in LOVE with someone is to be completely and totally single. I know this may seem obvious, but I just figured it out! Being sort-of in a relationship with someone is torture. You're wondering how they feel, some days you don't know how you feel, and the whole thing is a sloppy mess that ends in an emotional blur. Usually it's because one person is more into the other, and the one who is doing all of the working and thinking and obsessing ends up really hurt. Sometimes people who don't know what they want have a tendency to keep their lover on a short leash, which is torture for that person who really should move on. So, to recap: The Beatles know that the best thing is LOVE-LOVE-LOVE, but the next best thing to that is being completely free of any attachment to a person who has the capability to break your heart and them stomp around on it without the slightest expectation or guilt.

Daphne Loves Derby – to struggle with light colors Lyrics 17 years ago
no wait. I change my mind: the girl is a free spirit who was bored by the guy. says so in the first verse, duh.

Daphne Loves Derby – to struggle with light colors Lyrics 17 years ago
girls need to be reassured constantly, at least in the beginning of a relationship, that the guy really cares for her. it seems like this guy didn't have the guts. so they broke up or are on the rocks. now, when it is probably too late, he thinks he's finally ready to tell her how he feels.

Dave Matthews Band – Some Devil Lyrics 17 years ago
The first time I heard Some Devil, I thought it was a romantic love song. Not a break-up song, not a love-lost song, not a greiving song. Here's why:

In the first verse, he could be ending a date with the girl he loves, begging for one more kiss, like lots of guys (and girls) do. When he says "always and forever is such a lonely time," I took that to mean that when you're in love and have to be apart, you feel extreme loneliness until you can be with them again. He feels drunk with love and still drinking because everyday he loves her more, so the buzz is never-ending, it only intensifies.

The only line that throws off my interpretation is "what we HAD was so beautiful." If I could figure out a way to twist that around, I would. Still it's a amazing song, full of raw emotion and honesty.

Jp Simpson – Untitled Lyrics 17 years ago
it's about the beginning pf a perfectly imperfect relationship. the guy is clealy fallin hard for the girl, inspite of her uncertainties about laying her heart on the line. i know exactly what he means "your indecisions make me smile" :) nice line.

Jp Simpson – Secret Lover Lyrics 17 years ago
i'll never let your head hit the bed without my hand behind it

similar lyrical style to john mayer :)

The Milkbox Photo – Lie'ing Alone Lyrics 18 years ago
Oh the lies that boys tell. And the girls who believe them. Maybe we know better, but here's to wishing dreams come true..

This Providence – Truth and Reconciliation Lyrics 18 years ago
He made mistakes. She can't forgive and forget. He's begging her to trust him again, but can you really blame her for not letting go of the past?

Damien Rice – Cannonball Lyrics 18 years ago
"you step a little closer to me
so close that I cant see what's going on.."

Sometimes when you love someone so much, you can't see the truth right in front of your face. If you could just take a step back and see the situation for what is really is, you might be able to walk away. But who actually does that? Who is ever rational in love? Who can see clearly through the rosy-colored glasses they wear in love? Who could ever back away from love when it meets them so close?

Cause I can't.

Teddy Geiger – For You I Will (Confidence) Lyrics 18 years ago
It's about liking someone from afar who wears blinders, who hasn't ever really seen you even though they've passed you in the hall (at school?) hundreds of times. He's saying he wants this girl to notice him, and that he will muster all of the confidence he has in order to finally tell her how he feels. Telling your crush how you feel is thrilling and scary, like a cannonball into the water. And he's right, you always want what you can't have, but he's going to try to get the girl anyway. I think most people can relate.

