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The Killers – Read My Mind Lyrics 17 years ago
lol funny that those are the lyrics I typed out on TKC and the spelling error was left in there! Seriously amused (not pissed though, I knew my lyrics would be reposted if I posted them)
I misspelled "trapeze" (it's not trapeize)

I actually wrote about this relating it to the story Paul's Case for English but found out I couldn't use the paragraph in my assignment, so I'll post my meaning/interpretation here. (remember it's not for people who know a lot about the Killers and I really played it up, etc.)

The song "Read My Mind" by The Killers relates to Paul's desire for escape. The songwriter, Brandon Flowers, wrote this song as a semi-autobiography. In real life, Flowers moved to Utah when he was young from Las Vegas, but always wanted to return to his birthplace. In the song he sings, "I never really gave up on breakin' outta this two-star town, I got the green light, I got a little fight, I'm gonna turn this thing around" which is clearly saying that he's got the ability (the green light) and he's got the drive (a little fight) to escape from his small town. Flowers mentions "A broken wrist and a big trapeze" which shows that taking a risk can possibly be dangerous. No matter what kind of changes we go through, even if they're for the better, can have negative effects. The trapeze is an allusion back to Las Vegas and also an exaggeration of the risk he had to take to get out of his old life. When Flowers gets to Vegas, he sees that there's something unexpected, "a city wall and a trampoline". The city wall symbolizes a barrier, most likely the one he faced from living most of his life in a small town and the shock of moving back to a big city. The trampoline is not only an allusion to Las Vegas but also as a way to help him over the wall.

Hahha. Yeah. I dunno. Just a partial analysis/random bullshit since I was stuck on what to write.

Kaiser Chiefs – Time Honoured Tradition Lyrics 18 years ago
It's about food, durrh. Seriously... if you read it, listen to it, it all leads back to lunch. "to get enough nutrition" And also the sfx at the beginning, with the clanging of pots. It's about if you don't eat you'll die. And the rules are... you must eat! I think I can relate everything to lunchtime though.

Metric – Poster of a Girl Lyrics 18 years ago
Wow I didn't know you were supposed to die with the Doppelganger theory.
I like this song. The radio edit cuts out the French bit and the video edit puts the French at the beginning. I love how she just goes "coming in your pants" randomly in the middle of all the French.

To me, the song is about a girl who goes out to find a guy to take home, but none of them are right, they're too young/virgin, etc. and she wants to satisfy herself and doesn't care about anyone else.

Death Cab for Cutie – I Will Follow You Into the Dark Lyrics 18 years ago
I was crying (again) today when I was listening to this song. To me it's about a guy and a girl, and she's dying and he's saying he loves her to no end and they'll be together forever even when she's gone... I see the whole Rom & Jul thing where he kills himself but it's not that kind of song.
Although, if I went to Calgary, I'd probably kill myself. (joke... city rivalry)

Hot Hot Heat – You Owe Me An I.O.U. Lyrics 18 years ago
I love the wordplay in this song. "He was in the habit of taking things for granted, granted there wasn't much for him to take, the only thing constant was the constant reminder he'd never change"

Louis XIV – Paper Doll Lyrics 18 years ago
I love this song. I feel paranoid that people can hear it when I have headphones on though.
I like to write the lyrics of this song on my friend's chemistry notes because it pisses her off. "Pull your skirt up/a little bit..."

I think it's about a guy who wants sex and a girl who wants a relationship because she's been burned...then at the end she changed her mind.

Most memorable lyric ever: "Politics are so much better when there's sex."

Louis XIV – Louis XIV Lyrics 18 years ago
I think it's partially a historical allusion... King Louis XIV was known for being vain and self centered. ("L'etat, c'est moi" was his catchphrase... that means "I am the state")

I do love this song though. It's so awesome.

The White Stripes – Passive Manipulation Lyrics 18 years ago
I'm just wondering, do you guys find this song REALLY invasive? My friends and I all have issues with the song. Like I'll get it stuck in my head A LOT. And it's so annoying stuck in there. And if I have a song stuck in my head I'll think "At least it's not Passive Manipulation" and then Passive Manipulation will come into my head. And I can see the meaning in the lyrics but I think there's more to it than that, like subliminally or something. It's too ... simple and weird to be just what it is. There's something weird about it...

Hot Hot Heat – Running Out Of Time Lyrics 18 years ago
I love this song. I can't believe no one has commented! I think it's just stories of different people. I love the line "cotton candy for the eyes but cotton balls for the brains". I like to think of myself as the "drop-dead gorgeous art-history drop-out", minus the art-history drop-out (until I actually do). LOL.

The Killers – Change Your Mind Lyrics 18 years ago
This song is only on the North American version of Hot Fuss, but it is available as a b-side elsewhere. Listening to the acoustic version, Brandon annunciates the words a bit better. It is indeed "Racy days", and it goes
"Why aren't you shaken?
Sent back and signed
Graciously taken
Oh you're too kind"

I think it's simply about a guy who wants er... something ... from a girl, and she doesn't want to, and he's trying to persuade her to let him do whatever it is he wants to do. But the something could just be an "I love you" but I'm thinking it's something a bit more physical, as it "starts to show".

But I'm sure we can all agree with Rizo (

The Killers – The Ballad of Michael Valentine Lyrics 18 years ago
Michael Valentine is a real person; he's a friend of Ronnie's (I think) and he's a professional gambler in Vegas, and he opened for The Killers on a few shows, and he did (I'm not sure if he still does) have some sort of job with the band, I can't remember what he did/does though. I think this song is kind of telling the story of Michael Valentine... his travels. The "narrator" in the song (Brandon) may be a best friend or might have a crush on Michael or something, it's hard to tell, but it's plausable, especially from what Zythe said.

The Killers – Who Let You Go? Lyrics 18 years ago
Who Let You Go is an iTunes exclusive, but you can also find it on the b-side to the Australian Mr Brightside single. I think this song is basically about a guy wondering why someone dumped the girl he's with now? Like, "how could he do such a thing, she's perfect". But he doesn't want to ruin the relationship by going too fast ("let's take it slow").

The Killers – Desperate Lyrics 18 years ago
I love this song. It is indeed a demo, and there is no "legal" way to obtain it, per se, but since it's not released through a label anywhere, it's not against the law (I don't think).
I think brandonflowers413 pretty much summed up the lyrics... I was a bit curious myself, I couldn't put the meaning into words, but now I get it! LOL

The Killers – All the Pretty Faces Lyrics 18 years ago
I've been thinking about this song... I think it's about a guy who can't make up his mind about breaking up with his girlfriend. He has moodswings, I guess. At first he doesn't feel like touching/fucking her no more, but then he'd do anything to be her man. I think she wants to keep the relationship a secret and that's why he feels that way. Or he kills her, because she shakes and bleeds while he sings her song... and then the prison idea fits. Mm, I can't wait for the new album, but I guess it's not coming out until mid-2006 now. Le sigh.

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