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The Smashing Pumpkins – Try, Try, Try (Machina II version) Lyrics 18 years ago
I kind of view this as the 2nd half of the first try try try. If you've seen the video, their in a hospital or something, and for some reason the high pitched instrument (is it maybe accordion?) reminds me of a heartbeat monitor (maybe I'm crazy though) so I think of maybe the guy in the video just deciding to try to honestly fix things. IDK, but it still brings me to that when I hear this song. This is brilliant though, kinda rings back to the almost hippie feel the pumpkins had early in their career. This song is awesome.

The Smashing Pumpkins – Speed Kills Lyrics 18 years ago
It could easily be about billy, but I still think it's along the lines of vanity, it seems to me that Billy wrote about a lot of old ideas on this cd and that he wrapped up loose ends sort of. I don't know the story of Glass, because they broke up before I never came back to listen to them before they broke up. I got into them when I was very young and rediscovered some CD's at my father's house. Anyway, I'd love to read the story if anyone can point me in the right direction.

The Smashing Pumpkins – Speed Kills Lyrics 18 years ago
It could easily be about billy, but I still think it's along the lines of vanity, it seems to me that Billy wrote about a lot of old ideas on this cd and that he wrapped up loose ends sort of. I don't know the story of Glass, because they broke up before I never came back to listen to them before they broke up. I got into them when I was very young and rediscovered some CD's at my father's house. Anyway, I'd love to read the story if anyone can point me in the right direction.

The Smashing Pumpkins – Vanity Lyrics 18 years ago
If you read postings on Billy Corgan's site, technically you would be correct. The name of the woman is not mentioned, but I believe this to be about Billy having a girl he knew come live with him when he learned she had become homeless. The relationship lasted little more than 6 weeks.
eleanor, you've lost me
in a haze of wine and cocaine
gone out and cost me
everything i blame
broadcast in tv detail
to call their own stories
as i try to recapture
our best in former glories

vanity cries, why?

He mentioned that she often got drunk and watched tv and she cried a lot. He felt sorry for her but could do little. He refferred to her as a ghost also. I think you guys nailed it dead on.

The Smashing Pumpkins – 17 Lyrics 18 years ago
I really like the idea of instead if suicide every 17 seconds, do something possitive, awesome. But I am in a hurry so that's all I can say.

The Smashing Pumpkins – Rain Drops + Sun Showers Lyrics 18 years ago
i send my echo out
to get your love without
obscures reflections of
my love

i send my echo out
to get your love without
obscure reflections of
of my secret love
force down the wings of god
to get your love without
obscure reflections of my love

that's what it should be as best as I can tell, and I think that the last little bit is sort of saying that he's trying to do the impossible to save their love.

The Smashing Pumpkins – Rain Drops + Sun Showers Lyrics 18 years ago
These lyrics are all wrong.! Look in the Machina booklet, I've not got it with me now, but these should be fixed. It really is a beautiful song though. I think essentially what is being said is the meaning. It's about having problems in a relationship and just wanting it to be normal. The line "rain falls on everyone, the same old rain" is sort of Billy saying that everyone has problems so why does it get in the way of the two people's love? IDK I could be way off, but it's kind of what I think.

30 Seconds to Mars – The Fantasy Lyrics 18 years ago
Unfortunately klefmix, we have a large atheist concentration here and all they think music is ever about is how there is no God. I don't care if you think it's Buddha, Allah, Jesus or if you're a pagan or w/e so long as you don't think there is no God or that you are him. At any rate, I think this is sort of an attack on the media and all of these ideas of how we as people are supposed to act and behave. There's all these people out there who would die just to be accepted when really it's all a fantasy and it's not truly the person that they want to be. That's what I think, but I really like the idea of forgetting your troubles in dreams too. It seems to heavy for a meaning like that though. But, songs are whatever they mean to you, so technically Kitsune is right in his own way. Tis a shame not enough people comment on this band though :( Oh well.

A Perfect Circle – 3 Libras Lyrics 18 years ago
Well, I just skipped to the last page, and I'm sure someone else said this, but if you listen to the commentary on aMotion, you can hear about a few songs. I need to actually listen to all of it. My father has that though, and is reluctant to part with it. This I believe was originally 9 Libras, but Maynard changed it to 3 to further purplex the people it is about. I believe he said it was about people who neither contributed to him or tried to alter him, but instead did him only harm. To sum it up simply, think of it as perhaps having a friend who is so screwed up that it ruins you too. It is a situation in which you have to actually abandon empathy instead of embrace it if you wish to save yourself. Sadly, you are forced to be selfish and cruel, and I believe that the last part of the song is really the abandoned person crying out, almost in self pity. IDK though, I'm tired and probably full of it. At any rate, later.

A Perfect Circle – Judith Lyrics 18 years ago
Well, I've always believed that APC and Tool songs have at least two meanings. I'll probably get mocked, but I think this is about an obsessive relationship in which someone becomes a god in the eyes of the person that loves them. Me and some friends theorized that Mer de Noms was actually a theme CD like 13th step and that it was about all different kinds of unhealthy love/relationships. Consider Thinking of You, in which the love is lust and entirelly one sided or Rose in which the speaker compromises himself until he can stand it no more and rises up against his oppresive partner. This is how I choose to view this song. I almost wonder if Maynard chose these lyrics to intentionally frustrate people. He seems to be lieing in most interviews. Everyone else who talks about him, seems to suggest a very ambiguous nature, and while I'm new to Tool, I've loved APC since I was little. I'm 16, IDK when they released Mer de Noms. Anywhos, this is what I thought, so like it or dislike it. It's not really about what a majority or a minority thinks, just post your oppinion. My two cents. Later peoples

Staind – Price To Play Lyrics 18 years ago
Actually, I feel like this is sort of about love. People have said, "all's fair in love and war" and sometimes Aaron seems to both in love with and tortured by his wife at times. This may just be because I'm possibly going to break up with my g/f and I worry that she's cheating on me. Life's a b*tch no? Well, I could be wrong and I hope I am. But I see both the corruption of society and the struggle between lovers in this song. I agree with the society concept, but some people are in love only for themselves and what they want. Many a woman has used me to make herself look good, and damn if I haven't learned to see through it. So, I think that this is about using love for your own gains too. Thats my take.

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