Michael Logen – Supposed to Be Beautiful Lyrics 18 years ago
According to Michael Logen himself...
"I wrote this song after watching a movie about the Holocaust called the Pianist...after which you come away just heart-sick and questioning everything...the brokenness of humanity and how anyone could ever get to that level of depravity are what fueled this song and it's pretty raw ...but I do believe there is hope as well...if I was going to be honest I had to put that in this song..there is hope"

Knowing his purpose for this song makes it even more special to me. It's aching, haunting, and beautiful. After I listen, I just sit there thinking for a minute; I can't even move. Michael Logen writes the most beautiful lyrics and melodies of anyone I have ever known. Listen for yourself :)

Visit to hear/download "Supposed to Be Beautiful."

Damien Rice – Don't Explain Lyrics 18 years ago
He and the woman he loves are getting back together, and he doesn't want her to explain what she's done. He knows she's been unfaithful, that even now she continutes to cheat, but he doesn't want to hear it or think about it. So he tells her to "hush now, don't explain". It doesn't matter that she has cheated on him, when they're together he is too in love to care.

This song makes me want to cry and smile at the same time. It reminds me of someone I've only known thru words and motionless pictures on a screen. I sometimes tell him not to explain everything he's thinking, because his words can be unnecessary. Actually, I think our words can often be distracting. So don't explain... except when it comes to interpreting song meanings, of course ;)

Gavin DeGraw – Crush Lyrics 18 years ago
Gavin captures the most accurate definition of a "crush" in this song, which is someone you are infatuated with but who doesn't return your feelings.

The essential factor of a crush is well-developed in the lines: "I just get better with time/And so do you." The crush is unattainable which adds to their allure and your desire of them. **We always want the person we think we can't have**

My last comment deals with the lines, "I went for the steal/Maybe it was rushed." To me, he's saying that he told/showed his crush that he cared for her, but she didn't react the way he would've liked. Instead of saying "oh well" and moving on, he attributes her negative response to the idea that maybe he just rushed into the "steal". I think a lot of us do the same. We won't admit that our crushes simply don't 'like us like that', instead we blame it on other factors, like Gavin does here with making his move too soon. I love it. So true to life!!

Gavin DeGraw – Overrated Lyrics 18 years ago
Over the summer, I made a new friend. We had so many things in common, a passion for music being one. We both loved Gavin Degraw, and he told me this was one of his favorite songs on the album. That day I learned how to play Overrated on acoustic and then showed him how. From then on, we started to think of each other differently. I can really relate to the lyrics, "You stopped me where I stood," because it's like I stopped dead in my tracks the night I realized how much I cared about this guy. And I often wondered what he and I would "be like" if we ever got serious. Compared to being with him, everything else in life seemed overrated to me. And that's what Gavin is singing about--how the person you are falling for makes everything else around you seem like an exaggeration.

Joey Richard – We Won’t Be Making Up Tonight Lyrics 18 years ago
It's about getting into a fight with the person you love, a fight that doesn't just break hearts but that kind that breaks "china plates" too. Clearly the couple wasn't just having a little spat. This was a major fight--one where you feel like you're right, and they feel like they're right, so neither one wants to give in. Despite all of this, I think the song offers some hope for the future. The last chorus lines, "If I keep thinking this way/ We won't be making up tonight," lead me to believe that the guy wants to work things out and makeup with the girl he loves. Just that wanting, that desire, makes me feel like there's a chance things will work out for the two. Love works both ways though; she's gotta want it too. Wow, I feel like I know the couple in this song, and I want to know what happens to them. Maybe there will be a sequel someday?

Eric Vinson – Only Thing Lyrics 18 years ago
EV is an indie wonderboy whose honest, soulful lyrics and melodies make me feel like I've reached acoustic/pop heaven on earth lol... if such a place did in fact exist. Here with "Only Thing," he combines several themes:
1. a couple who had some odds stacked against them from the start, but manage to stay together
2. being in a relationship where the only thing that matters is each other
3. being a self-proclaimed "nobody", and feeling very fortunate to be with the one you're with

This would be a great song to put on a mix cd for that special someone in your life. I can just imagine driving down an old two-lane highway, blasting this and singing at the top of my lungs with that someone special :)

Nirvana – In Bloom Lyrics 18 years ago
"Bruises on the fruit
Tender age in bloom"

When people are in their teenage and young adult years (i.e. 13-early 20s), they're said to be "in bloom", because it's during these "tender" years that we develop the most, physically and emotionally. It's when we create our ways and get stuck in them. And during these years, we are most susceptible to bruising, to being influenced by what surrounds us.

So, when fruit is in bloom it is ripe, tender, and easily bruised, like young people are. I like the way Cobain compares us to fruit. Who thinks of stuff like that?? It's a great analogy.

John Mayer – In Your Atmosphere Lyrics 18 years ago

First Verse
I don't think I'm gonna go to LA anymore
I don't think I'm gonna go to LA anymore
I don't know what it's like to land
And not race to your door
I don't think I'm gonna go to LA anymore

These lines mean what they say. When the place he was on used to land in LA, he would drive as fast as he could to this girl's place. Now that they've broken up, he doesn't know what it would be like to land and not race to her door. It's a beautiful, aching, and very relatable thought.

John Mayer – In Your Atmosphere Lyrics 18 years ago
My ex lived in a town about 20 minutes away from me. After we ended, I knew I couldn't go back there for a long time. I'd die if I saw him, and then again I'd die if I didn't see him there. That's what JM is talking about.

JM is known to improv lyrics at shows, so I could be "correcting" lyrics that are actually correct of a different version of the song. However, the lines that stand out to me the most are my favorite ones in the whole song:
"I dont think I'm gonna go to LA anymore
I get lost on the boulevard at night
Without your voice to tell me 'I love you, take a right.'
The ten and the two is a lonely sight."
Those lines mean that when he used to go to LA, he and the girl he loved would drive along the boulevard at night and since it wasn't his town, she would have to tell him when to turn right/left. The next part is my absolute favorite. He says that "the ten and the two is a lonely sight," which means that both of his hands are on the wheel now (@ 10 and 2) whereas when he and the girl were together, they were probably holding hands as he drove. I know exactly what he means. I think lol. That's what this songs mean to me, anyway :)

Herbie Hancock – Stitched Up (feat. John Mayer) Lyrics 18 years ago
He's talking about falling for a girl that he sees from across the room, but knowing that a girl so beautiful will only cause him drama/heartache in the end, and he doesn't want to be stitched up. Her beauty will draw attention from other guys, which would make him jealous and possibly make her cheat. He doesn't want to spend his whole life looking over his should (behind his back) to see if other guys are coming onto her/if she's being unfaithful. One of my guy friends told me once that he would rather date "average-looking" girls rather than the most beautiful girls, because he wouldn't feel so threatened by her cheating on him or by guys wanting to take her away from him.

Also, the chorus makes me think that he himself doesn't want to be trapped in by a relationship with a gorgeous girl, which is a common fear many people have when it comes to relational commitments. Whether she's gorgeous or just average, he isn't ready to be in a relationship that strings him out or locks him down.

Favorite lyric: "I mean girls like that don't sleep alone."
That line makes me tingly EVERY time I hear it. Self-explanatory.

This song contrasts with Another Kind of Green, where he sings about being content with the one you're with. Check it out too.

My Epiphany – Body Talk Lyrics 18 years ago
The lyricist, lead-singer John, is clearly inspired. Everyday artists can't come up with lines like:

"she explains to me her whole story
how she was stuck in the desert by the hands of forty theives and then released because even theives believe
that if you find love you gotta set it free"

When asked about the meaning of those lines, John was passionate about responding, "she was so loving that she tamed the wildness out of murderers [...] she is so full of real love, it was impossible for the evil of those men to put their hatred and confusion on her."

The lyrics leap out from this page, but you should hear it to really feel it. Body Talk is just one of the amazing songs on the Mirabilia album. Go pick up a copy today, you won't be able to get these songs out of your head easily, but then again you won't want to.

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